Chapter❶❹¿ n

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Don't trust anyone.





w- what..?

"Ranboo!! wake up!"


he opened his eyes, trying to see his surroundings but the pain didn't let him "Wilbur..?" he could only see a silhouette infront of him, it was blurry but he could figure out a beanie and brown hair.

"Thank god you're awake! let's get out of here" he felt how the other was trying to help him stand up but he couldn't, his legs were too weak for that, he could hear yelling around him but he couldn't focus.

"What's happening..?"

"I'll explain later, we have to leav- AHH-!" somebody pushed him, falling to the ground by the taller "it's dangerous here!" when his vision adjusted to his surroundings he wished he didn't see what was happening, he saw multiple people fighting, he tried to figure out who was in there, Tubbo.. a green haired dude.. a blonde?.. more people he didn't know.. pink.. wait- pink!

"Where is Techno??" he panicked, was he still in the fight?

"Ranboo i'm going to need you to stand up i can't carry you!" he figured out the yelling was coming from the crowd surrounding them, some people got in to stop the fight but ended up being punched in the face or they just backed away again.

"i.. i'll try" he felt how people started looking at him as he was trying to stand up, failing, the floor welcoming his body once again "i'm sorry Wilbur i c- can't.." he started coughing, covering his mouth, when he finished he looked at his hand, seeing that he coughed blood, a bit of the red liquid running down his lips.

"don't worry Ranboo i'll get you out of here!"

"WATCH OUT!!" he hugged the other when he saw someone was about to fall on top of him, trying to be like a shield to the other, waiting for the impact.


where's the impact-?

He slightly opened his eyes looking around and seeing a green hoodie infront of him "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!??" he heard the person yell, immediately recognizing the voice.


"Let me help you" he said while moving Wilbur so he could reach for Ranboo "We have to get him out of here, now." he yelled, taking Ranboo's arm and letting him lean on his shoulder for support, Is Dream helping me-?. He couldn't stay awake anymore, feeling his other arm being lifted too but he gave up. His eyes couldn't open anymore.


"ugh.." he slowly opened his eyes, trying to adjust to the lighting of the room, everything was white, his whole body hurt and not daring to even move, or that was until he heard another voice.

"Ranboo?" he looked in the direction of the voice, coming back to reality and trying to move "don't move, it's okay, you'll get hurt so try to rest more"


"i know it hurts but you got to stay there"


"i'm sorry i wasn't there to protect you, i broke our promise, and i'm sorry you got to go through that, it was my fault you got involved, Tubbo sent Sam and-"

"please just stop, i don't want to hear about them right now.." he said weakly "where are we?"

"in the hospital"

"what-?" he somehow managed to sit up.

"Yeah but don't worry it's not THAT bad-" he got dragged by his arm, the other pulling him into a weak hug since he didn't have much strength left.

"i- i'm sorry that i'm so.. so weak t- that I couldn't even defend myself.. i even ended up in the hospital for god's sake-" he laughed a bit, the other wasn't returning the hug "I understand if i bring many problems to you and you don't want to be my friend anymore but-"

He stopped talking when he tried to pull away but the pinkette wrapped his arms around him tightly, it hurt him a bit but he didn't care anymore "i-"

"stop talking you nerd" he said trying to sound normal but his voice was shaky, he didn't want to cry infront of him, trying to hold his tears.

(i feel the need to repeat that, THIS IS NOT. A FUCKING. SHIP. WE ALL LOVE PLATONIC SHIT RIGHT??)

"heh sorry.." they stayed like that for a bit, the pinkette being more careful remembering the other was injured "can you move a bit-? you're stabbing me with your elbow" he laughed, the other immediately pulling away to not hurt him "noo don't go away- this is a special moment, can i hug you again-?"

"You idiot.." he sat on the bed, crawling closer to the other and sitting in between his legs so the taller could play with his hair too "this is the first and last time i'm doing something like this ok?" the other just nodded and hugged him from the back, seeing that the pinkette's arms were covered in bandages and had a bit of blood, probably dry.

"You got to stop getting in fights for me"

"It was worth it"


"Dream!" he ran to the blonde when he saw him "there you ar-" he got closer but stopped when he saw a certain brunette by Dream's side.

"Do you need anything baby?"

"i.. it's nothing! just wondering if we could talk later.." he felt Tubbo's eyes on him while Dream was acting like his everyday self "in private..-"

"i was already leaving anyways" his voice sounded a bit raspy but at the same time really quiet and soft. He walked by Wilbur, slightly pushing him with his shoulder, his expression looked blank, not showing any emotion, a bandaid on his cheek.


"i.. i wanted to thank you for what you did yesterday in the fight, you should've stayed away it was dangerous"

"it was also dangerous for you, I couldn't just stand still seeing how everybody was getting beaten up, even if it was my brother, I couldn't let it pass"

"wait- Tubbo is..?"

"mhm, i've said it before but looks like you didn't pay attention to that part"

"oh.." he looked around, the hall was surprisingly empty.

"We also got suspended, Tubbo shouldn't be here but he came anyways because he needed something from me, the rest are in their houses"

"did they really just get suspended? it was something very bad, Ranboo literally ended up in the hospital! he got bullied in front of everyone and he's the most injured..!"

"Wait.. you didn't hear about Tommy-?"

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