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"Ugh- fuck" he mumbled under his breath with a sigh, putting his fingers back on the strings before clearing his throat again, but he couldn't do it, a frustrated grunt escaping his throat before putting the guitar back on the bench, giving up with a frown. He had been practicing since he left Dream to go back to his club, it had been 2 hours of trying to focus on the notes but he felt like something was missing, maybe it was the fact that he was completely alone in a desolated zone of the campus, well, probably that, actually.

Something was off to his ears, something was wrong, but he checked and everything seemed to be fine, it wasn't the guitar what was wrong. He just wasn't used to practicing out in the open, without the four walls of his room hiding him from the world, without a cover to hide, a shield for his insecurities, a roof for his heart, every musician has their own happy place, in fact, everyone has it, he wasn't pleased with his new discovery of not being able to play in situations like this, fuck this wasn't even a situation, he was just sitting at a bench trying to play his guitar!

"I heard a stressed ball of anxiety was sitting around here" He flinched at the sudden voice, immediately recognizing it and relaxing his shoulders again.

"New pet name just dropped huh? Ball of anxiety, jeez how do I even stand you" Wilbur joked with a small smile on his face as Dream sat by his side on the bench, turning his attention back to his guitar for a brief second before looking at the blonde "wait- weren't you at your club-?"

"It's been 2 hours love, practice is over" Dream teased, leaning his head on Wilbur's shoulder who let out another heavy sigh.

"Well, that means I've been struggling with a simple song for two hours now" He joked with slight disappointment in his voice.

"I'm pretty sure you'll do great in the festival, I mean, you're good doing your music thingy, and if something goes wrong I'll be there for it" The blonde muttered, taking Wilbur's hand in his a stroking it gently with his fingers "Take a small break, it feels like your hand is going to start bleeding here" he tapped his fingertips against the brunette's, being gentle to not hurt him further.

"You're being.. overly clingy, you alright?" Wilbur commented with a chuckle "also get away from me, you just came back from practicing you're all sweaty and gross" He teased, knowing that the blonde cared a lot about his image, he didn't even smell but Wilbur liked to annoy him this way.

"I'll just take a shower at your house.." It became apparent that Dream was exhausted, now realizing how sleepy he sounded.

"Yeah right, my house is yours now"

"Your dad likes me, so I would say that yes your house is mine now that I have to keep a distance from my fucking brother, all because your stupid boo friend thinks he can hANDLE THIN- OUCH!" He whined when Wilbur gave him a light smack on the back of his head.

"He's in good hands, stop ranting" Wilbur said faking annoyance, taking his guitar again and standing up from his seat "time to go, sleeping beauty" he teased, getting another whine from Dream.

"I liked more the old Wilbuuur, now you're all sassy and shit- OKAY I'LL SHUT UP I'M SORRY-" he covered his face with his hands when Wilbur raised his guitar in the air, who looked satisfied with his reaction before holding out a hand for him to take.


"What..? S- so what will we do then-?"

"I'll let you figure it out, you know how much a dislike Tubbo, i'm just checking if he hasn't killed you yet" Techno muttered on the phone, a heavy sigh leaving his chest.

"N- no it's fine! I.. I'll call you later" Ranboo's voice said through the phone "Thank you for telling me too"

"It's nothing, just.. be careful" he was worried, the taller had such a big heart he wanted to help everyone, but sometimes he wouldn't realize how dangerous it could be, he would let Ranboo freely do as he wanted, but it doesn't mean he wasn't on the verge of punching something all the time in worry.

"I will! Have a good night Techno" The call ended.

Ranboo shakily sighed, looking down at the brunette who was curled up in a ball on his side at the bean bag they were both sitting at, the shorter having cried a lot Ranboo didn't have the heart to wake him up so they could go to their homes. He noticed Tubbo avoiding going back to his house, so he just let him be, they went in one of the rooms of the backstage, found some bean bags and the brunette seemed eager to spend the night there, even trying to get Ranboo out saying that he would go with him after a while, which was obviously a lie to stay the night there.
Ranboo's mom wouldn't notice him gone, and even if she did she wouldn't worry that much knowing her son was a quiet and calm person, so she trusted him with that.

He decided to stay with Tubbo, not wanting to leave him alone in such a place like this. Even after all that happened, he still wanted to help the shorter, after what he saw he seemed to be the only one that actually cared about him actively attempting to kill himself, which was kinda understandable, everyone hated him, but he couldn't help but see himself in the broken boy he's been trying to put back together.
He knows how it feels, and even if Tubbo was a bad person.. he had to at least TRY to help him. He would never forgive himself if something happened to the short brunette and he was the only one who could've prevented that.

He hesitantly put one of his arms up around Tubbo's shoulders, relieved since it was getting squeezed between them and it would hurt if he stayed like that, but he also wanted to reassure him (maybe he's trying to reassure himself) that the other was there and didn't go away, didn't vanish into a pool of tears and regret, that they were both fine and alive. At least he knew he was by his side.


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