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Blaine and Marina strolled into Dalton academy, one of the two looking around in wonder. Blaine had moved her out of the way at least three times when she'd stopped, staring at something that she thought looked cool.

"You're a nerd, Mari." Blaine laughed, making the girl frown.

"Don't tell the others or I'll get rid of all your raspberry scented hair gel and replace it with orange instead." Blaine looked terrified at the idea of no raspberry hair gel, or maybe it was the orange.

"Wait... how did you know it was raspberry?" Blaine asked, a hand reaching up to touch his gelled hair.

"I can always smell it." She shrugged, moving out of the way for a student to rush past. Blaine grinned, before starting to guide the girl to Senior Commons. Blaine was walking with his hands in his pockets, gently humming to himself as they walked. Marina was still looking around but managed not to bump into anyone.

Marina stopped looking around once they were near Senior Commons, a small smile forming on her face when she heard the Warblers singing.

The pair walked to the doorway, leaning on the sides of the doorframe. Blaine with his hand in his pockets, Marina with her arms crossed. The main boys that were singing had their backs facing the pair, and nobody and noticed them until a boy began to make his way to them as he sang. He pulled Blaine by the arm into the song, the boy immediately knowing the dance. The boy had smiled and gave Marina a wink as he passed.

At one point, the leading boy smiled at her as he sang, moving towards her and getting the rest of the Warblers to follow. Marina edged back into the now empty corridor, the boys lining up against the wall as she walked backwards in time with the song as he sang to her. When Marina got a certain distance down the corridor the boy who dragged Blaine into the song came from behind her, singing as he walked around the girl. She turned as the two boys circled her, taking a step forward.

Another boy appeared in front of her, joining in on the singing as he showed her his muscles. Marina pushed his arms down with a roll of the eyes, not really bothered when all the boys came closer to her, all singing. She just pushed them forward, moving them all closer to Senior Commons as two of the three boys sang to her.

Marina managed to get them all inside Senior Commons, staying leaned up against the doorframe as she watched them finish singing Uptown Girl by Billy Joel (the Warbler version was much better). Everyone clapped and cheered as they finished, Blaine moving forward to give the lead singer a hug of greeting.

"You guys killed it, as always!" Blaine exclaimed as Marina slowly clapped, walking forward into the room.

"We'd sound so much better with you back in the mix. Is this your triumphant return to Dalton? Please?" A boy asked Blaine, sounding hopeful. Blaine reached over and grabbed Marina, making the girl stand next to him.

"Actually, I'm here to invite you guys to my opening night at McKinley. This is Marina, the fashion designer." Blaine elbowed Marina harshly, whispering for her to be nice.

"Bloody hell, Anderson! Elbow me again and I'll skin you alive!" Marina growled, rubbing her side as the Warblers stare at her, agape. Marina then put on a sweetly sick smile, looking at the boys. "I'm Marina Fowler. British, seventeen, legal British adult that shouldn't be going to McKinley."

"I'm Nick." The main boy who was singing told her, "What musical is it?" Nick had dark hair that was swept to the side and chocolate brown eyes filled with musical interest. He, alike everyone else wore the classic Dalton uniform.

"West Side Story. I reserved a whole block of tickets just for the Warblers. It would mean the world to me if you guys could come." Blaine pulled out the tickets, handing them to the Warbler boy beside him.

"We'll be there. Once a Warbler, always a Warbler, right?" Said one of the other boys who sang to her. That boy had bright green eyes and brown hair that was obviously gelled up- it looked a hell of a lot natural than Blaine's.

Suddenly, there was a clearing of the throat from the entrance, making everyone turn to the figure with widened eyes. "And what is going on here?" There was a man, fairly old, a glare on his face. He wore a fancy navy blue suit, a gray moustache and beard on his face. When his eyes landed on Blaine, he smiled. When his eyes fell on Marina, both his eyes and his smile widened.

"Marina!" He laughed, beckoning the girl over, "It's been so long!" He pulled her into a hug, surprising and confusing all of the Warblers.

"Uncle Dalton! God, I missed you. Life in England was boring!" Marina groaned, falling into his embrace.

"Uncle!?" Blaine yelled; jaw dropped. Marina laughed, nodding. "So, the entire ride here you acted as if you'd never heard of Dalton, or the Warblers, but your uncle is the Headmaster?" He questioned, gaining another nod from the girl.

"Sneaky Marina." Edward Dalton grinned, looking down at the girl before looking up at Blaine. "Anderson," He began, before pointing at some of the Warblers, "Duval, Hardwood, Nixon, Sterling, Smythe. You five can go and watch West Side Story." He decided, as Blaine only held five tickets.

"Where are you staying?" Edward asked Marina.

"Uncle Bobby." She grinned, but her smile fell when she got a look from her uncle.

"No, you're not. Dorm 34a is yours." 

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