t w e n t y - t w o

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Mercedes and Tina had forced both Marina and Arabella to join them for a Glee-girl-gossip session at lunchtime, both girls actually wanting to know the gossip. "Mercedes, what's the deal with you and Sam? You've been stealing glances in the choir room, and you still haven't told us what happened over summer vacation." Tina said to Mercedes.

As Mercedes began to speak, Tina, Rachel, Brittany, Marina, Arabella, Sugar, Quinn, and Santana all sat on and around the table, looking at Mercedes in interest. "Okay, okay, okay, okay. It's true. Sam and I spent a lot of time together at the lake. And... we had a fling." As she spoke, the girls murmured, giggled, and elbowed each other.

As Mercedes began to sing, she only hoped that Sam and the boys were singing too- it would mean Sam and Mercedes were basically bonded for life. Kurt joined the girls mid-song, making Marina laugh as she sang beside Arabella, the pair sitting on the table.

When the bell rang and the girls had all arrived in the choir room, Mr. Schue ran in happily. "Finn, give me a drum roll!" Finn did as told as Mr. Schuester wrote two words on the board, the group reading it out in excitement until it was finished, reading 'Marry me?'.

"Yes, I am proposing to Ms. Pillsbury." He paused as everyone cheered and screamed in happiness. "This is the kind of news that you share with your family, and you guys are my family."

"Mr. Shue, we're so happy for you." Finn said happily.

"We totally don't think you'll screw it up this time." Quinn laughed as Marina hastily whispered to Arabella what Rachel had told her about Mr. Schue's ex-wife Terri.

"It's got to be perfect. I'm sitting down with Emma's parents to ask for permission, and then this proposal needs to knock her well-washed socks off. And that's where you guys come in, okay? So, the assignment for the week is to come up with a proposal number. And you know Ms. Pillsbury... it's got to be perfect." Mr. Schuester explained.

"Well, you can count on us, Mr. Shue." Artie grinned as the bell rang.

Marina had no ideas for proposal numbers, neither did Arabella as the pair walked through the school, racking their brains for any ideas. "Ask the boys." Arabella shrugged, hoping they could have some idea.



Schuester wants to marry Emma, and he wants to propose by song. Any ideas?


Please, just choose a wedding/love/marriage related song.


Naturally, Jeff, my music choices aren't that bad.


To be fair, your music choices can be bad.


That was one time.




What Trent said, but three times.


I actually have a song choice, Reenie.

Marina was happy when Sebastian finally suggested a song for Marina to sing for Mr. Schue's assignment. However, instead of singing anything Rachel had grabbed her, Arabella, and the rest of the Glee girls and went to Mr. Schue's office, Rachel telling them she was going to interview him.

"Right this way, please." Rachel ordered, sitting Mr. Schuester down in his chair.

"In order for us to help you propose to Ms. Pillsbury, we're going to need some salient information first." Tina grinned.

"Okay. Come on, ladies. It's not like this is the first time I've ever proposed." The man laughed, only getting blank looks from the girls.

"Oh, yeah? How did that marriage work out for you?" Marina raised a knowing eyebrow, getting a smirk from Santana.

"I mean, what was your big move then? A Jumbotron that said 'Hey, Terri, I Want to Make a Fake Baby with You'?" Santana finished Marina's quip, still smirking.

"Let's start from the beginning with you and Ms. P. What'd you think the first time you met her?" Mercedes asked as Mr. Schue zoned off, a goofy smile on his face.

"I'll never forget how I felt the first time I saw her." He said softly.

The girls exchanged smiles as Rachel spoke to the man. "I think we've got this one covered."

When the five girls sang, Marina sat next to Mr. Schue as she had told them she was going to do a solo and that she had already found her song. The girls all had tears in their eyes as they sang, all with a person in mind. Marina had a happy smile on her face, hoping Mr. Schue would like their performance. When they finished, both Mr. Schue and Marina clapped before the latter stopped in surprise when Mercedes basically stormed off of the stage.

The five girls went and found Mercedes crying quietly to herself in the bathroom. "Hey, what's wrong?" Tina asked softly.

"That song was so... It was so beautiful and moving. The first person I thought of wasn't Shane. It was Sam. I don't know. I... I thought it was in the past." Marina hadn't met Shane but knew that Mercedes and Sam seemed like they were meant to be.

Rachel looked to Mercedes. "Yeah, I think you just need to take it slow, okay? And listen to your heart. Maybe the spark with Sam is still there."

Everyone had been called to the choir room as they had to talk to Artie about what he was doing with Becky. "Hey, Artie, we wanted to talk to you about something." Finn began.

"We think you need a Becky-vention." Tina stated, as Artie looked at them in confusion.

"You were spotted having dinner with her at Breadstix." Quinn told him, only furthering his confusion.

"So?" Artie voiced his confusion.

"So, it's a little weird." Santana immediately responded.

"Seriously, dude, what's your angle?" Puck asked.

"I don't have an angle. She asked if I wanted to go to Breadstix, and I said, 'yes.'"

Rachel stood. "Look, we think it's great that you're being so, so nice to Becky. But we just..."

"I don't. I know that girl. That girl's a sly, conniving bitch." Santana shrugged.

"We just... We think you should be careful." Mercedes added.

"Yeah, you don't want to lead her on. I mean, she's gonna think that you want..." Finn muttered.

"What is she going to think... that she's fun to be around, that I had a good time hanging out with her? You guys talk a good game how it's okay to be different, how it's what's on the inside that counts, but I think you're just as narrow-minded as the rest of this school. I liked spending time with Becky. She knows what it's like to be trapped by a disability. She doesn't care what people think about her. She's really optimistic about life, which is really amazing considering what life has handed her." And with that, he left.

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