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Kurt and Blaine stood to leave, looking over to Marina who was still sitting down. "You coming, Mari?" Blaine asked the girl, who shook her head.

"I'll meet you at McKinley." She told them, who happily left, waving.

"So, why don't you need a fake ID for Scandals?" Sebastian asked the girl, who laughed.

"I'll answer that later. Will you help me take some of my stuff to Dalton before we go to Scandals? Meet me at the back entrance and hour or so early and I'll take you to my place." She offered, getting a nod from the boy.

"You're not interested in me, are you, Marina? Since I'm gay...." Sebastian trailed off, a half smirk on his face.

Marina laughed, shaking her head. "No, I'm not interested in you, or any of the Warblers. I'm just looking for a best friend if I'm honest. At the minute, you and Thad are top contenders." She admitted. Sebastian took a sip of his coffee, looking at Marina.

"You seem like you'd be a good best friend. But I'm a hugger, and if you're living in the Dalton dorms, I hope you know to expect a lot of best-friend hugs." He joked. Marina shrugged, unbothered. Sebastian turned to the clock, checking the time.

"We'll be late if we don't leave now. Bye Reenie." He said to Marina, who laughed at the nickname.

"See ya, Sebby." The pair went to their respective cars, one driving to McKinley high, the other to Dalton academy.

When Marina arrived at McKinley, she immediately got bombarded from Rachel Berry. "Yes, Berry, I sorted out your dress." She said to the girl, who shook her head.

"It's not about that. We need to talk. All of us girls. And also, I saw that video Blaine added to the group chat. You're not bad." Rachel dragged her by the arm to a classroom where Quinn, Santana, and Brittany were already sat as Rachel left to find Tina. Marina placed the bag with the dress in beside her on the table, pulling out her phone.



I sort out the dress for Berry, she doesn't even thank me and instead drags me to a room with Fabray, Lopez, and Pierce? She demands a Glee girl meeting- she's looking for Cohen-Chang.




Maybe it's important?


Just listen to her.


Or just pretend that you're listening. I do that a lot.


She's back. I'll tell you what it was about later.

Marina handed Tina the bag with the dress when she sat down beside her, all the girls staring at Rachel. She banged her gavel on the table before beginning to speak. "This emergency meeting is now in session. Now I realize that we are a house divided, but I need the advice of my girls. The last time I called a meeting like this was during our Madonna lesson, and all of you were wildly unhelpful. But it's been two years now, and we've all grown up, so I'm optimistic." None of the girls were wildly interested as she spoke. Santana was filing her nails, and the rest of the girls were simply sitting around.

"Finn and I were... almost intimate." Rachel admitted, causing the girls' heads to shoot up in surprise.

"Almost? What happened?" Tina asked. Marina scoffed lightly.

"More like what did Berry do?" Rachel sighed, speaking quickly.

"He ran out. I just... I wanted my performance of Maria to be as realistic as possible and when he found out that that's why I was doing it, he got really, really hurt." Marina gaped at the girl

"Of course, he was hurt." Tina said.

Brittany nodded. "Yeah, that's really bad, Rachel."

"I know. I know. I feel terrible and now I realize that I was just doing it for all the wrong reasons." Rachel still spoke fast, looking ashamed as she talked.

"Do you want my advice? Just wait." Quinn said softly. Rachel repeated her words almost inaudibly. "Look what happened to me."

Tina interrupted Quinn. "You could've used protection." The blonde rolled her eyes, looking ever so slightly at Tina.

"I'm not just talking about getting pregnant, I'm-I'm talking about losing something that you can never get back. It changes you. It makes everything more complicated." Santana pointed at Quinn in agreement, nodding.

"I also think that you should wait. Speaking from experience, Finn is terrible in bed." Santana told Rachel. Marina sighed.

"Lopez, that is not cool." Santana rolled her eyes at Marina's response.

"Oh, what? If Rachel wants my sloppy seconds, she should at least know the truth. Look, it was like being smothered by a sweaty, out-of-breath sack of potatoes that someone soaked in body spray."

"I lost my virginity at cheerleading camp. He just climbed into my tent. Alien invasion." Brittany admitted, getting concerned looks from all the girls.

"Pierce, that sounds dodgy." Marina looked at the girl in surprise.

"Okay, well, then I guess it's settled. Obviously, things are heating up between Finn and I. But I think we should wait." Rachel decided.

Tina smiled, "Losing my virginity was a great experience for me... because I was with someone I love. It happened this summer. Mike and I had talked about it for a while because we knew that the first time was gonna be something we'd want to remember forever. And when that moment came... we just knew. It was right. It wasn't rushed. It was amazing." Tina took a breath as Rachel smiled at her. "He's my first love. And I'll always look back at that moment as absolutely perfect... no regrets."

"Well, what about you, Marina?" Rachel asked the British girl.

Marina scoffed. "I have three excuses. Numberone: British teens? Horrid creatures, they all think they're dead chavvy whenthey're really just idiots. Number two: me. I've never felt attracted toanyone. Number three: my clothes. They take up all my time and I've always putambition first."

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