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Marina sat in her seat, chatting quietly with Arabella and the boys before the announcer spoke. "Please welcome to the stage from Carmel High in Akron, Ohio, Vocal Adrenaline!"

The stage brightened, revealing the group, Unique being their centrepiece as they sang.

The group was impressive, doing dance moves the New Directions would only dream of doing. Unique sang amazingly, VA making sure to impress the crowd and judges.

"I still say you're going to win." Trent whispered to the girls, lifting their spirits.

After loud applause, they moved onto their next song, pulling fake pinball machines onto the stage.

As they sang and danced, Marina turned to Nick and Jeff. "Unique is an icon." She stated. The boys nodded in agreement.

Once they had finished singing their songs, Vocal Adrenaline earned a standing ovation, some members of the New Directions standing. Marina was, as was Arabella and Mercedes.

After watching through the rest of the performances, the top three teams would be called back to the stage after the judges made their decision. The Scale Blazers, this team on roller skates, was one of the three teams called back. Vocal Adrenaline was the second. And the third team called back? The New Directions.

The group were all stood on stage, hands interlaced as they waited for the winners to be announced. "And now it's time to announce the winner of this year's individual show choir MVP award." The announcer paused, "From Vocal Adrenaline, Carmel High's Wade "Unique" Adams!"

Rachel looked saddened that it wasn't her, but Unique strolled forward, grinning, and took the award. The announcer then continued, Marina's hand tightening against Arabella's. "And now a round of applause to your top three finalists for this year's National Show Choir Championship." The audience clapped loudly for the trio of teams.

"In third place all the way from Oregon, the Portland Scale Blazers!" Everyone politely clapped before holding their breath in anticipation. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, quiet, please. Congratulations to both teams standing with us onstage. But not it's time to announce a winner. The 2012 National Show Choir Champions...."

It was a threatening pause. ".... from McKinley High in Limo, Ohio, The New Directions!"

The group began to scream and jump up and down, pulling each other into hugs. Marina grabbed Arabella tightly, the pair grinning and squealing. They then hugged Blaine and Kurt as confetti rained down on them, Mr. Schue holding up their new trophy. Everyone grouped together, holding the trophy as they faced the screaming crowd.

In the crowd, five boys and an overexcited uncle didn't stop cheering for their girls.

The next day, the New Directions were back in McKinley high, opening the door as a group, Artie having the trophy in his lap. "I'm so glad we made those outfits, Bella." Marina whispered, "I'm pretty sure that's' why we wone." Her tone was joking and quiet, her voice dropping when she entered the school.

The group all stood silent in the school's corridor until Rick 'The stick' Nelson and another person from the hockey team came towards them, slushie cups in hand. They all flinched back, nobody wanting to be hit with a slushie- especially now that they were Show Choir National Champions. Marina kept away from the boy, as did Arabella, but laughed loudly when she discovered it wasn't a slushie but red and white confetti that now rained down from above their heads.

Students and teachers alike clapped and cheered as the group moved throughout the school, throwing more multi-coloured confetti at them. Everyone was smiling- Rory had even been pulled away by two girls who began to kiss him. Marina and Arabella joined arms, swinging their hands around as they had more and more confetti rain from above.

Kurt was being hugged by jocks, and younger girls wanted autographs of Marina, and some wanted autographs from Arabella, too, also wanting fashion advice from 'the best fashionista they knew'. Finn had doubled his money for his and Rachel's honeymoon, Cheerios were hugging Rachel and the other girls- Santana and Becky were on good terms.

In the choir room, Sugar was covering people in sparkling cider, also giving some for them to drink. By the end of their fun, the group was soaked, the floor was soaked, everything was soaked.

In the corridors, Marina saw a girl go up to Rachel, wanting her to sign her yearbook. Rachel grinned down at the girl, signing it with her name and a star. The girl then moved to Marina, shyly handing her the pen. She signed her name, grinning to the younger girl before waving as she scampered away. Rachel and Marina shared looks with a smile.

Everyone stood together as Rachel held the giant trophy, handing it to Finn who walked to Mr. Schuester, placing the trophy in the cabinet. Everyone stared at it, smiling happily.

The members of New Directions were back in the outfits from Nationals, preparing to sing to the school (and for Mr. Schue winning teacher of the year). From the other side of the stage, Marina heard a teacher talking about her retirement. She tuned it out, not even knowing who it was.

Figgins spoke into the microphone. "And now the award you've all been waiting for: Teacher of the Year. To announce the winner, please welcome to the stage so-called Finchel."

Finn spoke first. "Hi. The 2012 William McKinley High School Teacher of the Year Award goes to..."

"Mr. Will Schuester!" Rachel exclaimed, presenting the award. Everyone clapped and cheered.

"Wait, just, uh before you come up to accept the award, we just wanted to say a few things. Uh Three years ago, I thought I had it all. I was the quarterback of the football team; I was dating the head cheerleader. And then I met you, Mr. Schue, and I realized everything I was missing. There's a lot of great teachers at this school, who teach their students a lot of important stuff, like how to drive and-and fractions but you teach your students how to dream. As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing more important than that." Finn spoke sincerely, smiling.

"Mr. Schue when I first met you, I was just an annoying Jewish girl with two gay dads and a very big dream. Today I still have two dads, and I'm still Jewish, and I'm probably just as annoying, but I stand before you headed to New York City come hell or high water and, um, I can honestly say that I couldn't have done it without you, and I will carry you every step of the way, so... Congratulations. Um... no one deserves this more than you. We love you and this is for you."

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