t w e n t y - f i v e

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"Uh, wh-what?" Blaine stuttered.

"Dude, you told them what we were gonna do. You're like a modern-day Eggs Benedict. He's on notice as far as I'm concerned." Puck said to Blaine, half-glaring at the boy.

"We should all be on notice. I mean, next to Vocal Adrenaline, the Warblers are the best Glee Club in the state, and for a lot of us, this is our last shot at a championship, so we should stop complaining about the Warblers and figure out how to beat them." Finn sighed as Mr. Schue came into the room, pointing to the boy.

"I couldn't have said it better myself, Finn. I'm less worried about our set list right now and more interested in getting us in the right mindset to crush those guys. Which is why our lesson for the week is What Would Michael Jackson Do?" Mr. Schue walked around the room before writing on his whiteboard 'WWMJD?'.

Marina grinned, as did Arabella as they said in unison, "He'd fight back."

Finn nodded in agreement. "He'd say Regionals is ours, MJ is ours, and if they want it, they can pry it from o sequin-gloved hand." The boy grinned.

Artie nodded too. "Mm-hmm. Straight up. In 1983, MTV said they wouldn't air his 'Billie Jean' video. What'd he do? He fought back. They aired it, and the Thriller album sold an additional ten million copies."

"That's right." Mr. Schue nodded.

"I know what Michael would do. I think he would take it to the streets."

The members of New Directions created a plan to have a sing-off with the Warblers that night in a parking lot, the group suiting up in leather and black hoodies. Marina got a text from the group chat, pulling out her phone.



Rock salt keeps things cold, right?


Uh.... Yeah, I think so. Why?

The girl had no answer, and only shrugged, placing the device back in her pocket. Alongside Santana, Blaine, and Arabella, the girl walked to the meeting place and stood, looking at the warblers.

"Well, we're here." Sebastian stated.

"We got something to settle. Both of us want to use MJ, but only one can." Blaine told them.

"We're having a Jackson-off, Nick at Nite. Winner gets the King of Pop for Regionals." Santana explained.

Sebastian chuckled, quickly looking at Marina and Arabella apologetically before speaking. "What, us against the two of you? You really think you're that bad? Is that what they teach you at that little public school of yours?"

Blaine spoke lowly as Marina raised her hands, clicking her fingers. "It's time to see who's bad."

As the members of the New Directions came from the shadows, the Warblers began to sing the tune of the song as Artie, Blaine, and Santana sang the majority of the lyrics between themselves. Each member had a member of the other team they danced against, Marina dancing with Sebastian as Arabella danced with Thad. Nearing the end of the song, Marina noticed the boys handing a bag between themselves. Marina had an idea it was connected to the rock salt, and when she saw it being thrown at Kurt, she realised it would stain his clothes, the rock salt keeping the slushie cold.

When Blaine jumped in front of the slushie, Marina knew it was bad since his face would take the impact of the potentially damaged slushie. So, the girl did the first thing that came to mind- she ran in front of Blaine, turning her head and closing her eyes tight. The slushie hit the entirety of the left side of the girl's face, rock salt definitely inside as the pain ached- it was both cold and painful.

Marina hadn't noticed Blaine's face was also hit- specifically his right eye as he fell to the floor, clutching his face and screaming in agony. Marina wiped the slushie from her face, looking in shock at the Warblers, who were just as shocked. They knew it was a prank for Kurt, but never thought it would hurt anyone- specifically Blaine or Marina.

Sebastian tried to move towards Marina, as did Thad, Nick, Jeff, and Trent, but she shook her head, silently pleading for them to go before it could get any worse. As the boys fled, five having to be dragged by the arm, Arabella told Kurt to take Blaine to the hospital as she dragged Marina away to the small shop nearby, asking if she could use the toilet.

The pair went inside, Marina having a pout on her face as Arabella only rubbed her temples, picking a cloth from her bag and wetting it with the warm water of the tap. "Did you know?" She asked the brunette softly, dabbing the damp cloth on the left side of the girl's face.

"It was meant for Kurt. Just a prank." Marina responded, quietly hissing in pain as Arabella cleaned the now bleeding wound.

"But you and Blaine just had to be heroes, and see where you are now? We're in this disgusting bathroom and Blaine's in hospital." Her tone was chastising as Marina pulled out her phone, looking at the messages from the boys.



Reenie, I'm so damn sorry. You know it was meant for Kurt, I didn't want anyone hurt.


At least tell us if you're okay.


Are you in hospital?


Is your face okay? Nick's nearly having a nervous breakdown in fear.


My face is red, scratched up, cold, and bleeding. It bloody hurts, but so far, I'm fine. Blaine's going to the hospital though.


Oh god, I'm really sorry.


I know, Sebby, don't worry, I know.

Marina sighed, putting her phone away as Arabella pulled out a first-aid kit. "You're lucky I used to skate, and I always carry these around." She sighed as she began to bandage and stop the bleeding, planning on where they were going to stay for the night. Arabella voiced her concern, the taller girl only scoffing.

"We'll sleep in the car. I have spare clothes for the both of us, so we'll be okay." 

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