f o r t y

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Marina was in the choir room with Arabella and everyone else, setting up the banner that said, 'Welcome back Quinn'. When the girl game into the choir room alongside Artie, she was shocked with what she saw. "Nobody said Quinn was in a wheelchair." Marina whispered under her breath to Arabella, who nodded in agreement, shock also running through her veins.

They moved around and did tricks in their wheelchairs before ending back-to-back, facing the group. Everyone clapped and cheered before Quinn spoke. "Here's a lesson for your board, Mr. Shue. Don't text and drive. Ever. It's the stupidest thing I've ever done. Besides sleeping with Puck." She said, earning muffled laughs and a confused Puck.

The girl continued. "There's a lot of rumours floating around, so let's clear the air. First of all, all my plumbing still works, which is awesome. But my spine was severely compressed in the car accident, which basically means I can't move my feet or legs. But the good thing is that I'm starting to regain feeling, so with a lot of physical therapy, and your prayers, I stand a good chance for a full recovery. So, no tears. That means you, Tina." Quinn paused as the girl sniffled. "Oh, and I apologize for the number. My dance moves aren't as smooth as Artie's yet."

"With practice, they will be." Artie smiled.

Quinn looked down, before looking back up with sincerity in her eyes. "I promise that by the time we go to Nationals, I'll be out of this chair, and dancing on that stage."

"All right." Mr. Schue said, clapping his hands. That led to everyone clapping, Santana and Brittany moving to hug Quinn.

Every member of Glee club had been called to the auditorium for Sue's new Booty Camp. Everyone was dancing badly, Brad playing the piano as Sue screamed into the microphone. "Five, six, seven, eight!" Sue yelled as they began to dance. Marina wasn't feeling the music, prompting in a bad dance routine.

"Stop! Please stop!" Sue yelled. Everyone stopped, looking at her. "This is an embarrassment."

Marina winced. "No, offence, Brad, but so is the music." Sue nodded slowly, but then looked at Mercedes.

"Hey, Mercedes. Who you texting?" The girl looked up at Sue, confused.

"I'm not texting anyone.... I'm donating to the Obama campaign." Sue then grabbed the phone out of the girl's hand, throwing her phone across the auditorium. "My Droid!" Mercedes yelled in anger, looking to Sue.

Finn then entered the stage, throwing his hand in the air. "Good news! I booked a tour at the Railroad museum on Friday, which means we're gonna have an awesome Senior's Ditch Day!" He then paused, seeing Sue. "What is she doing here?" He asked as Sue raised the megaphone to her mouth, shouting into it.

"Hey, Granny Panties! I'm taking over Booty Camp!" She yelled. Sue then forced everyone to line up as if they were in the army. "You're out of shape, you're constantly late, and when you're not too busy texting, you're complaining about the choreography you're too lazy to learn. You're nothing but a coven of tardy, narcissistic, bloated bags of cellulite who will stab each other in the back at the first glimpse of a solo in a competition hosted by a late-night horror movie host. Well, those days are over."

When everyone was in the choir room, Sue stood at the board writing the words 'LAZY IDIOTS'. Beside Mr. Schue was a man Arabella said was the famous Cooper Anderson, Blaine's older brother. Everyone was fawning over him, but Marina preferred the younger Anderson. "Lazy idiots, your leader Will Schuester has informed me that my teaching methods are harsh and too extreme. So, I've decided to show you what a real artist looks and acts like. Ladies and gays, as my gift to you, which you do not deserve, I give you Porcelain's famous brother..." Blaine cut Sue off.

"Actually, it's my brother." He stated quickly.

"...Cooper Anderson." Sue finished, ignoring Blaine.

Cooper walked up to Sue, kissing her. "Thank you, Sue. Namaste." He then looked to everyone in the room. "Guys, it was just a few years ago that I was sitting in a sad drab room like this with dreams like yours that I thought would never come true. But you know what? They did. So, tomorrow, at Sue's insistence, I will be teaching a Master class in acting for anyone who's interested in becoming successful in the business like me." Nearly everyone in the room clapped. Marina had no interest in acting. Arabella only clapped because of Cooper's face.

"Cooper, we can't thank you enough. This is so generous of you to share your time and expertise." Mr. Schue said to the man.

"Well, it's very clear that the Anderson brothers are very talented, and I'm sure that there were many a family holiday where the two of you maybe did a little duet by the piano?" Rachel asked, hope in her voice.

"Actually, it's funny that you should mention that because Blaine and I were famous around the neighbourhood." Cooper chuckled.

Blaine shook his head. "Not famous."

"We were pretty famous around the neighbourhood for our duelling Simon LeBon impressions." Cooper corrected.

"Oh, no, no, no, no. Please don't make me do that." Blaine said, pleadingly shaking his head.

"Oh, no, Blaine, you have to. You're both so handsome and good." Kurt urged Blaine to do it.

"Come on, Blaine. What do you say? How about a little Duran Duran? Is that okay?" He said, looking over to Mr. Schuester who nodded. "Come on." He then said to Blaine as everybody cheered.

"Okay, okay, okay. You're on, Cooper." Blaine said, coming to stand beside his brother.

"Ooh, the cardigan's coming off." Cooper said jokingly as Blaine placed his cardigan to the side.

As they sang, Marina noticed Cooper hogging the spotlight compared to Blaine. Everyone cheered when they finished, and Sue pointed to Marina. "Warbler. My office, now." The pair walked to the older woman's office, Sue sitting on one side of the desk, Marina on the other.

"So, back in Booty Camp you said something about the music. Not the dancing." Marina nodded at Sue's words. "Can you dance?" She asked Marina, who shrugged.

"It's more on the fact I've been able to do gymnastics since I was three." Sue gave her a shocked look.

"Why aren't you on the Cheerios?"

"Maybe next year, Sue." 

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