f i f t y - o n e

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Santana stood up to the microphone after Brittany and the Cheerios got a loud round of cheering and applause. She smiled, beginning to sing as the band played behind her, Brittany and Tina singing her backup.

Everyone danced as they sang, some more upbeat than others. Marina and Arabella's hands were connected as they danced together, laughing and dancing like maniacs as they excitedly moved. "This is so fun!" Arabella exclaimed happily, twirling her dress.

"I know! This makes me not regret coming here!" Marina responded just as happily, twirling around when Arabella told her to.

"We should sing!" Arabella exclaimed.

"We should!" Marina exclaimed as Santana finished singing, everyone clapping and cheering as she did so. "But not yet!" She yelled when she saw Rachel, Finn, Blaine, and Kurt all come into the gym. Instead, some of the Glee boys sang instead.

The pair made their way over to the four, as were Brittany and Santana. "Love the dress, Berry, where'd you get it?" Marina joked as she looked at Rachel's dress- the one she and Arabella had made for the girl.

"I'm so glad you guys came." Brittany grinned to the pair.

"Better late than never, right?" Finn grinned.

"Come on. Let's dance." Rachel grinned to Finn. "Love the dresses!" She yelled to Marina and Arabella as she passed.

"No, sorry, Blaine. I said no hair gel, remember? I can totally smell it." Brittany said to the boy, who obviously had hair gel in it.

"I can see it, too." Arabella pointed out.

"It's not very discreet." Marina added.

"Let's go!" Santana pulled Brittany away, going to dance.

"You can do this." Kurt said to Blaine as Marina and Arabella rushed back onto the dance floor as Joe, Rory, Artie, Sam, and Mike sang and danced on stage. They moved close to the stage, standing with Mercedes, who grinned and pulled them into a side-hug. Soon enough Kurt stood beside them. 

They clapped along, and the boys pointed to the three girls when they were singing about girls being beautiful. Mercedes playfully looked away, whereas the girls grinned, posing dramatically. When Sam sang by himself, many girls squealed and wanted to hold his hands, reaching out to touch Sam. By the end of the song, the majority of the Glee club were there, all dancing.

They all cheered loudly when they finished, Sam even going to the lengths of picking up Artie and holding him high in his arms. Then, when the boys got off the stage, Marina and Arabella rushed on, grabbing a microphone. "Hello, McKinley." Marina said blandly. "Prom king and queen voting is starting soon." She told them, before the pair began to sing into the microphone.

People were on their feet-specifically the girls-all screaming and energetically dancing. Every girl was stood as Marina and Arabella sang loudly into the microphone, dancing along the stage and twirling in their dresses.

When they finished and got one hell of an applause, Marina spoke into the microphone. "Cast your votes for prom king and queen!" She exclaimed before the pair left the stage. Marina and Arabella went to the voting area, Marina voting for Finn and Quinn, Arabella doing the same.

As Blaine re-entered the gym, people near him stared and laughed. Marina stood behind Kurt, Arabella beside her as they looked at Blaine. They both pulled their phones out, snapping a quick picture before sending it to their group chat. Kurt laughed at his boyfriend's hair, and his expression. "Oh, my dear God."

Brittany appeared, standing beside Kurt. "Don't make fun of the new kid with the bad 'fro. It's hair-bullying." She didn't even know it was Blaine. That's how different he looked without hair gel.

"That's not a new kid. That's Blaine without hair gel." Kurt said, still shocked.

"Is it really that bad?" Blaine asked weakly. Both Marina and Arabella nodded from where Kurt couldn't see him.

"Yeah, you're Mr. Broccoli Head." Brittany immediately said.

At the same time, Kurt said: "It's not that bad." He chuckled nervously.

Brittany continued to speak. "Yeah, it is. It's really bad. And you made your point. I abuse my power as president but to help save the prom, and to keep people from turning to stone when they look at you, I'll give you special permission to wear hair gel, immediately." Blaine had a look of relief on his face as she said that.

Figgins stepped up to the microphone. "Quiet, please, children."

"I'll be right back." Blaine muttered, Kurt stopped him, but the pair moved closer to Figgins, not hearing what they were conversing about.

"Thank you, thank you. First, I have an announcement to make: There are reptiles living in McKinley toilets no more. The family of snakes has been safely removed to the zoo, and they can live out their lives in the toilets there." Everyone cheered and clapped at that. Marina didn't even know about these toilet snakes.

"And now, this year's Prom Court: Nominees for the Prom King are Finn Hudson, Rick 'The Stick' Nelson, and President Brittany S. Pierce." Everyone cheered as each person came onto the stage. "The nominees for Prom Queen: Missy Gunderson Santana Lopez and Miss Quinn Fabray." Everyone cheered loudly as they came onto the stage.

"I would like to invite last year's queen, sassy male student Kurt Hummel, to crown this year's winners." Everyone cheered as Kurt stepped up to the microphone, standing beside Figgins. "And this year's Prom King is Mr. Finn Hudson." The cheers were wild as Kurt crowned the taller boy, who smiled nervously. Marina, Arabella, and the rest of the Glee club cheered loudly, clapping for their friend and fellow Glee club member.

"And the winner for Prom Queen is...." Figgins paused, sighing. "Students, for the second year in a row, we have prom anarchy. Receiving the majority of write-in votes, I would like to welcome on the stage Miss Rachel Berry." There was a scattered applause as she stood, confused, before walking to the stage as the clapping increased. The members of the Glee club cheered loudest, grinning at Rachel and Finn- McKinley prom king and queen of 2012.

"McKinley Titans, bow down to your new leaders!" Figgins exclaimed after Kurt had placed the tiara atop Rachel's head, smiling at the girl. Everyone clapped and cheered loudly. "And now first dance of this year's Senior King and Queen!"

As the pair moved to dance, Santana and Quinn sang. Other couples danced on the dance floor, and in the middle of the song Quinn gripped onto the microphone stand before pulling herself to her feet. Santana helped her stand as the pair continued to sing, everyone staring at Quinn before rushing into a round of applause.

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