t h i r t e e n

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As Marina Fowler sat in the Senior Commons of Dalton academy, watching the Warblers practice for their upcoming sectionals, her phone began to ring. The boys paused as Marina gave them an apologetic look, seeing Santana as the caller ID. She placed the phone to her ear.

"Something's up. You wouldn't normally call me. What is it?" Marina said into the phone, getting a scoff from the other side.

"You may be right, but I need you to do me a favour. Regrettably." Santana muttered, "Make me a lesbian flower crown. Two bisexual ones too. A pansexual one for Arabella as well." Marina was surprised but accepted her request.

Without speaking, she went to the sewing room and pulled out all of the necessary fake flowers before going back to Senior Commons, beginning to create the flower crowns as some of the boys looked on in curiosity. She only told them to get back to work.

When everyone was in the choir room the next day, Marina hastily handed the crowns to Santana and Brittany, keeping the one for herself and giving the final one to Arabella, the girls shoving them into their bags. Finn stood at the whiteboard, before writing this week's assignment. 'LADY MUSIC WEEK'.

"Can someone tell us what's going on, please?" Mercedes looked expectantly to Finn.

"This week, the Trouble Tones and New Directions will both be singing music created - by ladies and for ladies." Santana interrupted Finn.

"Oh, hell no."

"Next week, all of us will be going to Sectionals, and one of us is probably gonna win. But, Santana, we're worried about you." Santana scoffed at Finn's words.

"Worry about yourself, foetus face." Finn didn't stop though.

"Glee's about learning how to accept yourself for who you are, no matter what other people think. And that's what this music is all about."

Santana shook her head. "So, wait, I don't even get a say in this? Not cool."

"Everybody in this room knows about you and Brittany. And we don't judge you for it. We celebrate it because it's who you are. Look, I know not everybody outside of this room is as accepting and cool, but we're doing this assignment this week so that you know in this rotten, stinking mean world that you at least have a group of people who will support your choice to be whoever you want to be. That's it. That's what we're doing here. Blaine? Kurt?" Finn didn't back down, eventually beckoning Kurt and Blaine to the front.

"Santana, Kurt, and I have a song we like to sing to each other in the car. And we want to sing that for you right now." Blaine said to the girl.

Santana was still unimpressed. "While there's nothing I'd love more than having two Pretty Ponies serenade me, I think we'd get further staging a 'gel-ervention' for Blaine than singing lady music."

Kurt sighed, "I know it's hard. It was hard for me, too. But you can get through this."

"If you could just stop being so defensive." Blaine added.

Santana sighed, "I'm trying, but your hideous bow ties are provoking me."

Puck made an odd noise. "Wait, are we talking lady on lady or girl on girl? 'Cause there's a big difference."

Mr. Schuester turned to face Puck. "Puck, focus,okay?" He scoffed. "Kurt, Blaine, why don't you kick us off with what you got?"

During the song, everybody was smiling over to Santana and dancing in their seats. Everyone clapped at the end, cheering. "Thank you, guys. Thank you, Finn, especially. You know, with all the horrible crap I've been through in my life... now I get to add that." Santana clapped sarcastically as the bell rang.

When everyone got back into the choir room,Marina sighed as she saw Puck standing at the microphone. Arabella shuddered,remembering the last time he sang a solo of Hot for Teacher. 

As the song ended, everyone clapped and cheered for Puck, who grinned at the applause. "That was for you... Santana. Yeah, I know I was just part of a phase, but whatever, happy to oblige, always." At Puck's words, Marina lightly scoffed, knowing it was not aimed at Santana, and was definitely aimed at Shelby.

Marina pulled out her phone, staying in the choir room as the others left to classes. Since Figgins said classes were optional, she decided to never go to them, staying in the choir room or going to the Lima Bean.



Schuester's weekly assignment: 'Lady Music Week'. Any suggestions?


Anything by Lady Gaga. ANYTHING


Do something you like, I suppose.


I have an idea. Are you free?


I don't go to class, so I'm nearly always free, you idiot.


We'll be at the Lima Bean in 10.


No, it'll be closer to 20.

Marina smiled, throwing her bag over her shoulder, and placing her phone in her pocket as she walked to the Lima Bean. She had already sat down at a table fit for six, waiting for the boys. As she was waiting, a plate was placed in front of her, a collection of cookies on the plate. Marina looked up at the waitress in confusion who pointed over to a boy who was half-smiling at her.

"Thought you looked lonely." The boy said to Marina as he sat opposite her. Marina shrugged.

"I'm waiting for some friends." She then looked to the unfamiliar boy, "Who're you?"

"I'm Dave Karofsky." Marina hummed at the name, as she went to introduce herself.

"I'm ...." She didn't get to finish as the boy finished for her.

"Marina Fowler." She raised a curious eyebrow. "I was at Scandals the other night. Loved your performance, by the way."

Marina gasped, finally knowing why she recognisedthe name. "Bear cub!"

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