t h i r t y - o n e

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When Marina awoke on the Monday of Valentines week, Sebastian was sitting at the end of her bed, the rest of the Warblers beside him. "So, I know you said not to do anything.... But Bella's in the canteen eating our home-made breakfast after being serenaded by us all. So, it's your turn now." He said to Marina as she got out of bed, looking at the boys expectantly as Sebastian pulled out a yellow rose, handing it to her as they began to sing.

The main ones singing the song were Sebastian, Thad, Nick, Jeff, and Trent as all of the Warblers handed her yellow roses, most also messing up her hair or giving her a hug as they sang, moving throughout the school until they met Arabella in the cafeteria, a throne set out beside the one Arabella was sitting on, a large array of foods on the table. Thad finished off the song, placing a crown on Marina's head. "All hail our queen." He whispered to the girl, making her laugh as she and Arabella ate the food, offering if the boys wanted some. They told them they'd already eaten before telling them they had to go.

Marina and Arabella then drove to McKinley, going into the choir room with smiles on their faces. Marina's bandages were now off, small scars littering the left side of her face, but she didn't really care. Thought it made her look badass. Marina had come to school in more fancy clothing, as had Arabella, the pair getting gifted clothes from Sebastian as a 'gals only' Valentine gift.

Sebastian may have bought the outfits, but Marina knew that both Sebastian and Thad worked together to get hers. It was obvious. Tight, black, thigh-high boots, versus the pastel pink Arabella wore bought by Trent, Nick, and Jeff.

When they arrived in the choir room, all eyes turned to the pair. "Looking good, girls." Puck smirked. Marina rolled her eyes.

"I saw way too many people staring at my arse." Marina complained, "I'm pretty sure some people took pictures."

Arabella laughed. "I think Thad took a picture of your ass."

Marina shook her head, "No. I know Thad took a picture of my arse." Marina knew Thad had saved it for the bfb, which stood for 'Best Friends Blackmail.' All of them had different pictures and videos they could use against each other, Marina's favourite being the slushie incident.

Mr. Schue then came into the room. "Okay, everybody, let's hear it for love! Your assignment for Valentine's week is to find and perform the world's greatest love songs." He paused after the group cheered. "Now, Regionals is next week, and we still need to raise $250 for costumes and hair spray."

Marina stood, gesturing to her and Arabella. "What are we? Extras? Sugar's dad gave us the money for fabrics and payed us to make the costumes. They're all done." She told him, who gaped at her as he had actually forgot that was Marina's job.

"But yeah, we need money for hair spray, and hair gel, and hair clips, and hair ties." Arabella said to Mr. Schue.

"Oh, God, not another bake sale." Kurt muttered.

"If any student gives ten dollars, we will sing these 'world's greatest love songs' to their Valentine. We will serenade each classroom..." Mr. Schuester was cut off from a collective scream of 'No!', except for Rachel who exclaimed a happy 'Yes!'.

"Two years ago, we went room-to-room Christmas carolling, they threw food." Tina sighed.

"And shoes." Mike added. Sugar raised a hand.

"Yes, Sugar?" Mr. Schue asked.

"Here's a spoonful of Sugar for you all: Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff when you're rich." She paused, moving to give Marina a high-five before looking back to Mr. Schue, who stood centre of the room. "So, here you go." Sugar moved, handing the man a wad of cash.

"Uh, Sugar, I can't take that." Mr. Schue stammered.

"Take it!" Kurt immediately said, his voice harsh.

"Okay. Everyone give it up for Sugar for paying for our FinalNet and cumberbunds!" Mr. Schue said as he took the money, everyone cheering and applauding the girl.

"I love the sound of applause, even if I have to buy it." Sugar laughed. "Okay, everyone, look under your chairs. Except you, Artie. Your chair kept moving, so I hid your surprise in the wastebasket." Everyone looked under their chairs to see a heart-shaped box of chocolates.

Puck looked up, surprised. "I found mine ten minutes ago." His face and hands were covered in chocolate.

"V-Day is my fave day ever. And to help me celebrate, my daddy's throwing me a huge, ridic party at Breadstix. And I'm naming it the Sugar Shack. And drumroll, Rachel...." She paused as Rachel hit the drums, "You're all invited!" Everyone cheered. "But you have to bring a date. No single people allowed. They're sad and boring and they don't exist in my world." Marina and Arabella gave each other knowing looks. They'd be going together.

"Um, but you're single." Mercedes stated.

"Not for long." Sugar replied, giggling to herself.

The group were sitting in the cafeteria during lunchtime, talking about the Sugar Shack. "Wait, which one are you gonna take to Sugar's V-Day party?" Tina asked Puck, curiosity in her voice.

"All of them." He replied, grinning.

"The entire sorority?" Artie asked, confused.

"They don't call them the 'E-Z-Dee-Zees' for nothing. I got the gig cleaning the sorority house swimming pool, then I sawed through those chicks like a freakin' sex tornado room to room." Puck told them, using his hand as a saw as he talked.

"You're amazing." Rory muttered, looking at the boy.

"I'm a professional. Tried the true love thing..." Puck replied but was cut off by Mike.

"With a teacher." Puck only chuckled.

"Wasn't for me."

"Well, it is for me. And apparently, it's for Blaine, too. even from his sick bed, he's managed to send me a new Valentine's Day card every single day this week." Kurt said, pulling out a valentines card and showing it to the group.

Artie leaned over, reading through the card. "It says, From your secret admirer.'"

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