f o r t y - s i x

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Santana and Rachel decided to do a duet of So Emotional, and everyone was sat in the choir room, watching in anticipation as the band started up. People excitedly danced in their seats as the girls sang, dancing with each other as they moved around the room.

Marina grinned when she saw Finn recording the girls, nudging Arabella so that she could notice too. "Bet Finn wouldn't use it as bfb." The girl said, referring to the Best Friend Blackmail the Warblers had, everybody having some sort of blackmail to use against others.

Brittany eventually started recording too, but only Santana as Finn focused on recording Rachel. During the song, Arabella saw Kurt laughing as he looked at his phone. The girl looked to Marina, who was already looking at the phoneless Blaine. The girls exchanged worried looks, not knowing if the couple was okay or if it was only a meme or something along those lines.

When Marina looked back to Blaine a second time, he looked saddened at Kurt's behaviour. When the girls finished singing, everyone clapped and cheered as they hugged.

The Glee girls were all in the bathroom doing multiple things in a calm silence before Mercedes was the one to break the silence, addressing Quinn. "Quinn, when you sang 'Saving All My Love for You' with Joe yesterday, it sure felt like you meant it."

Rachel nodded, grinning over in Quinn's direction. "You guys seemed like a lot more than just singing partners."

Brittany spoke after the girl. "I don't know, Joe's really pretty, but I heard she doesn't shave her armpits." Marina paused, looking at Brittany in disbelief. How did she think Joe was a girl?

"Joe and I are just friends. Nothing else is gonna happen." Quinn responded, lightly sighing.

"But you want it to, don't you?" Tina smirked jokingly.

"Doesn't matter what I want. I've said good-bye to that part of my life. Joe took me to rehab the other day, we had a moment, and before we kissed, he pulled away. Grossed out by me and my chair." Quinn spoke fast, seemingly uncaring.

Marina sighed. "Listen, Quinn, if he's 'grossed out' by your chair why would he help you? Why would he try to be your friend if he's 'grossed out'?" She spoke calmly, trying to get the girl to see what she's worth.

Rachel spoke next. "Quinn, I'm-I'm so sorry."

Quinn shook her head. "I don't want to hear that tone. Joe's not into me. I don't blame him. Who would be?" The girl spoke harshly about herself as the other girls watched in shock as she left.

When they were all in the choir room the next day, Blaine stood in the middle of the choir room, frowning. "This song is for anyone that's ever been cheated on." He said, his eyes on Kurt.

The boy scoffed. "This is insane. I didn't cheat on you!" All eyes flickered between him and Blaine, a tense silence in the room as the music began.

"Cheetahs have the fastest land speed of any living animal." Brittany stated as Blaine started to sing.

As he sang, more people began to look at Kurt, who was staring open-mouthed at Blaine. They looked between the pair, harmonising with Blaine, and singing along with the chorus. They backed him during the rest of the song, singing along as Kurt still gaped at them in shock.

People clapped when it was over, Brittany letting out a whoop as Santana smirked. "Snap." Blaine then shook his head, storming out of the choir room as the bell rang. Kurt frowned as the boy left.

Marina and Arabella walked down the corridors before the retched boy named Jacob Ben Israel appeared, shoving a microphone between Marina and Arabella. "Miss Marina Fowler." He nodded to the girl. "Miss Arabella Newton." Both girls gave him a knowing look, hate evident in their eyes.

"What is it?" Marina asked, her voice flat and uninterested as the now trio began to walk.

"I heard you've been designing prom dresses for the girls from Glee club." He spoke. Neither showed a visible reaction. "Mind telling me what they look like?"

"You'll see on prom night." Arabella stated.

"Okay then." He frowned. "What happened to your face and hands?" He asked Marina.

"If you don't already know, I bust my knuckles beating up a homophobe and the facial scars are from rock salt." Marina simply explained before nodding at Arabella, the pair pushing the boy away from them as they walked down the corridor.

The next time they were in the choir room, Kurt had chosen to sing. 

He gently sang into the microphone, lightly holding the stand as he sang. Blaine stared at him as he sang, contemplation and a range of emotions in his eyes. Mike turned in his seat and gave Blaine a look. Blaine only gave him a look in response.

Kurt eventually added more feeling to the song, making people share glances at one another as Blaine had tears in his eyes, debating looking away whilst keeping his eyes on his boyfriend. Everyone clapped when Kurt finished, the bell ringing shortly after.

Marina was walking through the corridors of McKinley high, her phone to her ear as she spoke to Sebastian. "Did you know Blaine and Kurt are having a rough time in their relationship right now?" She asked the boy on the other line, who chuckled, shaking his head even though he knew Marina couldn't see it.

"No. Well, not until this morning. Blaine texted for advice." Sebastian told her.

Marina's face scrunched up in confusion. "You? Advice? Not likely."

"Reenie, I told him to sing." The boy explained. Marina let out a noise of realisation.

"Singing always seems to work."

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