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"So, Marina, who do you think will get the suit?" Arabella asked as the pair were making their way to the choir room as this time it was time for Santana to sing her song.

Marina shrugged. "No idea. I'm just annoyed I can't get that suit." The girl lightly sighed as they sat around the dance floor.

Santana sauntered into the room wearing a pink outfit as she sang.

She was singing to Brittany, everyone aware of the fact. They all clapped and cheered when she finished. Mr. Schue was the first to speak. "Incredible. And I could see exactly where you were going with it. This was more than just a beautiful love song to Brittany. It's also a powerful way to convey your dream that marriage equality will someday be a reality for everyone, and you're off to law school to make it happen! Amazing." Mr. Schue said to Santana.

The girl gave him a look. "Of course, I want marriage equality. And yeah, Brittany will always be my girlfriend."

"Score!" Brittany grinned.

Santana continued to speak. "But my mistress is fame. And that song was all about how I can't live without my fame."

"Then I'll have to say I'm disappointed in you. Fame is not something to aspire to." Mr. Schue said, a chastising tone in his voice.

"How about you save the lecture for the theatre nerds that are gonna starve in New York while desperately trying to tap-dance their way into the chorus of Godspell?" Rachel gave a look of offence.

"No offence, Gayberry. And everyone can stop their hating because you all want to be famous, too. The only difference is that I'm a thousand percent sure that I'm actually going to be famous, just like I'm a thousand percent sure that our Man/Child piano player keeps a petite Eurasian locked in a trunk underneath his bed." Everyone paused at Santana's words, looking to Brad.

"Sorry, James. Write this down-- 'cause there will be a quiz-- I'm gonna be famous. If it's the last thing I do." She smirked.

Marina and Arabella were in Senior Commons as the Warblers talked with one another. "Mari?" Thad asked, curiously looking over to the girl.

"Yeah?" The girl responded, looking up to the boy.

"Have you seen this?" He asked, handing her his phone what had a video saying, 'Two girls, one cat'. Marina turned the video off almost immediately.

"No. And I would have not wanted to see that." Marina responded, frowning. She then turned to Arabella. "Bella, have you seen this?" The girl had the same reaction as Marina.

The next day, Marina and Arabella were walking through the school. Santana was a small distance in front of them, getting whispers and stares. Marina darted forward, grabbing Santana by the arm, and pulling her away. "What are you doing?" Santana hissed, pulling her arm away.

Marina sighed. "If anything, just asked Brittany." She then went back to Arabella as Santana went to find Brittany.

When they arrived in the choir room, they discovered that Finn and Rachel would be singing. They sat down, ready for them to begin as the others trailed in.

During the chorus, Blaine, Kurt, Santana, Brittany, Tina, and Mike all stood, joining in with the dancing as they harmonised with Finn and Rachel who sang the lead and danced in the centre. Everyone clapped and cheered when they finished, everyone leaving as the bell rang except for Finn and Rachel who needed to talk.

Marina pulled out her phone, looking at the text she'd just gotten.



We've got lacrosse practice and I know you're free. You can come if you want, bring Bella too if she's not busy.

Marina grinned as neither of them were busy.


We're on our way.

The girls rushed to the parking lot, jumping into Arabella's car as they drove to Dalton, going to the lacrosse field. Marina waved when Sebastian saw her, the boy waved, grabbing Nick and Thad, and then dragging them over to the pair.

Arabella greeted the trio before looking around the field, "Jeff and Trent don't play?"

Nick laughed. "Absolutely not. Jeff would never be bothered, and Trent takes so many extra classes he has no free time other than Warbler practice." Both girls nodded in understanding.

"We actually have a gift for you two." Thad stated, quickly running off before reappearing with two lacrosse jerseys in his hands. He gave one to Marina, the other to Arabella. "Coach let us make them." He explained.

Sebastian chuckled as the girls looked at the back of the jerseys. Marina's read 'FOWLER', and Arabella's read 'NEWTON'. Both girls pulled them over their heads. Sebastian looked to Marina. "Since you got me a new stick, I thought I'd somehow return the lacrosse-style favour."

The next day, everyone was sitting in the choir room as the winners were going to be announced. "Come on, who won, Mr. Shue? Who gets the suit?" Tina asked Mr. Schue in excitement as everyone rushed to their seats.

"Well, I left that up to Sue." He said as Sue moved to stand beside him.

"And if there's one thing I enjoy more than punishing you lazy idiots it's rewarding you for being slightly less lazy and idiotic. Will the winners please enter?" She then said, gesturing to the door as Santana, Mercedes, and Finn all walking into the room wearing the iconic suits. The group cheered as they moved to stand near Sue.

"Even in polyester, I feel like a million bucks in this." Santana grinned.

"So, what now? What do you want to do?" Mercedes asked, looking to Finn.

"You know what I want to do?" He asked the sitting students.

"What?" They all asked, casually.

"I said, do you know what I want to do?!" Finn asked, yelling to the group.

"What?" They all asked louder as the boy smirked.


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