t w e n t y - n i n e

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When everyone was in the choir room, Santana was shaking a pair of maracas as Mr. Schue walked into the room, writing on the board. "All right, guys! Let me ask you something. Where do you think you'll be in the year 2030?" Mr. Schue said as he wrote '2030' on the board.

"Broadway. Twinsies!" Kurt and Rachel said together, laughing.

"Walking." Artie said.

"In jail, or dead. Or both." Puck shrugged.

"Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, you're going to need to be able to speak Spanish. The reality is, by 2030, more people on this planet will be speaking Spanish than any other language. The world is changing. Our culture is changing. And that needs to be reflected in here. So, for our next assignment, we're only doing songs written or performed by someone Latin, or of Latin descent. Or English songs performed bilingually." Mr. Schue explained.

"Ooh, I'm bilingual." Brittany laughed.

"Mr. Shue, though I love that we're finally getting all Lima Sound Machine in here, why now?" Santana asked.

"Oh, Santana, because it's long overdue. The truth is, I love all things Latin. I mean, I love Latin food, Latin art, Latin people."

Santana interrupted the man. "You don't know any Latin people."

Suddenly, a man knocked on the door, telling Mr. Schue that he was flossing in Spanish. The man nodded. "I know. Um Guys, this is David Martinez. David Martinez, this is the Glee Club."

"Oh, my God. Cutest..." Rachel began.

".... Smile...." Sugar added.

".... ever." Artie finished.

"Hello, everyone." He then told everyone it was an honour to be there, "It's a pleasure."

"David here is one of my many Latin friends. And, uh, he's interested in starting his own night school Glee Club, after hours. So, uh, I invited him to come watch us get our duende on." Mr. Schue said.

"Duende?" Finn questioned.

"It means "dwarf," you ass." Santana hissed.

"Now I'm completely confused. So, what's the assignment?" Puck asked, confused.

"To sing, in Spanish, with duende. Which, yes, literally means 'dwarf,' but metaphorically, it means to have Spanish soul. To be filled with Spanish passion." Mr. Schue said.

Before anyone could speak, Marina raised her hand, looking to the two men in the middle of the room. "Sé español, Sr. Schue. Thad lo habla con fluidez. Si alguna vez también necesitas un hablante francés, Sebastian vivía en París." Everyone stared at Marina, David and Santana understanding her. Mr. Schue nodded.

"Wonderful, Marina." The girl gave him a dry look.

"What did I say?" He was speechless, not knowing.

"Will, can I, Hablar con ellos? That's right. A performance with duende transforms you. Makes you sing, makes you cry, makes you laugh. Makes you want to kiss a person you love. A song sung in Spanish must have duende, or else..."

Santana interrupted him, saying, "Would you mind showing us?"

Kurt nodded in agreement. "Oh, dear God, please, yes."

Mr. Schue shrugged. "Be my guest."

"Okay. Well, I'm-I'm not a professional like you guys, but I'll give it a go. All right." David said. Everyone was fawning over him, but Marina didn't understand why.

"Now, guys, uh remember, Mr. Martinez is here as our guest, okay? Let's create a safe and supportive environment." Mr. Schue said to the group.

"Uno, dos, tres, cuatro!" David yelled as the song began.

As they sang, the boys got up and danced, the girls fawning over the boys. Marina and Arabella weren't pleased, but respectively smiled and danced. Marina thought watching Finn and Puck dance would scar her forever, almost as much as David's dancing was. He wasn't even that 'sexy'. When they finished, everyone clapped and cheered, as they did for nearly every performance.

The next day, Mercedes was singing in the choir room, looking at the group as they all looked at her in interest, wondering what she would sing.

As she sang, everyone could tell she was singing to Sam. Sam wasn't even paying attention, looking away. During the song, he eventually looked to Mercedes, a soft look in his eyes as he looked at the girl. Mercedes' eyes were just as soft as she looked at Sam. Eventually, she stood, singing in Spanish. She was then stood directly in front of him, and nobody could keep a smile off of their face. Everyone clapped when she finished, a few cheers present.

The next morning, the boys were performing in some type of stupid-looking shoes that made Marina want to gouge her eyes out. Arabella wasn't too far behind.

Everyone could tell that Sam was singing to Mercedes, getting the other boys to do his backup as they all danced. They were all dancing in place, Marina and Arabella keeping their eyes off of the shoes. When they finished, everyone clapped and cheered.

"Guys, that was some muy serious footwork! Muy means 'very.'" Mr. Schue explained.

"I was in it mostly for the boots." Kurt admitted.

"They make me want to gouge my eyes out." Marina told them, Arabella nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, what's the deal with those boots? Because wow." Mr. Schue laughed.

"They're Mexican hipster boots. It's kind of like a fad for groups of guys that are into dance music, and we're kind of like a dance crew. Señor Martinez told us about it." Finn explained to their teacher.

"The teeth, the duende, the bizarre Mexican fads. Señor Martinez is, like, the best Spanish teacher ever. I can't wait to see your performance, Mr. Shue." Santana said.

"My performance?" Mr. Schue asked, confused, and alarmed.

"Yeah, to defend your Spanish teacher honour. I'm sure you have something muy amazing planned." She nodded, smirking.

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