f i f t e e n

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So, apparently Kurt stuffed the election ballot boxes, forcing himself to be president. Kurt, however, denies it, saying it wasn't him and he had no idea who did it.

In the choir room, everyone sat facing Mr. Schue and Shelby, who both had smiles on their faces. "Okay, guys. Shelby and I just wanted to say that you've really inspired us."

Shelby nodded in agreement. "When we face off at Sectionals, it will be with more empathy, and a deeper understanding of each other."

"That's right. That's right!" Mr. Schuester exclaimed as everyone in the room began to cheer and clap in excitement.

"Where's Rachel? She never misses applause." Artie muttered to Finn. Marina snickered.

"She's dealing with stuff." Was Finn's response.

"Mr. Shue?" Kurt raised his hand.

"Yeah." Kurt stood, smiling.

"As the son of Ohio's recently minted Congressman... and to dispel any lingering clouds of suspicion, I would like to, personally and publicly, congratulate President Brittany. The people have spoken, and they want you, Brit. They want Pixy Stix. Rule wisely. Rule fabulously." Everybody clapped and cheered for both Burt Hummel and Brittany.

"That was the sweetest thing anybody's ever said to me. Ooh! Thank you, Kurt. You're still the most unicorn of them all, so... Clap, clap, clap." Brittany led the applause for Kurt, pulling the boy into an embrace.

"Maybe I could put that on my NYADA application." Kurt muttered to Blaine, who affectionately held his arm.

"Don't give up hope, ever. We'll figure something out."

"Quinn, are you okay?" Tina looked to Quinn, who seemed kind-of weird. Shelby's expression had fallen, Marina noted.

"Santana, will you bring us home?" Mr. Schue asked the girl, who stood, gaining an applause as she stood in the centre of the room.

"Thanks, Mr. Shue. So, I picked a song that gives me strength and gets me through. Same way all of you do. The struggle continues, but at least I know I'm not alone."

Brittany was the first react, going and hugging Santana when she finished, Rachel only now coming into the room, tear streaks evident on her face. "Rachel?" Mr. Schue asked, confused at her appearance.

"I just, um, told Principal Figgins that I rigged the election so that Kurt would win. Kurt, please, don't hate me. You're totally in the clear." In that room, only one person wasn't shocked at her words, yet he was still shocked, nonetheless.

"What did he say?" Finn uttered.

"He said that he had no choice but to put it on my permanent record, and that I'm suspended for a week. Also, he said that I was banned from competing at Sectionals." Rachel admitted, before the bell went, signalling the end of the school day.

Marina grabbed Arabella's arm, the shorter girl looking up at her in confusion. "Where are we going?"

"Bella, we are going to the Warbler's sectionals." Arabella perked up in interest at her words.

"Really?" Marina nodded, pointing out her car as the pair climbed in, Marina placing the location of the sectionals into her gps before driving. When they got to the venue, Marina presented the two tickets her uncle had bought, gaining access into the auditorium. Before they sat down in their reserved seats, the pair went backstage to the waiting room that had a small sign saying 'WARBLERS'.

Marina knocked on the door. It opened quickly, revealing Sebastian. "Hey, Reenie! You managed to get here in time." He opened the door fully, seeing Arabella there too. "Bella! You're here as well!" Behind Sebastian stood Thad, Nick, Jeff, Trent, and the rest of the Warblers, all ready to go on stage.

"Marina, hi!" Jeff exclaimed as the pair entered the room, ready to wish the boys luck. Arabella waved quickly.

"We just came by to wish you boys good luck." The blonde said, "Opening act must be nerve-wracking." Nick nodded lightly at her words.

Marina laughed, "So, since our sectionals is in a few days, I've talked to Bobby and he said that after my sectionals we can have a private party at Scandals, all of you guys, the New Directions, and the Trouble Tones are all invited. Even if y'all don't win, which is hard to believe, we're all going to party!" Marina exclaimed, getting cheers from all of the Warblers.

Thad smiled. "Okay, girls, you better go catch your seats. We'll be on in a few minutes." He ushered them out, the two girls giggling as he closed the door behind them. The pair rushed to their seats as the announcer introduced the judges before going offstage for the Warblers to appear. The lights dimmed before relighting as the Warblers began to sing and dance with one another.

Most of their dancing was the same as what Marina had seen when she first met them, the only difference being that there was different groups dancing in different places as they sang. One group lead by Nick, one by Sebastian and the third by Thad. Marina and Arabella were dancing in their seats as they watched the performance, jumping up clapping and screaming when they finished. The boys caught the girls' eyes, smiling over at them. The lights faded as they prepared for their next song.

This song was led by Jeff, and the girls knew that when he sang, he really meant 'he's the tear in my heart', as he repeatedly glanced at Nick as the group sang and danced. Marina turned to Arabella, speaking quietly.

"So, you know I don't like anyone, but this song is making me want to ask you if you like anyone." Marina asked as Arabella blushed, looking away.

"Back at my old school there was this girl." She began, "I was in love with her- no, I am in love with her. She was my best friend." Arabella smiled as Marina raised an eyebrow.

"What's her name?"

"Kara Sanders." Both girls quieted down as the Warbler's third song began.

The girls were on the edge of their seats as the winner was announced. They may have cheered louder than the boys when 'from Westerville, Ohio, the Dalton academy Warblers' was said from the announcer's mouth to be the winners.

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