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Ayanokouji POV

After I realized that I had muttered her name, I glanced at my seatmate to see if she heard me, thankfully, she didn't, she was busy looking curiously at Kiryuuin-senpai, speaking of which, I wonder why she's here.

"Oh sorry was I interrupting your class sensei?" Kiryuuin-senpai said surprisingly she had a very formal way of talking with sensei, I could tell that it was forced though, especially if you compare it when we met for the first time.

"Kiryuuin right? Did you need something?" Sensei went straight to the point, disregarding Senpai's apology, it seems like she knows her.

"Yeah, I'm looking for my favorite and wonderful Kōhai." Kiryuuin-senpai said with a smirk.

"Oh? And who might that be?" Chabashira-sensei asked and she glanced at me for a second, wait, why are you thinking it's me?

"Now, telling you won't be fun Sensei, so I'll give you a clue, he's a very handsome guy." Senpai said, now I know it's not me.



"Do you know her Hirata?"

"Eh? Even a Senpai is interested in Hirata-kun?"

Questions and murmurs started going around the room, a lot of boys were glaring at Hirata, while he was just there sitting and smiling awkwardly, I feel bad for him.

"I have no time for this, tell me who it is so that I can give them permission to go." Sensei said.

"Alright, alright, next clue, he has brown hair." Kiryuuin-senpai stated.

"Brown hair? Well, I guess from afar Hirata-kun's hair color could be mistaken as brown."

"Wait, why is she even calling Hirata-kun?"

"Wait, is that Senpai planning to confess?"

"Eh? Wouldn't that be bad? She's very beautiful and has a nice body, she has a high chance."

"Are you guys idiots?! It's obviously not Hirata, that guy is blonde, it's obviously me! I'm VERY handsome, and I also have brown hair!" All of us turned to the source of the voice, surprisingly, or perhaps, unsurprisingly, it was Ike, he even put an emphasis on the word very.

"Hah?! Why would a Senpai even call you?"

"Yeah, there's no way a pervert like you would be called by a female Senpai."

"Everyone quiet down." Sensei said in a serious tone and glared at everyone before turning back to Kiryuuin-senpai.

"You know that wasn't what I meant when I said hurry up, right?" Sensei asked Senpai.

"Yeah, yeah, I was just joking, also, hey! You! The one with the brown hair." Senpai called out to Ike.

"U-uh me?" Ike asked, now this was unexpected.

"Yeah, stop being delusional." Senpai said, that must've hurt, everyone looked at Ike, and laughed at him, while some of the boys were saluting at him.

"Stop causing trouble, if you're not here to do anything important just leave." Sensei said in a serious tone again.

"Fine, fine, I don't think I need to say it, right sensei? You know who I'm talking about." Kiryuuin-senpai said as she closed the distance between her and Sensei, I don't feel good.

"Just get to the point." Sensei said.

"Fine, then." Kiryuuin-senpai enters the room casually as if it was her own classroom, she walked past the front, the middle, every eye in the room followed her movements, she reached the back row, near the door at the back, which is at the rightmost side of the classroom, in other words, my seat.

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