2-5: I can't think of a proper title, but I hope you enjoy. :D

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Ayanokouji POV

"What?-" The girl said as she turned around, and she had a shocked expression.

"Ibuki?" I said.

"The fuck? Why the hell are you here?" She asked.

"It seems like you're my date." I said.

"What? Quit fucking with me!" She said.

"Can I know the details of your e-mail then?" I asked.

"What? Why would I show you?- Hey! That's my phone!" She said as I snatched her phone.

"I'm just going to check the e-mail..." I said.

"Tch, you better not look at anything else." Wow, I thought she'd try to take it away from me.

"Looks like you really are my date." I said.

"Stop with your bullshit." She said.

"Here. Look, the details are mostly the same, the only difference is that, I'm the one that's being described in your e-mail, while you're the one being described in mine." I said.

"This can't be happening." She muttered.

"Why do you even hate me so much?" I asked.

"Are you an idiot? You're going to ask me that after beating me up? And putting me into bad situations?" She said.

"I wouldn't have beaten you up if you didn't try to beat me up, so, isn't it technically your fault?" I stated, and she became more irritated.

"Anyway, you can just answer the questions I ask and we can end this." I said.

"Huh? Didn't you read the whole e-mail? I have stuff to accomplish in this task to you know?" She said.

"Really? What are they?" I asked and she instantly blushed.

"J-Just check it for your self." She said as she averts her gaze away from me.

I checked her phone and looked at the things that she needed to do in this task, wow, I now see why she's embarrassed, all 3 of them are pretty embarrassing. So, apparently, if two participants are involved in a date, both will have things to try and accomplish, the only difference is that, on the girls' side of things, they need to do something, while for us boys just need to get answers for certain questions, if that's the case, I'd rather have a date with a non-participant to make things quicker.

"Come on, let's go, we only have an hour and a half to do these things." I said as I grab her hand and started to walk, well, that's her first task done, two more to go.

"H-Hey! W-Wait a minute! Where are we even going?" She asked.

"A cafe, two of your tasks will be done there." I said.

"Anyway, do you mind answering some questions while we're walking?" I asked as I slow down a little.

"Just ask away, Ryuuen would kill me if I didn't cooperate anyway." She said. 

"Good, then, my first question is. Why did you choose this school?" I asked.

"That's a pretty normal question." She said.

"Just answer it." I said.

"Because of the 100% employment rate, I thought that even if I wasn't smart, I was already guaranteed a good future just by graduating here, but it turns out, that was bullshit." After she said that, my phone made a ding! sound. Seems like I got one, the same happened to Ibuki's phone when I held her hand earlier.

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