2-3.5: Their Reaction (3)

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Chabashira Sae POV

I was sitting right there, staring at the screen where the game was being broadcasted, although I was surprised, I needed to keep my usual unchanging expression since there were other teachers around me, not to mention she was also there.

It's not like I wasn't expecting my student to win, no, in fact, I already knew he would win, but, what he did was unexpected, to the point that no one would even be able to predict it. I thought he had either lost his mind or is trying to sabotage the class, I became nervous when I thought about the latter, but what happens next was able to calm me down even by a little bit.

The leader of the current Class 2B, Ryuuen Kakeru, a student of Sakagami-sensei, took the reins in the conversation, as he continued to speak, the suspicion was redirected to another one of my students, Horikita Suzune, the leader of our class, at least, on the surface, after a few moments of debating, they've finally reached a conclusion, they decided to vote Horikita off, it was surprising considering that one of the Impostors already admitted to being an Impostor.

The game continued, they called a sabotaged then closed the doors after fixing the sabotage, when the doors opened, they executed a double kill at the right time resulting in the victory of both Impostors, I can tell that everyone is surprised, I'm no exception to that. It was like showing your weakest points to the enemy, yet, you still win.

Even though I knew that he was the one operating behind the scenes, I still didn't know the extent of his abilities, but this, this one game, to others, this may just seem like the plan of Sakagami-sensei's student to others, but, I think otherwise, I know that this was his plan.

That's not the only thing I've come to notice, I also noticed that they were well coordinated with one another even though they couldn't really communicate, there are only two possible ways for this to happen, either they pre-planned everything or, he manipulated everyone by predicting everyone's actions, and since the former theory has too many holes, I'm guessing that it's the latter.

I've come to realize that comparing him to Icarus was wrong, no, he was not someone as foolish as Icarus, he was as wise as Socrates and as cunning as Odysseus, and like Odysseus, he is someone who is ready to sacrifice anything for his own sake, he is neither a hero nor a villain, that, that was the type of person my student was, a high-quality product that poses as a threat to other classes, that if handled carelessly, bad things might happen. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is possibly the most frightening being I've encountered.

Shiina Hiyori POV

I was one of the chosen participants for the new Special Exam, but I wasn't chosen to participate in the first task, so we were just told to watch, I wasn't really disappointed that I wasn't chosen because I was never really into games, and I never really understood much about them, and since that was the case, I was just planning to read the book that I bought with me, but I remembered that my book buddy was one of the participants, and since he's one of my closest, if not, my closest friend, I decided to support him, so I kept my book and looked at the screen, waiting for it to start.

Once it started, it showed that he and Ryuuen-kun were the Impostors, if I remember correctly, they're supposed to be the ones to kill the other players, although I'm against violence, there is nothing I can do about this, for this is the goal of the game.

Once he and Ryuuen-kun each had one kill, they circled around the left area and both made their way to med bay, where Kanzaki-kun of Class C and the body of Sakayanagi-san of Class A were supposed to be, there, Ryuuen-kun reported the body, I was impressed that they didn't have to say big lies to actually frame Kanzaki-kun, but I was more impressed by the fact that even though it was his kill, Ryuuen-kun was the one taking over the conversation. After that meeting where they decided to vote off Kanzaki-kun, who I kind of feel bad for, Ishizaki-kun spoke.

He was praising both Ryuuen-kun and my dear book buddy, I was giggling quietly to myself, then Kaneda-kun suddenly asked Ishizaki-kun about his relationship with the enigmatic student of Class D, then, Ishizaki-kun realized that he had made a mistake, I was smiling while watching the scene, he tried to throw some excuses and tried to seek help from Ibuki-san, who just ignored him, I felt pity for him knowing that if Ryuuen-kun found out about this he'd be in trouble, or maybe not Ryuuen-kun, maybe from the other person he was talking about.

The game continued, for a while, nothing much happened, that was until almost the final minutes of the game wherein one of the Impostors killed Hashimoto-kun and reported the body, then the meeting started.

I was getting invested in the game, it was like I found a new book, I started to watch the broadcast of the game with full attention, I was listening to every word they were saying, trying to see their intentions behind their sentences, then... Ichinose-san from Class C asked a question to one of the Impostors, she asked him whether he was actually one of the Impostors, to which he surprisingly said yes.

This time, I was focusing on the situation, I started asking myself questions and started making multiple hypotheses, none of them made sense, I then started to watch the broadcast again, he wasn't speaking, it was Ryuuen-kun once again who was talking, at first, the suspicion was directed towards him, but after Ryuuen-kun finished talking, all the suspicions were directed towards the leader of Class D, Horikita-san, then, after a few more debates on who to vote for, everyone had reached a consensus to vote off Horikita-san.

After Horikita-san was voted off, the game didn't end, and I can imagine that the Crewmates left would panic, I'm guessing they were planning on pressing the button to call for an emergency meeting, but it seems like that wasn't possible since one of the Impostors called sabotage, then, everyone made their way towards the reactor where they're supposed to fix the sabotage.

After fixing the sabotage, everyone went towards the cafeteria, but the doors closed in on them, at this point, I could tell that the game had already been decided. When the doors opened, he and Ryuuen-kun made a very well-timed double kill, which then concluded the game and it showed that the Impostors had won.

I was pretty happy even though I didn't participate in it, I was still happy for their victory. 

Then a sudden thought came to my mind, I think I'll try to invite him to play that game, and we could also invite Ishizaki-kun, Albert, Ryuuen-kun, and maybe Nishino-san along with Ibuki-san as well, maybe I'd be able to spend time with him that way. For some reason, I really want to spend time with my friend, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka-kun, I enjoy every moment I spend with him, there was no doubt about that.



A/N: You may or may not have noticed that for some reason, Hiyori's part is much longer, if you're wondering why, I don't know myself, anyway, I don't have anything else to say. So, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

That's all.

G'BYE! :3

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