2-8: Nigerundayo!!!

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Tch, these bastards are so energetic, why don't they try and chase that guy? Why am I the first one being targeted anyway? Well, it's not like it's that much of a problem.

"Albert, Ishizaki, you know what to do." I told the two who were barely catching up to me, even if they fall to the last place, they won't get expelled.

"Y-Yes!" Ishizaki responded and Albert just nodded.

"Kuku....." Come catch me Nagumo, let's see what you're capable of.

Ayanokouji POV

So that's Nagumo's plan huh, interesting, so far, no one has been tagged, though, in reality, there should already have been at least 5 people who had been tagged, but it seems like Nagumo and the other two are avoiding the "Incompetent ones" and planning to bring down the competent ones first... I wonder why.....

Well, not that it matters to me, but can the three taggers actually be able to tag everyone? I guess I'll find out after 5 hours, or 4 hours and 30 minutes.

"Are you enjoying the book, Hiyori?" I asked Hiyori who was beside me.

"Hmm? Oh, yes, I'm very invested in it, the story is very..... hmm... Unique? I mean, it's not entirely unique, but it has something that makes it a little different from most Mystery-Romance novels that I have read." She replied. Hiyori is really cute when she's talking about books, it almost seems like her eyes are sparkling most of the time when she talks about them.

"I see, good to know then." I said.

"Thank you, Ayanokouji-kun." Hiyori suddenly said.

"Huh? What for?" I was genuinely confused as to why she would thank me out of nowhere.

"Well, if you hadn't come up with this plan and told me about it, I wouldn't have been able to read this book, and I might've been tagged already." She replied.

"Oh, I see. You're welcome then, I guess. But it wasn't really that much." I said.

"Nonsense, it was a big help, at least I can relax a little bit." She said.

"If you say so then." I said and she seemed satisfied with that and she turned her attention back to the book that she was reading.

I went back to what I was doing as well, which was watching the live broadcast, I first looked at the taggers' views, all three of them were still running after Ryuuen, but Nagumo was already catching up to him, and the other two were barely catching up to Nagumo, so Ryuuen will be the first one to be tagged huh, well, he already won the first task, so even if he loses here, it's not like he'll be in danger.

After that, I turned my attention to the other participants' point of view, first was Ichinose, she was in Keyaki mall, good choice, I mean, at least she won't sweat much since Keyaki mall is air-conditioned, well, not that it matters much, Nagumo and the other two, no, actually Nagumo was only one chasing Ryuuen, it seems like the other two had changed courses, I only noticed that when I checked the taggers' view again.

Next is, Horikita, she was... in the classroom? Does she have a strategy? Not that I care, I'm pretty sure she'd survive for at least 3 hours, well, as long as she doesn't get targeted by Nagumo at an early stage, she should be good.

Next up is, Hashimoto, and surprisingly, Kanzaki is with him, they were running, they weren't inside of any school building, I can hear Hashimoto laughing, though, I'm not really sure why, but, that doesn't really concern me, so I'll just ignore it.

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