2-3.5: Their Reaction (2)

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Sakayanagi Arisu POV

I was sitting there, in my assigned cube, staring at the screen, although I can't see my own face, I know that I have a very wide smile on my face, saying that I'm entertained is an understatement, I'm delighted, fascinated by what he's doing as of the moment, even though he was the one who killed me, I can say that I wasn't even a bit angry, in fact, it was more of an honor, although, it sounds a bit masochistic to say that.


I giggled at the thought of him manipulating everyone, being above everyone, being simply superior. As these thoughts filled my head, I felt my heart racing, I felt excitement, I felt stimulated in more ways than one.

He didn't talk much during the meetings, and when he talks, he either only confirms or denies, yet he still one, even after confirming, in front of everyone, that he was one of the Impostors, it was an unexpected move, in chess, it would be sacrificing your queen, but, perhaps in this move, it was more like, he was sacrificing both his queen and king, of course, such a move isn't possible in a real game of chess, but you can say it's some sort of figure of speech, wherein, it can only be applied to him, and to what he does, it truly was an enjoyable sight, with this, I've accepted the fact that I am indeed obsessed with the man named, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

Ichinose Honami POV

I asked the man that was being blamed by his own classmate, I asked him if he was one of the Impostors, what came next was unexpected.

He said yes, ah, wait, that could be misunderstood if taken out of context.

His answered was a flat yes when I asked him the question whether he was and Impostors or not, I didn't understand, multiple questions were popping inside my head.

Is he serious?

What is he trying to do?

Is he covering for someone? For Horikita-san?

Was he trying to use reverse psychology?

Is he really an Impostor?

I couldn't get any answers, I didn't get to any conclusions.


Suddenly, Ryuuen-kun started to speak, he stated that he was going to vote Horikita-san off, he started to explain why, that whole time, I wanted to ask Ayanokouji-kun, but too much was happening, what Ryuuen-kun was logical, usually, I wouldn't trust Ryuuen-kun, but, Horikita-san was more suspicious, that was the conclusion that I reached when Ryuuen-kun laid out the evidences supported with logic, not only that, Mako-chan also vouched for Ayanokouji-kun, which means that he had a solid alibi.

After debating on who to vote off, in the end, we all decided to vote off Horikita-san, I was nervous, after a few seconds of Horikita-san's ejection, the game didn't end, which means there were still Impostors on board, I was about to press the button, I'm guessing the other Crewmates were thinking of doing the same, but, a sabotage was called, it was the reactor.

We all made our way toward the reactor, thankfully, we were able to stop the sabotage, we were all going back to the cafeteria, but the doors closed in on us, it took a few seconds, the door opened, I thought someone would be able to press the button, but before someone could press it, a double kill happened. The game ended, my screen showed [Defeat].

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