Chapter 3

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Of course the damn boulders killed me again. I let out a sigh and got off the computer. After that I jumped on my bed riki soon followed. Riki snuggled up to my neck and nuzzled onto me.

Me: "You going to stop that anytime soon or do you want something."

Riki yipped happily, I turn over onto my stomach and pet riki for a few minutes earning purrs from the fox. I stop for a moment and check the time. 4:57 huh I better fix my hair a bit. I get up and enter the bathroom, I throw some water into my hair and comb it.

My alarm goes off and I hear a knock at the door. I make my way over while turning off the alarm. But on the way riki stops me and whines.

Me: "Fine you can come but stay quiet."

I pick up riki and place her in my hood while pulling the good over my head. Riki slides down and hides in my hoodie. I open the door and see a tall man waiting.

???: "Sir are you Y/n L/n."

I nod at the man and he smiles

???: "Good I'm here to take you to the K/DA event."

Me: "Thank you sir."

I followed the man into the fancy limo he opens the door and I enter. I feel riki shift and move onto my chest. Her head peaks out of my hoodie. I push her head back down to keep her hidden.

The ride was mostly silent besides a bit of small talk. After a few minutes we reached the location. I open the door and step out fo the limo. Two more people came over one man and one woman.

???: "Are you Y/n L/n?"

I once again nod my head

???: "Show us your ticket please."

I pull the ticket out of my pocket and hand it over.

???: "Yup it's real, follow us we will lead you to your seat."

They handed me back my ticket and I followed behind them. There was a line on the other side I got multiple yells of anger. My face was hidden by my hood and I avoided looking over. One person actually came at me but the man stopped him.

???: "Sally lead him to his seat I'll handle this guy."

The woman nodded and walked faster, I kept up with her pace. After a few minutes walking trough this maze like place we reach a fancy looking area.

???: "The concert will begin in a few minutes and drinks will be provided."

I nodded and thanked the woman she bowed and walked away. Heh I'm starting to feel like a king, maybe this won't be so bad. This must have been expensive how did the principle afford this.

A few moments later another woman came by.

???: "Hello sir I'm here if you need anything."

I thanked the woman and she backed up

???: "Would you like something to drink sir."

Me: "Can you get me some water."

I talk to her in a very quiet tone

???: "Yes sir give me a few moments."

She came back a few seconds later and handed me a water bottle, it was ice cold.

Me: "Thank you ma'am."

???: "No problem sir."

She left soon after and I drank from my bottle.

???: "Really only a water bottle c'mon man you got the VIP ticket enjoy it."

I turn back and see a woman with a cap bidding her face, she was leaning againts the wall, she had a ponytail, weird pants that looked cut in half, I saw a dripping spray can in her hand with a another can in her hand.

Suddenly the stage lights up and I turn my attention back to that. I immediately turn back to the woman but she was gone. I turn back and see her sitting in front of me.

Me: "H-how are you doing that."

She chukled

???: "Don't worry about it buddy but here ya go."

She handed me a coca cola can, she clicked her tongue and gave me finger guns. I look down at the can and look back up to see her gone. Teleportation? Possibly.

I feel a shiver go down my spine

???: "Let me get that for you sir~"

It was a woman she spoke in a seductive tone. She cracks the can open and hands it back to me.

???: "Thank you for coming to the show darling~ I hope to see you backstage soon~"

She dissapeared infront of my eyes

???: "Sorry about her she tends to do that."

I turn back and see a woman with nine tails.

Wait I've heard of her, ahri was her name if I remember correctly.

???: "We just wanted to thank you for coming out to the show."

Another woman spoke, she had canon looking things hovering on top of her shoulders. They both dashed out of the VIP area after that.

Ahri: "Hello everyone thank you for coming to the show tonight I hope it was worth the wait."

She was received well by the crowd, earning cheers from most of the people. Riki pops out of my hoodie. She looks forward and yips happily. She makes her way out of my hoodie and onto my lap.

Me: "Is this as fun as you imagined riki?"

The fox yipped and her tail was wagging quickly. I pet the small fox and she purred while nuzzling onto my hand.

???: "I hope you're ready for this show because it will leave you breathless my darlings~"

The woman blew a small kiss out

???: "And a huge thank you for VIP guest being here."

I ducked lower into my seat and hopped I didn't get noticed. The crowd had a negative reaction to that but the idols didn't really seem to notice.

Ahri: "Now now enough teasing let's get this show started."

I take a sip of the cola and continue to pet riki who was now on her back taking belly rubs. I'm not sure if I regret coming here or if I enjoy being here.

Just a normal guy (K/DA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now