Chapter 41

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If anyone ever tries to force me to release a chapter again, I will delete all my stories and won't republish them.

Me: "Well shit he got away."

Evelynn: "Who was that guy?"

I shrug my shoulder

Me: "I'm pretty sure we should just move back to the penthouse."

Akali shrugged

Akali: "Sure, I didn't really like this place anyways."

Ahri: "I agree, what if someone breaks in again and kidnaps y/n."

Me: "Yeah- wait- w-why me specifically."

She only stared at me as a response

Ahri: "C'mon, you know why."

Evelynn: "You're my boyfriend of course they'd target you."

Me: "Oh, I thought you were making fun of me."

I chuckled

Ahri: "I was, but I'll take credit for Evelynn's explanation."

My laugh fades and I stare dead eyed to ahri before heading back to mine and Evelynn's room. Evelynn followed behind me and checked her stuff.

Nothing of mine was taken luckily but all of the idols had most of their dirty clothes stolen.

Ahri: "What kinda sick freak takes dirty clothes."

Me: "Your fanbase?"

Everyone stared at me, my gaze darts around the room.

Me: "What? I'm not wrong am I?"

Evelynn stared at me with dissapointment.

Me: "Whatever I'm gonna go pack my stuff."

I leave the living room and pack all my stuff up. The fox treats dropped out of my bag, before I knew it riki jumped and stole the bag.

Me: "Wait come back!"

I drop my bag and begin to chase riki she was quick and wouldn't let the bag go. Eventually she dove under the couch.

Akali: "Was that riki."

I dash forward completely ignoring Akali and lift up the couch. She runs away again, I drop the couch as gently as I could but before I could start chasing riki again, ahri swooped her up.

Ahri: "Hey there cutie, mind giving me the treats."

Ahri kissed Riki's forehead much to the content of the giggling fox. Riki dropped the bag and I quickly picked it up.

Me: "I'm not giving you any treats."

I walk up to ahri and she hands me riki, riki jumps up onto my shoulder and cuddles on my neck.

Me: "Let's just get going I've had enough of this coast."

Akali: "We're all packed up, we're just waiting for you."

Me: "Alright then let's go."

After picking up my stuff again we all headed towards the airport where once again we were picked K/DA's private jet.

I sat in Evelynn's lap, not by choice, but because she dragged me into her lap, hugged me and refused to let me go until she fell asleep.

I snuck out of her grasp and sat next to the others. Ahri placed her arm over my shoulders.

I stared up at her confused

Me: "Ahri?"

She looked down and her eyes widened, she quickly pulled away.

Ahri: "Sorry y/n, I guess that's just muscle memory at this point."

I smiled and waved dismissevly to her

Me: "It's fine, I know I'm completely irresistible."

She chuckled

Ahri: "Sure you are."

She winked and patted my head.

I sat back and relaxed, my eyes slowly shut as I let my self slip away to sleep. By the time I wake up we had already landed.  All of us got off the jet and evelynn drove us home.

We made it home and all of us finally went inside the penthouse and settled back in. I hear for my room and deposit all my things. After that I head to Evelynn's room, she was laying down peacefully in her bed. She noticed me come inside.

Evelynn: "What are you doing here darling?"

I didn't awnswer her question and get on her bed. Her arms wrap around me

Evelynn: "Is there something wrong darling?"

I kiss her lips

Me: "No."

She raised her eyebrow

Evelynn: "You do realize if you don't tell me what's wrong I'll just force it out of you."

Her hand traveled through my hair as a devilish smirk covered her face

Evelynn: "Don't worry though, if you're a good boy, I promise to be gentle~"

Her other hand slowly traveled down my chest and onto my lower stomach.

Me: "W-wait I'm serious there's nothing wrong."

She quickly straddled me, one of her hands pinned both of mine above my head. She stared down at me, I gulped nervously as she licked her lips seductively.

Evelynn: "Are you sure there's absolutely nothing wrong~"

Her other hand pressed firmly againts my chest.

Evelynn: "Y'know all you have to do is ask, and I d be happy to satisfy you in any way~"

Me: "No, I'm serious I'm absolutely fine i promise, you don't need to do any of that."

She said nothing and simply stared at me

Evelynn: "Maybe I want to have some fun~"

She moved her hand down to my crotch

Me: "W-wait eve."

She frowned

Evelynn: "It's been so long since we've done it~"

She started kissing me from the neck all the way down. At this point I was as hard as a rock. She sighed before anything else happened.

Evelynn: "Well if you really don't want to, I won't force you."

She laid to my side with a dissapointed look on her face. I got closer to her and grabbed her hand. I placed it againts my member

Me: "All I'm going to say is that this is on you."

She giggled

Evelynn: "I'll make sure to take full responsibility darling~"

I panted in exhaustion after a long 3 hour long session.

Me: "Fuck... that was... amazing."

Both me and evelynn were sweating

Evelynn: "Quite the vigor on you~"

I turn to her and kiss her

Me: "I love you."

Evelynn: "I love you too darling."

The door bursted open

Ahri: "Eve we were planning on getting lunch-"

Ahri's eyes widened she screams and slams the door shut.

Me: "Try knocking next time!"

I chuckled and got off the bed

Me: "I'm gonna go shower."

Evelynn got up quickly

Evelynn: "I'll join you."

I really hope ahri dosen't remember seeing that, it must be traumatizing to walk in on someone.

There's your update

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