Chapter 34 - A Very Drunk Night

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Another lemon chapter, it's a little dirty but I'm sure you're used to it.

As I make my way into the living room I spot kai'sa sitting on the couch and drinking something. She notices me and places the galas she was drinking out of down.

Kai'sa: "H-hey y/n."

Me: "What are you drinking?"

She blushed but gave me an awnswer

Kai'sa: "Just some wine."

I sit down next to her and take a small sip out of it, my to her surprise.

Me: "I'm pretty sure guys aren't just supposed to let their girl drink alone."

She blushed even harder and hid her face. I pour some more into her cup and handed it to her. I grabbed my own cup and poured my self some too.

Me: "Any specific reason to drinking tonight?"

Kai'sa: "To a great day?"

Me: "Eh, good enough."

I turned on the TV and set the volume somewhat low.

???: "And here we have confirmation of Evelynn's new boyfreind."

Me: "Damn they are quick."

It was a picture of evelynn clutching my arm, it was at the airport.

Kai'sa: "That's the downside of being an idol, you can't really have a personal life without anyone knowing."

We drank throughout the night going trough three bottles of wine total.

Me: "*hic* I think I drank a lil too much."

I stared into kai'sas drunken eyes, there was a weird silence as we stared into each other's eyes.

Her hand slowly shifted to my thigh and crawled into my chest. *Hic* I'm gettin' laid tonight

Me: "Kai'sa~"

She places her hand gently on my cheek

Kai'sa: "Y/n~"

She slammed her lips into my own, after a few moments she pulled away with a small string of saliva.

Me: "*Hic* you sure you want to do this tonight?"

Kai'sa: "Whose going to stop us~"

I snake my hands onto her body and squeeze her butt. She twitches slightly but dosen't stop me. I quickly pick her up and carry her into her room. She opens the door and I place her down on her bed.

I lean down on top of her, she looked up at me, waiting for me to make the first move. I couldn't be bothered to hold back anymore. I kissed her slowly and made my way down her body.

I literraly ripped her pants off leaving kai'sa in her panties. She was blushing but didn't stop me. I removed her panties slowly and leaned down to meet her hole.

Me: "I've never done this before so tell me if it feels good."

I started licking her area slowly to tease her a bit before moving onto the main event. Her thighs almost instantly wrap around my head as she begins to moan.

Kai'sa: "Don't S-stop y/n."

I kept liking away for the next few moments until I felt her coming close to climax. I pulled away at the last second. She was definitely frustrated.

Me: "Sorry to pull an evelynn I'll do it this time for real."

I remove my own clothes but I could tell she was really frustrated by not getting to cum.

I get on top of her again and push my member closer to her hole. Her arms were already around my neck. I looked down and gave her a questioning look. She nodded and I finally pushed my self inside of her.

I heard her groan under me her nails dug into my neck. I look down and saw a bit of blood.

Me: "*hic* sorry kai I didn't know."

She hugged me closer for a few moments until she moved on her own. I took that as my cue to start moving. She looked up at me while biting her lips.

Kai'sa: "It feels so good y/n~"

She lets out a small moan, I start to thrust faster my sole focus was making kai'sa feel good.

Me: "I love you kai'sa."

I start kissing her more, she didn't respond but she was blushing very heavily. I leaned down to her chest and started to suck on her nipple. She lets out a really loud moan

Me: "Keep it down kai'sa *hic* you're gonna wake up the others."

She again was biting her lip to keep quiet. I ran my thumb over her lips and leaned down to give her another kiss. My tongue and hers started to battle for dominance. I was used to doing this so I ended up winning and explored kai'sa mouth.

I felt my end coming soon, *hic* I'm not gonna be a dad pull out game strong

As I was about to cum I pulled out and came over kai'sas lower stomach. I panted slightly as my member went limp.

Kai'sa was also panting, between breaths she spoke

Kai'sa: "Done already?"

A smirk covers my face

Me: 'It's obvious you don't want me to be."

She drunkenly smiled and kisses me, she turned around and held her butt up.i used bother of our juices as lube and went inside of kai'sas other hole. She almost instantly moans but I cover her mouth to reduce some of the noise.

I thrusted inside of her as quickly as I could. I grabbed her butt with my free hand and I feel her hole squeeze down tighter. I started kissing the back of her neck. After a few moments of kissing I started sucking on the side of her neck, leaving small hickeys on there.

I could feel her hole squeeze as she came again. Not yet, I'm not done yet.

Another few thrust and I felt my end coming I started massing her breast with both hands.

Me: "Kai'sa~ I'm really close."

Kai'sa: "Let it all inside me!~"

I turn her around and slam my lips into hers as I release inside of her hole. I slowly give her a few more thrust before pulling out slowly.

Kai'sa: "Haa~ haa~ That... Was incredible."

Me: "Heh I.. have to agree... There."

I placed my forehead againts hers as she slowly wrapped my arms entirely around my neck.

She picked up the blanket she packed and placed it over both of us.

We both stared at each other for a few minutes before we cuddled closer to each other. She passed out a few minutes later, leaving me awake with only my thoughts. She left herself to me she trusted me, it made me feel good.

I don't think I ever would have seen my self hugging a girl like this a few years back yet here I am. I place my hands behind her head and held her close to my body.

Me: "*hic* I love you kai, goodnight."

She smiled in her sleep and snuggled closer to me, after that I finally passed out.

Good lemon or nah?

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