Chapter 17

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I feel licks on my face like every other morning. I open my eyes and riki sits there happily panting. I groan and turn around in my bed, my hand lands on something soft.

???: "Good morning y/n."

I open my eyes fully and see evelynn sitting on my bed drinking something. I shriek and back up into the corner accidently pushing riki off the bed.

Me: "W-why are you in my room and why am I naked!"

I cover my self up with my blanket

Evelynn: "We had sex last night darling."

...What? The memories come rushing back to me.

Me: "Y-you raped me."

She had a questioning look on her face

Evelynn: "No I didn't."

Me: "What the hell is wrong with you get away from me."

I try to get off the bed and enter the bathroom but Evelynn's tails stop me.

Evelynn: "That wasn't rape y/n I had consent."

She took a sip and got off my bed, she sat down next to me.

Evelynn: "One of my abilities is to amplify someone's lust for me, it only works if the target already lusted for me, you know what that means right?"

I stayed in shocked silence

Evelynn: "That means you wanted me, and in the middle I let you take over but you didn't run away or even tell me to stop did you?"

Me: "But-"

Evelynn: "The ability I mentioned earlier only lasts a minute or two, after that it was all you."

Me: "That dosen't count you used an ability that's still rape."

Suddenly she pulled me in, her hands easily wrap around me loosely.

Evelynn: "You wanted it y/n I simply let you indulge yourself."

Riki nibbles on my finger I look down at her.

Me: "S-stay away from me your lying."

She pulls me in for a tighter hug the warmth of her body felt... comforting.

Evelynn: "I wouldn't lie to you darling."

She gently rubbed my back and swayed me slightly. She let me go and looked me in the eyes.

Evelynn: "How about a deal y/n?"

Me: "What do you mean."

Evelynn: "I'll give you two options one, I break the contract and you can go back to your normal life that's what you want right?"

I can live like I did before

Evelynn: "Or two, you admit on your own you want to stay here, I will keep you safe I'll keep you happy and I'll keep you as my personal pet."

She placed her hand againts my cheek

Evelynn: "I promise no one will ever hurt you again, I'm sure it's been hard fighting for most your life."

A warm feeling spread across my chest is this what being safe feels like.

Me: "I don't know."

She pats my head

Evelynn: "I'll give you to the end of the day to make up your mind darling."

She stands up and leaves my room. Riki yipped happily and nibbled on my finger again.

Me: "What do you think riki should I stay?"

Riki spins around on my bed and sits down.

Me: "I completely agree."

Riki yips and jumps off the bed, she scratches at the door.

Me: "Later we can go on a walk for now it's time to shower."

I do my usual morning routine but the author is getting tired of writing this bit all the time.


Mort: "Boy shut up before I put in futa shit in here."

Y/N: "Ok I'm sorry I'm sorry don't that please."

Mort: "That's what I thought."


I finish up and put on some new clothes. I make my way down to the living room. I check my phone and see its still only 5 am. My ears pick up some noise in the kitchen, someone was messing around in there.

I go inside and see akali along with Ahri eating ramen together. Akali with a full mouth spoke

Akali: "Owh Hwey Yw/n-"

She starts chocking, I rush behind her and preform the heimlich maneuver. She coughs out some ramen.

Me: "Yeah probably shouldn't talk with your mouth full."

Akali was covering her face with her hands while ahri was giggling.

Akali: "It's not funny."

She was pouting now

Akali: "Why are you even up y/n."

Me: "My sleep schedule is fully operated by riki, now that I think about it every aspect of my life is."

Riki hops and scratches at akali's legs, she smiled and picked up riki.

Akali: "This fox is the saviour and I will protect it."

Ahri: "But why does she wake you up."

Me: "She likes to go out for morning walks if I don't take her out she'll whine all day and I don't have the patience for that anymore."

Akali: "Can we take her out for a walk."

Me: "Sure go ahead but it's a little early maybe later."

She smiled nodded her head, riki was happily purring from getting belly rubs. I exit the kitchen and go back to my room. I jump on my bed happy I can finally get some rest. My mind wanders to what evelynn was saying and how I felt. I felt weak but I've never felt so safe in my life. I miss that feeling, that warmth.

I place the blanket over my self and go to sleep. I'm gently shaken by someone my eyes shoot open.

Kai'sa: "The food's ready y/n."

I get up and follow behind her to the dining room. I make eye contact with evelynn I immediately look away. I say down and ate with riki quickly jumping onto me.

She snatches a bit of food out my hand and runs over to Akali eating it under her arm.

Akali: "Does she do that often."

Me: "No."

I ate silently for a bit until I finished. I go to my room and put on my shoes.

Me: "We should get going."

Ahri and akali sprint off to their rooms and come back dressed differently. I turn behind me and evelynn was still eating she looks up for a moment a small smile was on her face. Hopefully this will clear up my mind.

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