Chapter 5

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I feel something licking my face, push it away but then it licks my hand.

Me: "Stoooop I want to sleep riki..."

I turn around and keep my eyes closed, not bothering to keep interacting with the fox. But then I feel riki licking my neck.

Me: "Fine fine I'll take you out for a walk."

The small fox spins around and yips happily with her tail wagging. I let out a sigh and check the time. 6:45 huh I better take a quick shower then walk riki. I get up and walk to the bathroom with my towel in hand. I do my usual morning routine and after a few minutes I'm ready to go.

Last night

Ahri PoV

We were all waiting patiently for the VIP to come but got told he wasn't coming.

Me: "Why inst he coming though?"

???: "He got into a fight and his fox got injured."

Akali: "Wow he has a fox? Why would he bring it here actually?"

???: "I wouldn't know ma'am but do enjoy your night."

The man exited the room leaving us by ourselves.

Akali: "Thank God that's less work for me."

Me: "Well yes but still I hope the guy was alright."

Kai'sa: "Y-yeah hopefully he wasn't injured too badly."

I realize something in this moment

Me: "What a shame but he does get to spend the day with us tommorow."

Akali: "I really hope he isn't a creep like the last guy."

I grimaced remembering what the last person to win this contest tried to do and how badly he got beat down by Akali.

Me: "He seemed like a decent guy but Im afraid eve will scare him off again."

Evelynn: "Pfft that's assuming he even gets near me and when's the last time you had a guy approach you."

Me: "A while ago actually but at least I kept him for more than two days."

A smug smile spread across my face.

Evelynn: "You know damn well no one can handle me~"

Me: "Oh eve thee isn't enough money in the world to get a guy to spend even a week with you."

Evelynn: "Please so many men would kill for the opportunity to date me."

Me: "True but you forget as soon as they see how you really are they leave you instantly."

Akali: "Jeez ahri relax just because it's true dosen't mean you should say it."

Evelynn rolls her eyes and gets on her phone.

Evelynn: "I could get any man in the world ahri could you?"

Me: "Of course everyone loves me."

Everyone laughs which puts me down slightly.

Me: "You're so mean."

Akali: "Calm down ahri were just messing with you now let's go home."

Everyone agreed and we had someone take us home.


Y/n PoV

I finally get riki on the leash and walk outside taking a breath of fresh air before riki Immediately starts trying to leave.

Me: "Sometimes you're too much riki."

The fox yips and that marks the time we get to walking. I pull my hood over my head and avoid the people around me until I reach the park. Riki ran around for a while with me occasionally throwing a stick for her to catch and chasing her around for a bit.

Hmm Im running low on fox treats I should probably buy some at one point. I finally get up and start to walk home with riki back on her leash, and walking next to me. Another few minutes pass and I'm back home only to be greeted by a limo.

Did I miss something?

I walk by it not thinking it was meant for me and enter my house with riki pulling and tugging to get off the leash. I get the door open and riki speeds off with the leash still on. I swear this fox is adorable but too much of a trouble maker.

I was going to enter inside when I feel someone grab my shoulder. I turn around and see the driver from yesterday.

???: "Hello sir I'm here to pick you up."

Me: "For what?"

I asked the man, I was slightly confused but still spoke in my quiet and calm tone.

???: "You get to spend the day with K/DA sir' You are y/n l/n correct?"

Oh that's what I forgot. I nod my head at the man. He gestures for me to get inside as I go to leave riki starts whining.

I get the leash off her and pick her up while locking the door.

???: "You're taking the fox with you?"

Me: "I don't want to get another noise complaint from the neighbors."

The driver nodded and walked me to the limo. He opens the door and I step inside still hidden mostly by my hoodie. Unfortunately riki escapes my grasp and runs over to the girl with the mask.

???: "Aww what a cute fox."

She goes to touch her but she riki runs back to me before she is grabbed. I stayed silent and tried not to say anything which worked for a few minutes until ahri spoke.

Ahri: "You know it's not really considered normal not wanting to talk to idols."

I run my hand trough riki's fur earning purrs from the small fox.

Me: "I prefer not to bother people."

Ahri laughs slightly

Ahri: "I prefer you talk to me than not to be honest."

There was a small pause but she spoke again.

Ahri: "You didn't get to meet us yesterday so how about a little bit of introductions."

The pony tailed girl spike first

Akali: "Yo the name is Akali and I do have to say you're fox is adorable what's it's name."

Me: "Her name is riki."

Akali: "Riki huh that's a cool name."

Me: "Would you like to pet her."

She gasps

Akali: "Can I?"

I smile and place the fox near Akali

Me: "She is a bit cautions but once she gets use to you, you can pet her all you like."

I hear a voice right next to me.

Evelynn: "Hello darling~ my name is evelynn."

I turned to my right and see her sitting next to me with a smirk on her face. She got up and sat back down next to the others.

Kai'sa: "O-oh my name is kai'sa I like your hoodie by the way."

A small smile spreads across my face

Me: "I like yours too it's a wonderful shad of purple."

She smiled and thanked me

Ahri: "And that leaves me ahri the nine tailed fox."

She crossed her legs and had a smile across her face.

Ahri: "Now then what would you like to do with us today."

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