Chapter 15

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I hear akali struggling behind me

Akali: "Let me go we are over."

I see a guy standing there holding her wrists. That must be her boyfriend which means I have revenge to get. I pick up the chair I used and walk behind the guy. I lift up the chairs and tap his shoulder he turns around and I slam the chair onto his face.

He lets go off akali and clothes his face, I kick his crotch and like Sam before him he goes down.

Me: "Next time don't touch my fucking fox."

I stomp on him for good measure I hear riki jumping onto the ground she walks over and bites him. I pick her up and walk away

Me: "Cool party and all that please continue to have fun."

Most people didn't care and continued to party with their host unconscious. I leave the house and just sit down with riki.

Me: "Welp riki looks like we are by ourselves again."

Riki yips and jumps into my shoulder, She licks my ear.

Me: "You wanna go home riki?"

She yips and moves across my shoulder from side to side.

Me: "We have to wait for the others."

I close my eyes and lay againts the house until I hear the door open. My eyes open and I see kai'sa standing there. She walks over and sits down next to me.

Kai'sa: "Mind telling me why you just beat up two people."

Me: "How do you know I did it for a reason maybe I just hate them."

Kai'sa: "You seemed to be in good terms with sam and now you beat him it wouldn't make sense."

Me: "I'm not sure you would believe me but Sam tried to threaten me in the restroom it was a little sus."

Kai'sa: "See all of us told you there was something wrong with him."

Evelynn: "I knew something like this was going to happen."

I turn my head and see evelynn standing there.

Me: "How did-"

Evelynn: "Don't worry about it for now, this party is ruined let's just get going."

She left and came back a few minutes later with the other two.

Ahri: "At least give me a reason."

She looked tired

Me: "Hey he started it."

Ahri looked like she was about to say something but evelynn stops her.

Evelynn: "I have something interesting to show you."

Ahri seemed confused but went along without protest. We all get inside Evelyn's car she drives off. After a few minutes we reach the penthouse. I remove my bowtie and riki grabs it. She nibbles on the side of the bowtie for a bit as we all get out the car.

We enter inside the penthouse, we go inside the living room and evelynn turns on the TV. A video starts to play with someone talking directly to kai'sa.

Kai'sa: "Sometimes I do miss the quiet but I'm happy because I got to meet my friends."

Evelynn the speaks

Evelynn: "Too soon."

She fast fowards the video and it goes to a scene in the bathroom. So she had a camera on me the whole time.

This was the part where Sam was threatening me and the part where I kick his teeth in. Ahri had a shocked looked on her face.

Me: "See I didn't do anything wrong."

Ahri bowed slightly and apologized to me.

Ahri: "I'm sorry misjudged you but why did you also beat up akali's boyfriend."

Me: "Call it revenge he hit my fox and I hit him back."

Akali: "Just so you know I could've handled that my self."

Me: "Yeah no duh I didn't have an ability and I still won."

Akali: "Is that actually true there's no way you don't have one."

Me: "Why does no one ever believe me I don't that's why I use cheap tactics to win."

Akali: "Well yeah I guess it's just really weird."

I let out a small sigh

Me; "I'm going to sleep I'll see you in the morning."

I walk away to my room and take a quick shower. After getting dressed I hear riki scratching at the door. I open it and riki rushes onto bed. I feel something touch my back and push me down on my bed. I turn my head and see evelynn behind me.

Evelynn: "I have to thank you y/n."

Me: "For what?"

Evelynn: "I wanted to expose him and you served my purposes fully."

She got off me and sat next to me

Evelynn: "I should have told you my plan but I wanted it to be natural to check you character."

Me: "I can't really blame you I'm basically just a stranger you invited to clean your house and tag along."

She giggled and laid down next to me. I feel a sudden wave of drowsiness hit me. I didn't notice it but evelynn arms wrapped around me. She pulled me in close and looked down on me. Her seductive golden eyes stared into my own. Her soft lips pressed gently againts my ears.

Evelynn: "Perhaps you would like a reward~"

Her warm breath sent shivers down my spine. Her hand trails over my spine slowly, she was like a cat playing with a mouse before she eats it. I feel her teeth nibble on my ears. My ears perk up she stops for a moment.

Evelynn: "Would you like to be my pet?~"

I still felt fuzzy and the warmth of her body was making it worse.

Me: "W-what?"

Evelynn: "You heard me~"

She continued to tease me by nibbling on my ear. I gasp as I feel her suddenly pull my tail.

Me: "W-wait n-not the tail."

Her fingers combed through my tail for a few moments. She switched over to my hair for another few moments.

Evelynn: "Tic toc y/n~ make your choice soon before I take matters into my own hands~"

I stutter for a few moments I have to say no I have to.

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