Chapter 37

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I sat down on the couch and relaxed for a few minutes while eve was getting ready. Time always seemes slower while we're waiting for something.

I tried to distract my self by checking the news on my phone. I scrolled around for a bit until I found an article talking about me.

Mysterious boy spotted again with evelynn.

I read the article to see what exactly they knew. There was a video of me stopping the guy from touching kai'sa.  The next few lines read similarly to the title.

We dont have a confirmed name, but its save to say this vastaya is evelynn's boyfriend. We can only wonder how long this relationship will last.

I feel something wet touching my leg while I was reading the article. My gaze lowered from my phone to the floor where riki was sitting. She looked up at me happily. A smile spreads across my face as I pick her up.

Me: "It feels like I've been neglecting you riki I'm sorry about that."

Riki yipped and wagged her tail as I set her down on my lap. I picked riki's ball up from next to the couch.

Me: "Wanna play ball riki?"

She spun around and yipped happily while trying to get the ball.

Me: "Then go get it."

I tossed the ball to the wall and riki immediately skimpered off to get it. Riki runs back a few moments later with the ball in her mouth.

She dropped it in front of my foot and nudged it into my foot.

Me: "I'm going to hide after throwing this ball riki, I hope your nose is up for the task."

I pick up the ball again and launch it to the opposite side of the room. I get up soon after and run to the kitchen. I get up onto the counters. Thanks to my small size I managed to fit easily.

I push my body all the way to the back so riki couldn't see me.

A few moments later I hear riki near the living room. The clicking on her nails on the floor came close to the kitchen. I see her enter the kitchen with the ball in her mouth.

She places the ball down for a second and sniffs the air. She walks to the counter I was hiding on top of and starts scratching the wood.

I pretend that I wasn't there but then she started whining.

Me: "Alright, you got me."

I slide down and pick riki along with her ball up. I walk around until I finally sit down on the living room couch.

I then hear a very frustrated sigh behind me. I turn back as my ears perk up. Evelynn was standing there with an angry look on her face.

Evelynn: "Y/n."

Me: "I didn't do it!"

She stared at me with a confused look before speaking again.

Evelynn: "What are you talking about."

She waved her hand dismissively and sat down next to me.

Evelynn: "That's not important."

She kissed my forehead

Evelynn: "We have to go to a business meeting so breakfast is off."

My head tilts to the side

Me: "I thought all of you were on vacation."

She rubbed the bridge of her nose before speaking again.

Evelynn: "We were, but apparently those people cant survive a single day without shit hitting the fan."

Her angry gaze softened as she looked at me. A small sigh escapes her lips

Evelynn: "I'm sorry darling, I didn't mean to snap on you."

I smile and sat back on the couch.

Me: "Its fine, it's probably really stressful to be an idol."

I kissed her cheek

Me: "Just be careful."

I see her smile and get closer to me, her arms pull me into her embrace.

Evelynn: "I wish I could just cuddle with you right now."

She kissed my left ear

Evelynn: "Don't think this changes the deal, I still want my night."

She rubs my back gently until the others make it to the living room. She continued to hold me but addressed the others.

Evelynn: "Girls we have a meeting."

Akali: "But we're on vacation."

Evelynn: "I'm fully aware darling."

She patted my head gently

Ahri: "Why am I not surprised."

Ahri sighed and sat down on the couch.

Kai'sa: "Do I have to go this time?"

Evelynn: "Yes, all of us."

Akali: "What about y/n."

I finally break out of evelynn's hug and gasp for a second before finally catching my breath.

Me: "I have the most aggressive guard fox, years of fighting experience and a new ability, I think I handle house sitting for a few hours."

Riki yipped while her tail was wagging. I scratched behind riki's ears much to her enjoyment.

Akali hesitantly agreed and sat down on the opposite couch.

Evelynn checked her phone for a second.

Evelynn: "Let's get going."

Everyone agreed and got up soon after. Evelynn stayed for an extra second. She places her hand against my cheek.

Evelynn: "We'll be back soon darling."

She slowly leaned in and kissed my lips.

Evelynn: "I love you."

She smiled gently

Evelynn: "My little fox cub."

My heart fluttered but I wasn't going to show.

Me: "Get going eve you'll be late."

She smirked and got up but before she could walk away I grabbed her arm and spun her around to face me. I returned the gesture she did to me and I kissed her lips.

Me: "And for the record, I love you more."

I winked at her and sat back down.

Evelynn: "Look at you, making your girlfriend feel special."

She smirked again and walked away. She opened the door and closed it after walking out.

I looked down at riki

Me: "I guess its just you and me for a bit."

Riki yipped happily and jumped onto my lap.

Me: "Let's just watch some TV for now."

I grab the remote and turn on the tv to cartoons.

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