Chapter 24

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We made our way out of the penthouse and into Evelynn's car. Riki was just being riki with akali. I sat down next to kai'sa with Ahri actually calling shotgun first, much to akali's dissapointment.

Evelynn: "Where exactly is the karaoke place you were talking about."

Me: "Down by 5th avenue close to the newberry mall and left of the Sylas night club."

Evelynn: "How do you know about this place."

Me: "I was taken there by my parents when I was young."

Ahri: "What's it like in there."

Me: "Imagine like a mini room and a bigger room, you can rent a mini room or a big room and just goof off in."

Akali: "How big is the big room."

Me: "Maybe a bit bigger than the bedrooms in the penthouse."

Kai'sa: "Seems a little small."

Me: "Well there is a super VIP option but it's way too expensive."

I hear Evelynn laugh

Evelynn: "Darling, money is no object."

Ahri: "What does the VIP room have?"

Me: "Imagine 4 of the bedrooms in a square shape with a little bit more width with a bar where you can get a huge assortment of drinks."

Evelynn: "That's more like it, do they have alcohol."

Me: "Probably Im not sure though."

Everyone seems to pipe of and begin talking. A sudden wave of drowsynezz hits me, a small yawn escapes my lips and I close my eyes for a bit.


I feel a light weight fall onto my shoulder. I turn to my left and see y/n sleeping on me. His breaths were small and gentle I move him slightly to the left and try to get him on his side. His hand clings gently onto my arm.

Riki jumps and run towards y/n, she lays down infront of him. No one else seems to notice him asleep.

Akali: "Of remember that one fan that actually tried to mess with evelynn."

Ahri: "Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen a guy get destroyed so quick."

Evelynn: "What can I say he should've just kept his mouth shut."

Ahri: "But that's nothing compared to what akali did when that one idiot slapped kai'sas butt."

Akali: "That asshat deserved it."

Evelynn: "He's lucky I didn't get to him first."

Ahri: "True but how has y/n been acting with you."

Evelynn: "You were questioning y/n weren't you."

Ahri: "Uh... N-no."

Evelynn: "He's been fine ahri, you know damn well no one can keep up with me."

Akali: "You hear that y/n? she thinks you can't handle her."

Me: "He's asleep."

I gently shook him and his eyes shoot open.

Y/n: "Who died?!"

Y/n PoV

Me: "Who died?!"

Riki gets startled and fell down

Ahri: "Uh no one, we thought you were awake."

Akali: "Yeah I thought you were just being quiet."

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