Chapter 16 - My Pet~

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Some real femdom shit ahead because it's a lemon so like uh yeah.

Me: "N-no I don't want to."

Evelynn: "You mind repeating that?~"

My throat went dry I felt like I was choking. She slowly trailed kisses down my cheek and onto my neck. I let out a small moan as she sucked my neck. I tried to escape her grasp but her arms were still wrapped tightly. How is she this strong.

She straddled me and her tails came out they easily tied my arms behind my back. I desperately struggle againts the weird tails.

Evelynn: "I'll only ask this once more, do you want to be my pet."

Me: "Y'know for someone who says they take what they want you seem so desperate for me to say yes."

The moment the words exited my mouth I knew I fucked up. A sadistic grin covered her face.

Evelynn: "You have a little fight in you~"

She whispered in my ear

Evelynn: "I'll make sure to change that~"

She bit down on my ear rough but not enough to hurt. I felt two stabs on my sides I look to the side and see her tails slightly jabbed into me. A sudden wave of pleasure overtakes me I let out a loud moan and felt my self become erect.

Evelynn: "Aphrodisiac y/n my tails can secrete it."

She plants kisses all the way down my body until she reaches my crotch. She stared into my eyes and removes my shorts with ease. She teased me and slowly removes my underwear.

She planted a gentle kiss on my member

Evelynn: "Good boy."

Her lips press up againts my member and slowly envelop the tip. The pleasure nearly driving me to climax. Her head slowly bobs up and down, her hands were pumping ky member at a much quicker rate. She takes one dip all the way down to the base and goes back up for air.

Evelynn: "Are you enjoying this sa much as me my little pet?"

I couldn't respond and was barely able to listen. I looked down at her she had a huge smirk on her face. She went back in and sucked this time much rougher and quicker. I could feel my member hitting the back of her throat. I felt my end coming and as I go to warn her she speeds up. I moan out and release all my cum into her mouth.

She swallowed it one gulp

Evelynn: "Now onto the real fun~"

She cut my shirt off sharp nails had appeared instead of her usual nails. She removes her clothes quickly and her nails go back to normal. She slowly lowers herself onto my member. The tip presses againts her entrance she smirks and takes it all the way to the base.

Evelynn: "Congratulations my pet you lost your virginity to an idol."

She bounced on me quickly and kept me pressed down. I squirmed under her desperate to escape the insanity inducing pleasure.

Me: "haa~ please evelynn stop."

Evelynn: "I don't think you understand y/n, you belonged to me ever since I laid eyes on you, when you please your master~ you get to rest."

She continued bouncing quickly both of us were moaning.

Evelynn: "You're close aren't you?"

She continued bouncing and didn't miss a beat. I nod my head barely able to keep my self from exploding. She whispered in my ear

Evelynn: "Cum for me darling~"

She bounced faster and with one last slam I release everything inside of her. She smirks and looks down on me

Evelynn: "Good boy."

Her tails unwind from my arms and release me.

Evelynn: "But we're not even close to done."

She gets off me and lays down she spreads her legs

Evelynn: "Give it your best shot darling."

I understand and push my self down on her. I enter inside her and thrust her legs lock me in. She gives me small praise and played with my ears. I thrust inside her faster and faster the pleasure was completely overwhelming.

Evelynn: "You're so cute."

A blush cover my face much to her delight she pulls my head into her chest.

Evelynn: "That's right please me my pet."

I sucked on one of her nipples and thrust faster inside her. I didn't last long and released inside of her. She smiled at me

Evelynn: "No I need more."

I turn her over and go to trust back inside her a bit of defiance poked through. I penetrated her other hole.

Evelynn: "Aah~ y/n you dirty fox~"

I thrust inside her and nibble on her ear

Me: "Y/n belongs to no one."

I thrust quickly inside her, her moans got intense and her face had a look of pleasure on it. I forcibly pressed down on her and thrust faster.

Me: "I'm coming!"

I push in one last time and release inside her. I was tired beyond belief who knew... Sex was so exhausting. I was distracted and heard evelynn giggling.

Evelynn: "You don't belong to anyone huh?"

Her hands wrap around my neck she forced me down onto my bed. She grabs both my hands and pins them above my head.

Me: "heh is it... too late to say sorry?"

She stayed silent and pierced my soul with her eyes. She pressed against me again, and bounced. She let go off my arms and grabbed a hold of my legs. She pushed them down easily

Evelynn: "I'm fucking you y/n in such an emberassing position how does it feel to be my pet, no not my pet anymore."

Her lips pressed up against my ear I felt her warm breath.

Evelynn: "You're my bitch now."

I struggled againts her one last time. She didn't stop and for the next two hours wore me down physically and mentally until she was satisfied. She finally stopped and let me go.

Evelynn PoV

He looked completely exhausted maybe I should stop before he dies. I let him go

Me: "You belong to me."

I look down and see he's passed out. A small smile creeps onto my face. I plant a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Me: "Goodnight darling."

I hear something jump onto the bed behind me. I turn my head and see riki, she walks over me and onto y/n. She wraps her body around his head and closes her eyes.

Me: "Goodnight to you too riki."

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