Chapter 6

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Me: "I have some errands I need to run, feel free to do whatever you want ma'am."

I whistle and riki comes over, as I go to leave someone grabs my shoulder gently.

Evelynn: "You're saying some errands are more important than spending a day with four idols?"

Me: "I don't value any of you higher than any other person, so yes."

Evelynn seemed slightly shocked and backed up.

Akali: "Aww man I was having fun with riki."

Me: "Sorry about that."

Ahri: "Are you absolutely sure."

Me: "Mhmm have a nice day."

Ahri: "We can drive you to your location if you want."

Me: "No thank you it's not too far I can walk it."

Ahri: "Oh um okay."

She seemed a little deflated but hey it's whatever. I pick up riki but she starts whining everytime I try to leave. I let out a sigh and sink back in my seat. Riki runs off back to Akali

Me: "Welp looks like I'm staying."

Akali: "Yaaay I get the fox back."

Riki jumps on Akali's lap and lays down

Akali: "Uh what do I do."

Me: "That means she wants pets."

Akali slowly lowered her hand and began to pet riki.

Akali: "Wow so soft."

I sit up and straighten my back mom always said to have good posture.

Ahri: "So where are you headed."

Me: "The newberry mall."

Ahri: "Did you hear him bubbles."

The driver nodded and drove off towards the mall. I sat silently and avoided looking at any of the idols.

Evelynn: "You know it's a lot more fun when a creep gets in here and tries to pick one of us up with cheesy lines only to be shot down immediately, don't you want to at least try?"

Me: "I'm not interested."

There was another awkward silence in the limo. But I didn't really mind I enjoyed the silence it made me feel alone again. I heard riki get off akali's lap and jump onto mine. I looked down at the small fox and pet her. Once again purrs exited the small foxes mouth.

We continued to ride in silence until we made it to the mall. All of them put on a disguise of some sort. I didn't care and got our the car with riki following me.

Akali: "Y/n we'll be at the clothes store come find us if you need us."

I nod and walk off to find the fox snacks. It didn't take long and I walk inside the shop. The old man running the shop greeted me happily.

Old man: "Let me guess more fix treats."

I smile and give the old man a nod.

Old man: "Old riki sure has grown up since the last time I've seen her."

Me: "Unfortunately she dosen't want to leave my side nowadays."

The old man handed me the usual bag and I paid. I wave goodbye and walk all the way home. After about an hour I'm back home with riki in my hoodie. I drop off the fox treats and grab one for riki, feeding it to her on the way back. Another hour passes and I'm back at the mall. I think that's enough walking for today. I make my way around browsing the shops to see what's good.

Why not a new hoodie I need one anyway. I enter the clothes shop and hear arguing from four very familiar sounding voices.

Ahri: "No that one looks better on you kai'sa."

Evelynn: "What are you blind this one obviously suits her more."

Akali: "No way mine is way better for Kai'sa."

I ignore the arguing and find a purple and blue hoodie that looked very nice. Why not both just to change things up a bit. On my way to the register someone grabs my shoulder.

Ahri: "Hey y/n I need your help to settle something."

Riki's head pops out of my hoodie and riki looks up to ahri.

Me: "Sure I've got some time."

She misses and leads me to the others who are still arguing.

Evelynn: "You agree with me right y/n?"

Me: "Wait what am I agreeing to."

Ahri: "All of us picked out an outfit for Kai'sa and we were wondering which one do you think would fit her better."

All of them showed off their respective outfits.

Me: "Has kai'sa told you what she wanted?"

I turn to kai'sa

Kai'sa: "I did want another outfit but I wasn't sure what kind."

Me: "It really depends Akali's would be best as a casual sort of outfit, ahri's looks nice but seems like something you would wear to a fancy party, and as for Evelynn's well I just don't see why."

Evelynn's outfit was very exposing to say the least.

Akali: "See I told you mine was better."

Riki jumps out of my hoodie and walks over to Akali who picks riki up and hugs her.

Kai'sa: "Wait why are you in here y/n?"

Me: "I wanted a new hoodie but can't decide between the purple or the blue so I'm just buying both."

She takes a look at the purple hoodie then she smiles.

Kai'sa: "Mind if I take this one?"

Me: "Go ahead."

Kai'sa: "I think I would just rather have this hoodie."

Everyone was deflated but didn't stop her. After paying we exited the store.

Akali: "Where do you want to go next y/n?"

Me: "I'm thinking about somewhere to eat maybe the ramen shop."

She grabs my hand and pulls me along for a few minutes.

Me: "Mind telling me where we are going?"

She smiled brightly

Akali: "To old man paku's ramen shop."

After a few more minutes we made it to old man paku's ramen shop. What a long name.

Akali enters excitedly and she was greatest by the old man.

Paku: "Akali long time no see come come there is a free space over there."

The old man leads us to a big table we all quickly sit down and order.

Paku: "I don't think I've seen you around, you wouldn't happen to be akali's boyfriend would you?"

I chuckled

Me: "No nothing like that sir."

Paku: "Call me paku I'll have your orders out in a bit."

I nodded and the old man left to cook up the ramen. I turn to my side and see evelynn smirking. Huh wonder what that's about.

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