In my arms

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Colleen POV

I am sitting beside Josh on the plane. He will not leave me alone and I am happy with that. This whole incident has hightened my awareness that there are some sick people out there. Josh is even more paranoid. He holds my hand and we fly home. I slept all the way as I haven't slept much in the past 48 hrs. I was wiped out. We land in LA and Rachel is there. She is crying before I even get to her. I hug her tight. "Colleen you belong with us here in LA" she says. I nod. "i love you and glad you are ok" she adds. I hug her tighter and have a mini breakdown. I can't get the attack out of my head. Josh walks up behind me and hugs us both. "I got her back Rachel. She isn't going anywhere without me" he says. I smile. He gives me a kiss on the cheek. I can tell he is heartbroken on what happened to me. I hold his hand and Rachel links my arm on the other side. I am in a daze.

Josh POV

Colleen is a mess. Her mind is going non stop. I start to think about what would have happened if John wasn't there to help her. I have to stop thinking that way because he saved her in time. I hold her hand and walk her back to the car. We make our way home but she wants sushi so we pick some up and continue driving home. We go into the kitchen and eat. The kids are asleep so its just Rachel,Matt, Colleen and I. Colleen looks like she is more at peace here at home. She eats almost everything which is probably the first thing she has eaten in 2 days. Colleen then gets up and says she is going to bed. Rachel looks at me. She knows Colleen is a mess too. I follow her upstairs and she lays down. She is sooo tired. I cover her up and give her snoopy and tell her to sleep. "Josh please don't leave me!" she says. "okay babe but let me tell Rachel and Matt ok?" I say. I turn on the lights to make her feel ok until I come back. I say goodnight to Rachel and Matt and return to her. She looks terrified. I turn off the lights and get some PJ's on and crawl in beside her. "Josh I can't get it out of my mind" she says crying. My heart is breaking. "You are okay babe. You are here and John saved you" I tell her. "I just keep seeing him" she says. "He is locked up in the other side of the country" I say. I hold her cautiously and she cries for 20 minutes in my shoulder as I rub her back. I love her and hate to see her like this. It is terrible.

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