Chapter 22: Warning and Memento

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Olympus Pov.

As everyone in the Olympus is having sometime to slack and enjoy there times Athena, Artemis and Hestia are having a bonding time with Elpis cause she also told them that she as well is a virgin deity. Ares and Aphrodite is having more and more bonding time Ares is sure is shocked before that his son Eros is actually the Primordial Eros that also same applied to Aphrodite as well.

Pontus and Thalassa is more having time to Poseidon since he also has the domain of seas, then there is Zeus and Hera being the a true love bird all the time. Still some people still can't believe that he change so much even his selfishness is now gone replacing a wise and benevolent king who now cares for the sake of his family.

Then there was Nero who now spends more bonding time with her daughter Rhea, then all of a sudden they felt something coming all the way to Olympus three flash of lights came in the the council revealing five being in front of them.

Four of them are women the first one is a woman who dresses in an orange dress with a gold crown on her head and a pure fine gold necklace and if you look at closer to her she is described as a beautiful woman in shimmering orange-and-gold robes. Her hair is gold as a sun same as her eyes and her skin is simple light skin color. This is Hemera the Primordial Goddess of Day.

The other three was different is a trio of young women; One is woman with grey hair she wears a white dress then on her hand is a spindle full of thread, the second woman has black hair with a lots of hairpin she wears a dark blue dress and on her hand is a ball of thread that seems connected to the woman holding a spindle and then last woman who has a reddish-brown hair with a white steak on it and instead she's wearing a dress she wore a a brown skirt and a brown clothe that only covers he chest and on her hand she holds scissors with a thread connected to the women holding the ball of thread. The only similarity they have are having a same pale skin, lips are shame as a red red rose and eyes are pure as gold. These three are the Moirai the Fates and the Goddesses of Destiny.

The one holding a spindle is Clotho the fate of birth, the one holds the ball of thread is Lachesis the fate of living and the who holds a scissors is Atropos the fate of death. 

And the last was a guy who looks just like the Primordial God Eros who also has a gold blonde hair, gold eyes and pale skin. He wore a white robe with a gold belt and he also has a red cape this was the Primordial God of Light Aither the husband of Hemera.

"Hemera, Aither and The Fates what are you all here for?" Eros said and everyone is surprised to see this form theirs.

"Calm yourselves we do not came here for fight." Aither respons

"Mom and Dad is that you?" Thalassa asked

"Yes indeed dear it's good to see you again our lovely daughter." Hemera response

"What are you all are here for then children of the night?" Elpis asked

"We came here to gave our mother's warning." Clotho response

"About the the up coming war that is about to happen." Lachesis response

"The situation coming from down there in the pit of Tartarus." Atropos response

Then everyone flinch from there word and now got to attention everyone is now in there proper area of there place. Eros stood between Ares and Aphrodite knowing he is now there son, Elpis stood besides on Hestia because she has her Pithos, Pontus and Thalassa stood besides on Poseidon for having the also the seas domain and Nero stood between Hera and Zeus because he was a former deity of the sky. As they are now in position Zeus then says "Speak now we are now in ears."

"Our mother night is here to gave you a warning that every Titans, Primordials and every creature in Tartarus, are now planning to roam around the human world to search of the descendant of the big three who is also the Uncle Sky's second life." Hemera response and everyone is not surprised to hear it

"Not surprised on knowing it seems there now starting it." Nero said the children of the night was surprise to see him

"You no way are you perhaps?" Clotho said

"It can't be this pure white light aura." Lachesis said

"Uncle Sky is that you?" Atropos response

"Indeed my nieces of destiny I am." Nero said

"How and why do you look like Percy Jackson?" Aither asked

"He is now the son of Percy Jackson nephew of light we already found the our sky." Eros said and they were surprise on knowing this

"I see it all make since why we since you around on Percy Jackson." Clotho said

"Yeah no doubt about it." Lachesis said

"You were with him all along do you uncle sky." Atropos said

"I have to make sure no one will notices about me even my godly aura it seems not everyone is a fooled on it, also call me Nero now that is now my current name." Nero said

Then all of a sudden Poseidon decided to intervene

"Uhm forgive on my rudeness did you all just say that every creature in Tartarus is on a loss to find Nero right does that also means that my son Zach as well?" Poseidon asked as he creates a sad look and everyone in the room felt sorry for him.

"Indeed Poseidon he now on your father Kronos spy and yes he was being blessed by his power too." Hemera said

"Seems he's on a loss now brother." Hades response and Poseidon can't even say a word

"Is that all you guys came her for?" Eros asked and everyone is looking on him "I know Nyx she not the type of woman who just gave a warning, sometimes she can be a cunning towards from everyone except for her children and her husband Erubus." Eros continue

"Well it is also strange for us as well that she now acted like this too that she now begun to care on the Olympus and the time we are about to flashed in here, we accidentally heard that she said that 'Once again the sky and the earth are not always meant to be together.' any idea with that." Aither said and everyone in the room was surprise to hear as well

"It seems know something about me that is very sweet on her, I guess her motherly side is always showing up." Nero said

"Also before we left she also told us if ever we meet you she told us to return this back to you." Hemera said as she release a a glowing orb and move towards on Nero.

As Nero receives the orb it turns into a pinkish-red flower that is very familiar to him and made him surprise then he said.

"Where did she found this?" Nero asked

"Does that flower rings a bell Nero?" Hera ask

"Of course it is the same and second flower of her, Gracidea, the dryad that I only see as my true mother." Nero said then tears falling down in his eye

"How did she have this?" Nero asked

"We don't know it seems you might need to ask our mom with that." Hemera response

"Well I guess it doesn't matter anymore tell her I say my thanks and regards." Nero said with a bright smile 

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