Chapter 11: Primordial Heart

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Olympian Pov.

"It's nice to finally meet you all my great great grand nieces and nephews." Eros said with a smile and the Olympian gods except Elpis shocked

"Hold on my son Eros is actually the Primordial Eros?" Aphrodite asked

"Indeed mother I'm sorry for not telling it to you a very long long time." Eros said

"Are you really the Eros that I mocked before?" Apollo said

"Yes and indeed... Also how does it feels when you got cursed from me a curse were you always get a disastrous romance dear great great grand nephew." Eros said in a cold grim face and made Apollo shivers 

"Though I can admit that I do feel bad on the nymph name 'Daphne' who's getting involve on my punishment that is only meant for you only, till these I'm still disappointed on you and you never gonna learn a lesson do you." Eros said as Apollo is in tears of shyness and Psyche was about to speak but Eros cut her words and hugs her

"I know and yes I'm still Eros you knew Psyche and I'm sorry I made you worried." Eros said

"Okay enough with that Lord Eros why did you just show your true self just now?" Athena said and Eros starts to talk.

"Okay first of all stop with the formalities I already retired from my job as a Primordial and second I don't know why and I'm in the same situation with my sister Elpis." Eros response

"You mean you cannot return yourself as the son of Aphrodite and Ares again." Elpis said

"Indeed sister looks like our father did this thing I don't why Chaos do this he never interfered before he's always in a deep slumber." Eros said

"I do know brother the 'Primordial Heart' has found." Elpis said and made Eros shocked in fear

"Elpis please tell me that your just joking right... there's no way that is true!!" Eros said as fear is now written in his face as the Olympian first time saw him like this

"Believe me brother it was true it has found now." Elpis response as she looks down

"Uhm Eros what's going on why are you afraid of it?" Ares spoke

"Well.... Ahm.... A..... How..... Should I....... Say it......." Eros stutters from his words

"Brother please calm down." Elpis said as he flew towards on Eros to calm him evenly Psyche help him as well.

"Okay now that you calmed down now dear please explain to us what's going?" Psyche said

"Why are you afraid of this Primordial Heart?" Aphrodite asked

"And what do you mean you're already retired as a Primordial?" Athena asked

Eros looks at on her sister Elpis and he saw her eyes telling him that now it's the time to say and Eros has no other choice but to do it.

"Well then I'll tell you all but first from the word Primordial what word you guys can come out in to your mouth when you all hear the word Primordial?" Eros asked them

"Uhm.... let see. Perfection." Artemis response

"Indeed we Primordials we embodiment a perfection on which domain we've assign and made of. Like my domain of love without my arrows all creations compromises since it is my duty to unite the various element and my power is also a union are necessary to foster life, that's why I always say love is always unfair but that saying is just a warning of love." Eros said 

"Like also my domain of hope too my purpose is to gave strength from every creation coming from the here heart on not to gave up in the faces of evil." Elpis said

"Okay and what's the connection to this to the Primordial Heart?" Zeus asked

"Will it does especially all of you don't know the true power of our fellow brothers and sisters who now came after the descendant of the big three who has the power of the 'Primordial Heart'." Elpis said and made the Olympian shocks

"May we ask what is this Primordial Heart anyway?" Poseidon asked

"We should start from the beginning ever since ancient time we the Primordials we created the first world full of perfection; beauty, peace, harmony and tranquility we made a perfect life we no evil has appeared it was a world were everyone dream of." Eros said 

"Not until were all of us went a lot of misunderstandings to gave you all an example; Why is fire and water can never be together." Elpis said

"Then we got ourselves in a great fight were a we compete ourselves who shall be the ruler of world we created, but Chaos never liked the action that we've cause which makes us do the impossible task to find the greatest and the most powerful weapon he created the Primordial Heart if one of us found he will be the ruler of the world we created." Eros said 

"Chaos is the creator of this weapon..." Hera said

"Indeed he made us look for it for almost eternity and nobody has ever finds it which make some of us decided to stop it and creates it's own kingdom or decided to retired. Liked me I stop being Primordial now because I'm afraid I would create a same mistake again, so for the sake of my creation so I turn myself as the 'Spirit of Hope'." Elpis said

"Does that mean same goes to you as well Eros?" Psyche asked

"Indeed for my creation I decided to retired my role as a Primordial too." Eros said

"Is that really your reason why you retired Eros? I know you I'm your sister of course I can you have another reason why you retired." Elpis said and made the other wonders as well

"Well it's nothing personal the reason why I retired is because of a taboo sister." Eros said and made Elpis surprised

"I see it's seems you as well that's one very reasonable reason why." Elpis said and made a smile

"What taboo by the way?" Aphrodite asked

"In Primordials we have one rule that we should follow and not to break and that is we forbade to fall in love, we can do and try everything we can except for one we are forbade to fall in love including me as well the Primordial of love and little by little I kinda understand why we are forbade to fall in love." Eros said 

"Make since why you reborn as the son of Aphrodite and Ares, it seems you finally found what you looking for." Elpis said

"Yeah I did." Eros said with a smile

"Now back to the Primordial Heart true it has the power that surpasses immortality, it's also a source of infinite power of all domain in the world even more greater than ours in move it can easily kills and destroys a creation." Elpis said and made everyone shivers

"And to think it was finally right know it means he/she become a ruler of the creation we made Elpis and tell me who has it then?" Eros said

"It's Ouranos brother the Primordial god of Heaven." Elpis said and Eros shocked

"WHHAAAAATTT!!!!!" Eros yells in shocked

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