Chapter 15: Ouranos Prt. 2

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Nero/Ouranos Pov.

"So you all already figured it out now... Indeed!!! I am the 'Primordial God of Skies' I am indeed Ouranos." Ouranos said this made everyone surprised

"Nero, are you really Ouranos?" Poseidon asked in disbelief but Nero never spoke a word and then faces Pontos

Then he unleashes a blast from his hand to hit Pontos and made him easily blown away

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!" Pontos screams in pain as he was blown away then Nero walk towards him still this doesn't change the fact that everyone in the camp still shocked he is Ouranos.

"He is indeed our brother sky, Ouranos." Elpis said as she was still shocked

"Yet he seems a bit different now he show a lot expression it's like he has a heart now." Eros said as he was surprised on what he sees.

Meanwhile at Ouranos who was chasing after Pontos on what he had done Pontos was struggling on facing.

"Wait Ouranos can we simply talk about this a little bit?" Pontos said but Ouranos didn't listen he prepares another blast of electricity trying to hit Pontos. 

"Eseis Zoo!!!!" Ouranos said as he fire a strong powerful blast of electricity and hit Pontos and made him screams in pain

Then Eros and Elpis move towards on Ouranos trying to make him stop on what he was doing before it was too late.

"Ouranos please calm down don't hurt him he's our brother." Elpis said as she uses her power to deflect Ouranos attack away from Pontos.

"Ouranos please stop!!" Eros said as he grabs Ouranos's arm in order to stop his attack.

Then Ouranos turn himself into an air to releases himself from Eros grip then Ouranos prepares a strong powerful attack that he readies to fires at Pontos.

"Ouranos don't no!!!" Elpis yells

Then suddenly somebody hugs him in the back in order to make him stop and Ouranos notices something 'Gracidea... Mom is that you?' Ouranos taught of it until he looks at his back and it was actually Viola begging him to stop. 'No it's not her... It's not mom.'

"Please stop it now brother this is not you." Viola said as tears starting to fall down in here eyes and realizes that he had done something that he shouldn't do.

"What have I done..." Ouranos said as he was disbelief and made him calm down still in his new form then he expresses an emotionless expression.

As Ouranos finally calm down everyone in the camp gathers around then the Olympian gods is trying to easily approaching him a bit, they prepare there weapons in case if he fights an unleashed his power.

"Ouranos is that really you... Brother why? Why did you just show yourself right now? And why did you decide to be reborn?" Eros asked in a sad tone but Ouranos never spoke

"Ouranos what happened to you ever since after you never show yourself to us, do you know how terrible it was when you left especially you mother Gaea?" Elpis asked and made Ouranos snaps and he was emitting a rage aura

"Don't ever say that bitch name in front of me Elpis also why would I say a word to those people who cursed me, especially for the likes of you two who just sit there and do nothing as I continuing to struggle!!" Ouranos said in rage at Elpis and Eros

"Ouranos you can't just-" As Elpis is about to say something she was cut through

"Can't say what Ellis." Ouranos said as he turns around and face her "That she's my mother, that she's the eldest first to us was that it. There is no way I would call that a family and there is no way I  will forgave you all especially you as well Eros." Ouranos said in a full anger and made the two understand what he meant even the Olympian god as well

"Uhm if I pardon and I don't mean to interfere, and lord Ouranos why did you pretending to be Percy's son and Poseidon's grandson?" Artemis ask

"Truth to be I'm now officially Poseidon's grandson it requires only one material. A mortal body with strong willpower which makes me turn into a descendant of Poseidon." Ouranos said

"Wait a mortal body... Is that son's body?!" Poseidon said in horror and made everyone shocked

"Indeed and not to mentioned it was actually Percy as well he is my 'Primordial Heart'." Ouranos said and made everyone even more shocked

"After all this time the 'Primordial Heart is nearby hiding in a plain sight." Pontos said

"You don't  get it do you: It was the Promise of life, the beginning of new Hope, the power of Love and the essence of Magic. That is the 'Primordial Heart' is all about and that is for you to learn and to found out." Ouranos said

"As for why I am here is because I made a promised to Percy to make his love once happy because I know for the fact he never actually meant to say those words, and now you know why I'm here it's time for me to even though I'm starting to enjoyed my life here in the camp. Though some might be in an awkward situations." Ouranos said then he turns away and about to leave

"Wait?" Viola said and Ouranos turn around

"What is it Big Sis?" Ouranos asked

"Since you have my father's body can I at least gave you a one last hug?" Viola asked very boldly then Ouranos immediately hugs her.

"I'm sure Percy very proud that you grow to be a beautiful dryad now." Ouranos said he then let go.

"Nero wait please tell me where is my son Percy is?" Poseidon as

"He's fine and lives happily in my domain and if you to make it up for Percy just looks at the stars at night." Ouranos said

"Your just gonna leave like that you're going to used the heart for your own?" Pontos said

"Over my new dead body you think that I will let you lusting this body just for power pleased give a break not to mentioned you evenly tried to ruins it!!!!" Ouranos said in full rage oon Pontos

"And as always you will never change." Ouranos said then he immediately flew in the to leave.

After the moment Elpis and Eros looks at on Pontos very disappointed that also made him shiver.

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