Chapter 5: Sister and Storm

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Camp Pov.

As the whole camp was surprised that the girl who was once the tree that keep terrorizing the whole camp, was actually a daughter of there lost Hero Percy Jackson.

"He told you everything about me?" Viola asked

"He did... He told me that he regretted leaving you alone, he really wanted to come back to take you with him but he can't... I guess you can tell why..." Nero said

"I see he has his grudge... I mean who could be his been betrayed, it seem understandable why." Viola said as tears are now falling down in her left eye

"Viola..." A female voice just spoke and it was dryad named Juniper

"Hello fellow sister it's good to see you as well.." Viola response

"Juniper you know her?" Grover asked

"Indeed she is the Dryad that I told you about... The one that Percy take good care of it and the one that Percy considered as his daughter." Juniper said

"So it was her the dryad that Percy adopted as his own daughter, yet I still can't believe that the tree who keeps terrorizing the camp was her." Grover said

"Sister Viola why did you terrorizing the camp by the way?" Nero asked then he Viola is making a sad expression "I see so that's why you did those things to them." Nero said and made her surprise

"You do?" Viola asked

"Yes you're mad at them isn't, because they hurt our father's feeling and betraying him right." Nero said then made Viola surprise and the campers understood why she terrorizing the camp.

"Indeed... I mean who could not be mad, you see he's the one who always taking good care of ever since when I was just a simple ornamental flower. Who only meant to be an accessory in a land and then someday it will treated like a thrash, and when the time I meet him he always talk me and play with. When the time I got a body and when the time the camp betrayed him he never showed up and that's why I kept on terrorizing the camp as a revenge, but I know he will never want me to seek revenge but father is now gone." Viola said her statement on how important Percy to him as a father with tears falling down in her eyes.

"You still have me big sis." Nero said as he gave Viola a hug "Father has lots of words to say to you yet he don't know which one, so he told me if I ever meet you I will gave you a warm hug." Nero continued and Viola realizes something.

(I know someday you will become a beautiful dryad and I will gave you a warm hug, for knowing I become a proud father and today you are now part of my treasures.)

Viola remembered the event when she is still young then she gave Nero a warm hug as well and says. "Thank you Nero you made me remembered the event when father words." She then let go and move forward and creates her tree as before. "Nero come to me if you need something okay or if you feel bad okay." Viola said as she enters inside of her tree.

Nero then walks forward and touches the tree and says "Father will always be in heart sis remember that even if we are not in blood, father will always be father if he is here I'm sure he is proud that you grew up to be a beautiful dryad." Nero then let go of his hand.

"Thank you Nero... No my little brother." Viola voice said then Juniper walks closer to Nero and says.

"I'm sorry about Viola, Nero." Juniper said

"Their's no need to be sorry for plus I should be the one who said that." Nero said

"No what Viola did to us we deserved it we just betrayed the person who saved our asses, and it's too late for us because he's already dead."Juniper said

"'Family Comes First' that's always his catchphrase and I think father's treasure is family." Nero said

"Seems to be that way and right now Viola needs her rest." Juniper said as they walks away in order not to disturb Viola's nap.

Nero Pov.

After I calm Viola down in her tree form and everything is back to normal except for one thing and that is Percy's half-brother Zach, whose eyes are now on to me but I never try to get his attention I avoid him as much as I could as I continue wandering the camp.

"Hey you where are you going aren't you going to greet your uncle." Zack said and I continue not to say a word until I reach the Mess Hall.

"Hey you are listening to me!" Zack said as I continue avoiding him.

"Hey you should learn to respect your uncle you brat!" Zack yell and it made me to the point were I had enough already.

"You my uncle gave me a break and you're calling a brat look whose talking."  I said as turn around and face him. "I think that word suite you a selfish brat uncle of mine who ruined the life of father in order to be famed." I continued and the campers are running away.

"Ahm guys why is the clouds are getting darker and darker?" One of the campers said

"You've gots some nerves to say that are you looking for trouble boy?!" Zack said

"Trouble what did I do... Oh yeah right you got embarrassed after you did to my father and now hat he's gone you realize you're nothing how does it feels that karma hit you." I said then he prepares a bronze knife.

"I will going to kill you!!" Zack said as he lauches himself to me luckily some campers manage grab him

"Zack what are doing?!" one of the campers said

"Zack stop!!" another camper said

"Let me  go!!" Zack said as successfully escaped from them and run towards me and right I raise my left hand on him widespread as I created a gust of wind


As I created a gust of strong wind and made his dagger flew up in sky as I also raise my hands above.

"What is going on!" Zack said

I gathered a lot of strong winds  in the skies then I creates a lot of dark clouds to create a big cyclone, then I clenches my hand to summons a thunder and clenched my hand to and hit on the ground to unleashed a strong lighting that almost hit Zack.


"LIGHTNING!!!! How!?" Zack shock

"Of course the blood of Poseidon flows in his body and Poseidon is also the God of Storms which makes him also create a storm!!" Grover said then they saw Zack was easily being lifted up.

"No no no nooooo!" Zack said then Nero throw him all the way to the sea.

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