Chapter 25: Viola Prt. 2 (Gracidea) and The Hero Returns

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Olympian Pov.

As time goes by Nero is making sure every kind soul will arrive go safely in the 'Elysium' or to 'Isle Of Blest' what's more is that he can be with her sister Viola on Mt. Olympus, they got along all the time somehow there bond is getting more and more stronger instead of sibling bonding together it's like a a bond between a mother and a son.

"Have you guys found it weird between the two of them?" Eros asked

"What do you mean brother Love?" Elpis asked

"Look at Viola and brother Sky there bond is a little different and I can sense it, It's a bond between a mother and a son." Eros said as everyone seems to agree on what Eros describes the two of them.

"Yes it sure does I can feel it that Viola and Nero doesn't have any romantic feelings to each instead it was more on to 'Parental Love'." Aphrodite asked

"Wait didn't Nero said that he once return to the world and meet a dryad who he can only called a mother." Athena asked

"He did what's on your mind Athena?" Artemis asked

"Well I was thinking that could she be a her Viola's past lives? Could she be Gracidea?" Athena said making everyone surprise on what she said.


Viola Pov.

As me and Nero now working on the Olympus me as the 'Garden Keeper of Olympus' and him as 'Guardian of Heaven', then every time when we're together I feel like I'm getting reminded of every visions on my dream. Even this new flower in my head which Nero gave it to me on last few day now it's attached on me and I can't even remove it on, like it is now part of me as for today me and Nero is the garden doing a simple picnic and enjoying the view.

"Say sis what going on? Something on your mind that's bothering you?" Nero ask

"No nothing it's just that it's been months now that we've been together as a family." Viola said

"Yeah kind a weird but it was already a family." Nero said

"Say can tell me about the story about you and Gracidea." Viola said

"Why do you want to know?" Nero ask

"Well I'm just curious what she is, I'm sure she's more than just a drayd?" Viola said

"She is indeed... I  meet her in 'Romanticism Era' the era is all about love any kind of love and the era is were I always favorite of all." Nero said as he admire on that Era.

"It must be a surprised huh?" Viola asked

"Surprised you say one you just meet the woman who was a true a mother and some day she just gone into thin air." Nero said

"Was it really that bad?" Viola asked

"The moment I meet I knew she just more than a dryad and more than just pretty face, she was compassionate as a true loving being she was kind to both mortals and immortals she is indeed a woman that every men dreamed of. As for me I only see her as a mother and I want her to be my true mother." Nero said

"Then you came up with a plan to be a lost boy who wanders around the forest right." Viola said

"(Chuckles) Yes indeed I called myself 'Carolus' on that Era because her home was somewhere in the forest of Rome she then adopted me as her own son, the love and care that she gave from me was a truly wonderful... like all the best feelings in the world all rolled into one just for the two of us we felt so special." Nero said as he tells the story of him and Gracidea and everyone was touched on the story

"But everything was just a luck that someone would destroyed that complete life that I've always wanted now everything is almost a secret and lose a faith to anyone, you don't know who to trust therefore you can't trust anyone anymore the moment she died I was all alone again. Though I wanted was a life for her only yet it never happen I was all alone as always." Nero said as he begun to cry a bit.

"Does she suppose to be in heaven yet why didn't you visit her in your domain?" Viola asked

"Heaven is like an outer space a never-ending vast universe also I cannot intervene with the deceased souls, also if you're a primordial duty comes first more than for our own desires this is always a curse." Nero said then Viola begun hug him.

"That sure is a very tough life you have in there." Viola said then Nero saw a very familiar constellation in the sky

"Look sis it's our father constellation the 'Astria Nero', wait the 'Astria Nero'?" Nero said and somehow confuse

"Is there something wrong brother?" Viola ask

"That constellation it supposed to be found in Alaska only yet why is it here." Nero said and everyone was surprised that the constellation 'Astria Nero' appears on them.

"Unless if it's the last line of the Prophecy it sure is him all along." Viola said in excitement

Then they all saw the constellation starting to move all the way to Olympus landing in front of Viola and Nero as the glowing starting to encircles each other and begun forming into a person. As it was done forming it begun to glow and reveals a man who wears in a blue robe, a laurel crown on his head, a black sandals and on his hand was an orb with star on it, they immediately knew who the person was from his facial features his black hair and sea-green eyes he then smiles in front of them.

 As it was done forming it begun to glow and reveals a man who wears in a blue robe, a laurel crown on his head, a black sandals and on his hand was an orb with star on it, they immediately knew who the person was from his facial features his blac...

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"Father is that you?" Viola said

"Hello daughter of mine I miss and you as well Nero." Percy said and Viola and Nero run towards him.

"Father!!!" Nero and Viola said then immediately hugged him

"You don't know how much I missed you two. I knew your going to be a beautiful dryad when and you as well Nero I knew you find the thing you've been looking for." Percy said 

"Percy Jackson?" A voice said and they saw the Olympian gods were surprised to see him again. Then saw Poseidon was in tears to see his son Percy was in front of him.

"Percy is that you?" Poseidon asked

"Long time no see father..." Percy said as he gave a warm smile

"You don't know how much I almost regretted everything and much I missed you so much." Poseidon said and hugged his son for the last time.

"I already forgive a long time ago father and I'm afraid this happy moment with come up soon, Lord Chaos sent me here to gave you another warning on the upcoming war that is about to happened." Percy said and made everyone surprised

"What does our father says?" Eros asked

"Ten more sunrises from this day and war of gods of our Pantheon is about to begun." Percy said in a serious tone.

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