Chapter 20: Crazy Bond Prt. 2

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Nero Pov.

After the last day and everything seems back to me as they treated the way before when I first came here, what's more surprised is that the Olympus is more become luxurious, bigger and beautiful as ever. Eros, Elpis and Pontos with his wife Thalassa now lives on Olympus sharing there blessings to the Olympian Gods making the pantheon even greater.

I also now lives in Mt. Olympus as well enjoying my new life as Nero and I love this new life, I started getting along with my daughter Rhea like I became a true father again and I felt she was very lonely long time with a father who serves as a pillar on there home. I wished from chaos that I will always do the right thing for my family that once I've lost and always be in my heart forever.

Right now I was outside in Olympus watching the beautiful view from the skies I saw in my eyes the beautiful city that is so small from above, then I noticed that the King of Olympus Zeus is hiding in a shadows.

"You know you can come out now and have a proper talk..." I said as he comes out and then joins me watching the view and when I look at him I then notice some them evenly some demigod children of them including my siblings is also watching and I just pretending that I never noticed them like it never happened.

"No need to asked how you noticed me." Zeus said and then I noticed in his eyes telling me something weird

"What are you planning by the way kill me didn't I already took an oath to be an ally Olympus now yet you're still not satisfied." I said as I made him shocked and everyone is shocked

"How did you know?" Zeus asked

"Your eyes already said some mean gaze, plus I'm not dumb I'm your grandfather of course I know everything about my grandchildren I always keep on watching from the heaven above. Looking from the world that once I ruled before." I response as I made them all surprised

"Seriously why are you so very power hunger by the way?" I asked him he then expresses a confused look.

"I don't know I just kind a like it wanting more and more power like nothing is able to defeat you from him, it made me even calm especially when he strikes back again and again the more power I consumed the more I able to defeat him." Zeus response honestly and I had a hunch what is the reason behind on it.


"What is father meant by those word?" Hermes said

"Who's him that he mentioned?" Apollo said

"Seems father was not in himself today weird." Artemis said

"Yeah he seems more honest about himself right now." Hera said


"Are you satisfied?" I asked Zeus to make sure if I'm right

"What do you mean?" Zeus asked

"I mean gaining more and more power does it really satisfied you?" I asked and he can't say anymore words.

"You know if want to asked Chaos to have a hundred wishes he could gave it to you. Heh... But even if you had a hundred wishes it doesn't make a being fully satisfied on what it wished, didn't you already have a beautiful wife and had multiple children aren't they not enough for you?" I said and made him realized and my hunches are correct I know why he was a power hunger.

"I just don't know why I acted like this, I know I'm supposed to be happy that I already have them yet I just want more power it's like my sickness." Zeus said

"I see... I think I know the reason behind on it and I believe I was the one that made you like that." I response and made everyone shocked


"What is brother sky meant he's the reason behind on Zeus power hunger?" Elpis said

"Yeah and what did he do?" Eros said

Then everyone is whispering quietly and confuse on what Nero meant.


"What do you mean your the reason behind on it?" Zeus asked

"Simple I was the one who puts a curse on you when the time I cursed my son Kronos when he scattered me." I response and made everyone shocked

"I believe Eros already told you all about the time I imprison my children in Tartarus right it's a cray story but who cares, when Kronos scattered me I cursed him right that his child will bring his downfall and it was you that meant from that prophecy." I said as I stopped for a moment 

"But truth to be told that was a punishment I gave from Gaea, I begun started hated her so much that made hatred is my first emotion that appears in me I gave her a fair punishment and I noticed that Kronos is his favorite child and that lends me to give a revenge for her." I continued as tears falling down in my eyes

"It was clear to him that I should not have poured out my anger on him, but during those times I could not think." I said as I finally begun to cry

"I understand... even gods like us make a mistake." Zeus said as he begun embracing me. "As always our stories always meant in tragedy, why is it always like this? Why can't we not experience a true normal happy family." Zeus continued


"I didn't know about this when he never shows up.." Rhea said as tears falling down in his eyes

"Zeus is suffering from a cursed how come I never noticed this." Hera said as tears 

"Why can't we be just a normal happy family." Hestia said


As Zeus and I having a moment I decided it has to be done now it's time to end his suffering along with his family.

"I think now it's time end your suffering now boy." I said it on Zeus

"You can break your curse now." Zeus said

"You've suffered so much already it's time to end it once and for all, evenly to make it up my sin that I gave a burden to you." I said with a smile.

"From this moment on I Ouranos the Primordial  God of Skies from this day on I will cut off the curse I have given on you, from this day forward you will have to decide what life you will choose. You are free to live freely and you can also find your happiness." I said as I saw Zeus glowing around then I saw a shackles of gold glittery chain made out of dust showing it was broken to pieces then disappeared in the air

Then right after the moment Zeus embraces me again crying in tears of joy and then says "I free thank you grandpa I can let go of my power hunger now." 


As everyone saw there moment they were touched and burst into tears knowing that Zeus can now let go of his power hunger, and he shall be their once wise king once and for all.

"Brother we're proud of you." Demeter said in tears and everyone nodded

"Brother Sky we're also proud of you as well." Eros said and made everyone nodded as well

Then they saw the skies is even more beautiful blue as every like it the color of hope then lots of rainbow appearing everywhere it's like a new happiness that continues spreading all over the world.

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