Chapter 28: Night Betrayal

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Nyx Pov.

It has been weeks now and everyone in the pit are now is gathering forces preparing there army to attack on Olympus right now they've prepared a plan on how to capture Ouranos, luckily they still don't know that he was Nero now except for Nyx.

As the meeting continues Nyx is planning to sabotage the plan by sending her daughters the Fates to Mt. Olympus for them to be more prepare, she can no longer stand it anymore on Gaea torturing her own child and Nyx as a mother she knew this is wrong.

Nyx remembers everything in ancient time that Ouranos continues to suffer from her abusive mother which makes the first sin of the Greco-Roman Pantheon appeared, she evenly knew that that Gaea is to be blamed from everything Nyx also knew Ouranos doesn't have emotion and Gaea never knew about this which make this as a punishment on her for abusing her own son.

Nyx already sees Ouranos as her own child with her husband Erebus and when the time that Ouranos was scattered she was sad and somewhat relief that Ouranos was free from her burden, as time goes by she realizes that Ouranos wasn't dead cause if he is the sky and heaven will disappear making her surprised she evenly send her two children (Aether and Hemera) to find Ouranos in the sky.

There they found him slumbering in the skies feeling in cosmos and has no planning to return he attack from everything he sees, for disturbing him from his slumber it's like he has no longer the trusted his own family so she decided not to tell it to anyone including Gaea.

During in the romanticism era she found out that Ouranos returns to world and finds out he was being taking care of dryad name 'Gracidea' by taking a form of a mortal child, and for the first time she saw that she taught can be a miracle Nyx finally saw Ouranos smile for the first time a true smile coming from him. This make Nyx what it means to be a 'Twilight' perfect or not what matters is all about the inside, making her equally loved her children and get rid of her favoritism all thanks to Ouranos.

As times goes by she just learn that Gaea founds out about were Ouranos is and found out that she send her son Hyperion to burn the forest on were the Ouranos lived, including the death of 'Gracidea' she saw Ouranos was devastated and releases his fully entire hatred and heard his ought to cut ties on Gaea as a divorce. A flower flew on Ouranos hand holding it tightly and smiled once again knowing a piece of her mother Gracidea has it then he immediately flew in the sky as he soar from night and vanishes without a trace.

As the forest fire finally stops Nyx find the second pair of the flower and felt it that the soul of 'Gracidea' is still alive and it was inside of the flower, so she took it with her from her mansion she evenly created a new body for her soul for she believed that Ouranos needed her the most. She begun treated her as one of her children and send her out to the world she evenly gave her a blessing a protection, were no one can hurt her she evenly changes her name to 'Viola' means a 'violet flower of the night' making sure will never found out about her.

Now that Ouranos appeared again she immediately knew that something has to be done she immediately persuade all her children not to join the war yet unless she said, luckily they've agree even though they're still confuse and they're some agrees to aid the Olympian gods. Including she convince all of her children to leave the pit immediately the earlier the better.

Right now she was now all the way to meet up with her sister Gaea with and accidentally heard something.

"So this is the dryad that your talking about?" Gaea said making Nyx surprised she immediately conceals her presence so that she will not get noticed

"So her name is Viola what a pathetic woman sticking around to my husband..." Gaea said and Nyx was right on her hunches was right

"Indeed mother, father is having a fun time from this dryad it seems very special to him." A male voice

"Indeed good job Atlas this dryad will be my key to bring Ouranos to me." Gaea said

"Gaea what did you say?!" Nyx said making Gaea and Atlas surprise

"Nyx you came as you heard sister we might use this dryad as our way to lure Ouranos." Gaea said

"That dryad is one of my children sister don't you dare..." Nyx said in rage tone as Atlas and Gaea are shocked to hear that Viola was one of her children.

"Then this is great we could use this opportunity.." Gaea said

"No Gaea this is too much now... when are you gonna stop tormenting Ouranos he already suffered so much already sister... when is the time for you to stop already." Nyx said

"Nyx this is not the time for that." Gaea said

"No sister this is to much now and I'm afraid I will not gonna follow you anymore." Nyx said making them shocked

"Your going to betray me all because for this dryad..?!" Gaea said

"This is different Gaea and that dryad is one of my children and it is now a different topic if my children is now talking about." Nyx said and begun to walk out

"Then I'm sorry I have to do this." Gaea said and Nyx immediately noticed that she's about to attack

Nyx turn herself into shadow and begun to escapes to the pit making sure that Viola is safe, she then calls her chariot as it arrives she immediately rides on it and continues her escaped riot. As she continues riding her chariot to escape she immediately felt an incoming attacks and saw a bundles of boulders are coming towards on her, she begun dodging them all one by one and with her power she gathers enough power on her right palm and fires it all the way to the exit door of Tartarus making her successful escaped the place.

Right the moment Gaea unleashes herself out of the pit destroying Nyx's Chariot, luckily Nyx was gifted with wings and on the daytime sky turns to night filling the world of eternal night.


Back at Mt. Olympus they immediately shocked that it became dark and as they've saw the sky twinkling stars appeared in the sky even more brighter.

"What's going on... Brother sky are you the one doing this?" Eros asked

"No I didn't do it... the only thing I have is nighttime, dawn, and moon for the night unless if it's... Oh no....!" Nero said as he can't believe the fight has begun and everyone as well was surprised on what it mean.

"Nyx and Gaea!!!" Everyone said in sync in shocked

"There fight has begun..."Athena said

"No to mention it earlier than we think." Ares said

"Sister Night is not like what could possibly her reason?" Elpis said

"No way does Gaea know about her betrayal." Eros said making everyone surprise

"Possible and I know Gaea if Nyx betrays her she will never immediately attack Nyx unless... No way her children..." Pontus said

"Our fellow siblings are now out of the Pit lord Pontus." Clotho said

"Yes indeed our mom convince them to leave the pit one by one ." Lachesis said

"What could possibly be on why mom fights Gaea." Atropos said

"Nero...!" Percy's voice came and they all saw him covered in cut and bruises

"Father...! What happened?" Nero asked as some came to helped

"Percy what happened to you?" Poseidon asked

"It's Atlas he took Viola..." Percy said making everyone surprised

"Why would Atlas took her away..." Zeus ask

"I heard that Atlas called Viola being a daughter of Nyx." Percy response in pain

"Calm down Percy you'll get healed soon enough." Apollo said

"Viola is also a daughter of Nyx? I don't understand..." Nero said

"It all make since why I felt sister Night energy on her." Elpis said

"He also says she is the way for you to be lured to Gaea..." Percy said and making everyone shocked.

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