Chapter 8: Prophecy and Constellation

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Olympian Pov.

As Elpis gave a warning that another war is about to come and they immediately establish a plan on what to do, and right now there in the meeting on who is the descendant of the big three who has the 'Primordial Heart' and the Heaven's 2nd life.

"Okay first of all which descendant of the big three has the 'Primordial Heart' and the 2nd life of the heaven." Athena said and made the Big Three confuse as well

"That is we don't know I though we are also worried on who is it." Hades said as he also made his brothers nod

"Okay enough with that instead on keeping our heads stuck on the 2 lines of the prophecy shouldn't we understand the other line of the prophecies." Apollo said

"Apollo this is serious we step that thing aside for now or-" Zeus was cut through

"Or what father tell me..." Apollo said as he raises an eyebrow on his father "It's obvious your going to claim it's power for your own good." Apollo said as Zeus shut his words and made the other look on to him "That's already disappointing to know now father and tell me if that demigod is your descendant are willing to do it?" Apollo said as he made an obvious statement on what he will going to do.

"Apollo has a point father and he is right as well we can't just focus on who is this descendant of the big that is talked to the prophecies, we must understand the other lines of the prophecies." Artemis said as he made Zeus agrees.

"Well then so far the 1st, 2nd and the 6th line is what we solved, I may have a hunch on the 7th line on whose child that has lost." Apollo said

"And who is that then?" Hera asked

"Isn't obvious it's my son Zach." Poseidon response and made all of them except for Apollo surprise.

"Brother are you sure about that?" Demeter said

"Indeed sister haven't you forget he disowned him on attempting to kill Nero." Hestia said as she made a sad expression as it's also for an understood reason.

"What about the heaven word who is this heaven in the 4th line?"" Ares asked

"That one is also very obvious as well the Primordial of Skies Ouranos." Aphrodite response and made she made them all shivers to hear his name.

"That sure is very obvious answer." Athena said

"What about the last two lines in the prophecies who is this hero that now living among the star and who are those people that he will protect that he almost lost." Dionysus said

"That is also confusing as well." Athena said

"By the way speaking of stars I never knew that there is a new constellation added in the night sky how come no one told me about that?" Artemis said and made them all looks at to her with a confuse look

"What did I say something strange?" Artemis asked

"What did you just say Sis?" Apollo asked

"I said about a new constellation that is placed in the night sky did one one of you put that in there.." Artemis response and she was also confuse as well

"Artemis what is this constellation look like?" Athena asked

"If I remember it was an image of a young that was soaked in a water while holding an orb or something." Artemis said "And what's with the confuse look wait don't tell me none of you put that constellation?" Artemis said and made them nod

"Artemis when and where did you found this constellation?" Zeus asked

"In Alaska and it was a the time we me and my hunters meet Nero and find out that Percy's grave." Artemis said as they were also surprised too then Zeus uses his power from his domain to check if it's true.

"I feel it what she says it's true.." Zeus said as he made everyone even more surprise and a projection of the constellation looks like.

"Does it have a name?" Hera asked

"Yes and it was called 'Astria Nero' means 'Water Stars'." Zeus said then he immediately looks at Poseidon "Brother are you the one who put that there?" Zeus asked Poseidon

"No I didn't plus I would also have learn if I put a new constellation in the sky." Poseidon response

"I see but this constellation is different..." Zeus said

"How so?" Demeter asked

"Every constellation has a story and this one in weird it say 'He was a demigod who was also a hero and has a strong bond of the heaven.' that's what it says, not to mention I felt a stronger power of this constellation stronger than mine." Zeus said and made them more confuses then a voice spoke

"Uncle P is there something wrong you seems a bit interested on this constellation.." Hermes said

"Oh sorry it's just that... It made me feel I know who is the young man of this constellation not to mention I felt he is familiar and also it made me happy though I don't know why, I just felt that I really do know who is this young man and I don't know who it was but it sure made me feel strange a lot." Poseidon said and made confuse on his statement

"It already does strange on how is that thing was in fathers domain, but it sure does have a beautiful name despite it was an image of a young man." Aphrodite said

"And speaking of who... Who is the one that put this constellation in the Heaven." Hephaestus said and this made them wonder on who is the one that put the new constellation.

"Wait Artemis you said that you found this constellation on where you and your hunters found Nero is?" Athena asked

"Indeed and I think Nero doesn't anything." Artemis immediately response

"How can you say that?" Hestia said

"Well we've been looking for Percy for 15 yrs and we just found out he was already dead for 10 years ago already." Artemis said

"Wait hold on you mean to say was oh my chaos." Hera response with a shocking truth

"Indeed Nero was only nine that time it was also the day were his father died, plus he did told me that his mother died from the day he was born that made him orphan at young age so yeah I'm sure Nero doesn't know anything." Artemis said as she made a sad expression when he talks about Nero even the the other Olympian feels bad on Nero especially Poseidon that made him walks away the meeting.

"Poseidon where are you going?" Demeter asked

"I'll just have some air for a bit..." Poseidon response

"I understand him..." Ares spoke

"Ares what do you mean?" Demeter asked

"We all know Percy is his favorite son and we just learn a week ago that he already disowned him all because of false rumor... And right now he's starting to feel guilty that he also made his grandson from Percy suffer like what he did to his grandson from Theseus." Ares said and made understand his reason

"I see although this time was different Nero manage to forgave him but still he was guilty in the inside." Hades said as he also understood his brother.

"Though I'm impress he managed to survived out there huh." Hermes said

"Let's just all say that the two of them are still lucky." Artemis spoke

"What do you mean sis?" Apollo said

"When the time that me and my hunters found him he said it in front to us he's going to commit suicide." Artemis said and made shaking in shocked

"Believe me or not he said it but he can't he felt he heard his father's voice telling him not to and want him to experience more life." Artemis said 

"It seems he just misses his family it make since and understandable why he's planning to commit suicide." Hades said

Somewhere outside in Olympus Poseidon was standing as he watches the view and cried that he did again.

"I'm sorry Percy because of me I made your son suffered and Nero I'm sorry too that I made you father died and for there with you two... I'm sorry..."

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