Chapter 10: Mother and Eros

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Nero/Ouranos Pov.

After the day that Viola can create a an ambrosia everyone in the camp went abuzz that she can create a rare-high class ambrosia, Chiron evenly take her to the Olympus and they were surprise on what she can do as well and charm from her appearance.

What more surprising they were shocked that she is too a child of Percy Jackson, but she explain them that she's only adopted, on how they meet and how Percy accepted her as her own daughter. The God Apollo evenly asked on how did Percy manage to raise a dryad to grew up so beautifully and powerful that made the other gods nods on his words.

After they've learn she can create a very rare-high class ambrosia they decided to make her the head of the garden keeper of the Olympus, and she agreed to do this job of her.

Back to Camp:

As sister Viola was Olympus doing her new job up there it made me a little bit lonely that she's now more busier than ever, but she never forget to message or visit me here and right now I was on her tree taking good care of it.

"Hey Nero there you." A female voice said and it was Juniper

"Hello as well Miss Juniper..." I response

"Juniper only and you should try relax bit plus I know you starting to miss your sister and I'm sure she'll be fine okay." Juniper said

"I guest you're right..." I response

"That's one beautiful necklace you have in their." Juniper said

"Oh thanks it was actually my mom's." I said

"Say I heard that you very close to every dryad here does that mean your also a nature lover?" Juniper ask

"Isn't obvious the only reason why I'm more close to nature and dryad it's because my mom is also a dryad, dad said mom really wanted to have more to me but she died when I was born. The only thing that dad said to is as long as nature exist mom always be alive." I said then I hold my necklace.

"This is no ordinary necklace it was actually a locket." I said as I open the locket an reveals a woman with long green hair with red flowers and she wears a white frill dress, who I assumed to be the nymph that Percy meet.

But in truth this nymph I actually meet her thousands of years ago who I considered to be my mom and she died in the hands human by cutting her tree, I evenly took her soul and turned it to flower and the star of 'Astreia Nero' holding was actually her.

"The more I enjoyed taking good care of nature it makes happy and- wait why am I saying these things." I said as tears falling down in my eyes

"I see now you just wanted to be close to your mom I know the feeling and you're mom has proud of you." Juniper said and gave me a hug to comfort me.

Olympian Pov.

Somewhere in Olympus as the Olympian was on the meeting to discus on where to find the descendant of the big three, who is the Ouranos reincarnation, has the primordial heart and the one will causes the 'War of Lust' to begin. They also notice that Elpis is always standing on the lid of the Pithos who seems also distress on her situation.

"Uhm... I don't want to change a topic here but... Elpis how come your not inside on the Pithos?" Demeter asked

"I can't go back inside there is a strong force that keeps me not to go back inside and made me stayed in my true form as a Primordial." Elpis said

"Is that the reason why you're distress?" Hermes asked and Elpis nod.

Then suddenly and Goddess who wears in a pink dress with butterflies on here came along in the meeting.

Then suddenly and Goddess who wears in a pink dress with butterflies on here came along in the meeting

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"Psyche what are doing?" Aphrodite asked

"Lady Aphrodite... your son Eros somethings wrong with him!!" Psyche as she was worried and made the Olympian shocks even Aphrodite as well.

"Why and what happened to him?!" Aphrodite said worriedly then Psyche commands her butterfly and then they saw Eros sleeps calmly

"He hasn't woken up for 6 weeks and I'm more worried that he won't wake up!!!" Psyche said

"6 weeks then why didn't you tell us this before!!" Aphrodite said

"I just found out today lady Aphrodite in 6 weeks Eros suddenly stop visiting me in my temple and when I arrive there in his place all the servants said that, Eros was in his room never showed and when I go to his room I saw him lying down on the floor." Psyche said her statement worriedly

"I can see your not lying but what happened to him what happened to my son?" Ares said

"More importantly how did Eros collapsed?" Apollo said

"That is I don't know... Now of his servants has entered to his room unless he commands them." Psyche said then suddenly Elpis goes to Eros body and touches his head.

"Lady Elpis what are you doing?" Athena said 

"Everyone stand back now! now!" Elpis said as the Olympian follows her command

Then Eros body begun to float in the air then his wing become bigger and covers his body. Then the wings begun to open and they saw his appearance change; Reveals a handsome man with blonde short hair, gold eyes, his wings are now yellowish-gold, he wear a black pant and black shirt that reveals his front body, he has also a white cloth that hangs around on his waist, he has white and gold colored shoes, on his right he carries a gold bow and on his back hanged a bag full of arrows.

 Then the wings begun to open and they saw his appearance change; Reveals a handsome man with blonde short hair, gold eyes, his wings are now yellowish-gold, he wear a black pant and black shirt that reveals his front body, he has also a white clo...

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He spoke and says "Ahh it has been ancient years that I never felt my true power before." Eros said he then turns around and saw the Olympians and her wife surprise and says "Looks like I made you all worried so much." Eros said then he saw Elpis.

"Oh my it's good to see you again Elpis and it has been an ancient years that I never saw you and your beautiful." Eros said and made them surprised

"You to as well." Elpis response and they are really shocked that they know each other

"You two known each other?" Zeus ask

"Oh we've known each other before ever since you all are not yet born." Eros said and made them even more surprise

"What ever since all of us are not yet born." Athena said

"Indeed let me introduce who really he is, his not just Eros the god of love the son of Aphrodite and Ares... He is actually the Primordial God of Love and Desire the Primordial Eros." Elpis said

"It's nice to finally meet you all my great great grand nieces and nephews." Eros said with a smile

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