Chapter 4: Viola

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"All hail to Nero son of Percy Jackson the hero of Olympus and descendants of Poseidon." Chiron said


Ouranos/Nero Pov.

After I introduced to them as Percy son some of them greeted me as a normal person which is better, the only purpose that I came here is to make Percy's love ones happy again though I still can't believe that the claiming somehow works. Probably because that this body belongs to Percy of course he's a son of Poseidon after all and thank Chaos that they never notices my primordial power, cause that will be more troublesome and I must focus on this mission of mine I swear Percy I will make your love ones happy.

As I continue roam around the whole camp they seems to keep staring on me then I saw a bulky big woman and I knew it right away it was Clarrise one of the daughters of Ares. She walk towards me then she say a few words.

"Are you really Percy's son?" She asked and I nodded nervously

"You really do like him... You have his face after all." She said as he make a little sad expression. "Come with me I have something to tell you." She continues as I followed all the way to the climbing wall behind on it.

"Uhm... by any chances are you Miss Clarrise one of those people who never betrayed my father?" I asked her she nod that she really is.

"It's good to know that I still never betrayed him, and more importantly does you father taught you how to fight?" She asked 

"Of course my father taught me on how to he also told me that every enemies can be lurking everywhere." I answered

"Good then it seems to be wonderful to hear." She response

"Is there something wrong?" I asked her

"Indeed... You see after your father left  and never showed everything here ha changed and it's not like what your father told anymore." She said

"Obviously most of you guys betrayed him what do you guys expects." I said sarcasticly

"No really it not like that a few years after your father left we just found out that your uncle Zach is jealous on him like everything, he then admit it all of his crime not's just creating a false rumors it also because he has lots of hurtful staff that is now crime." Clarrise said and she made anger expression she then clenches her fist

"Does he repent it?" I asked

"Repent is a hope word on that day until right now he never gonna learn a lesson he is still lucky that he was never put Tartarus if you asked." Clarrise said

"I see are you giving me warning about him?" I asked and made her nod

"You see he still angry on your father though he didn't do anything on him and no matter what you do you must I avoid your uncle Zach or don't ever approach him, for you to know who he is this his face." Clarrise said her statement as she gave me a picture.

"Thank you Miss Clarrise." I said

"No need for that Percy is my friend and I have lots of things to owe him, more importantly call me Clarrise only." She said then we heard a strong scream from other campers

"Is the camp has been attack?" I asked

"No the camp wasn't attack it's this tree that again it keeping us more problem." Clarrise said

"I tree inside in camp that attacks you?" I said as I also confuse too

"Yeah it's kinda weird to say also we already found it weird on how it came to grow out of nowhere in the camp, and what's more weird it can move anywhere." Clarrise said

"I don't think that's no ordinary tree it must be a wood nymph and it seems they always do harm it's tree which is her home." I said

"You may point but dryad here would do that if they hurt their tree but this one has it's own rules if you come at close meter on it your will become it's fertilizer, we tried comforting this nymph for so long but no avail we just gave up on it." Clarrise said then it made me realizes something.

"Hold did you also say that the tree can move anywhere." I said

"Yeah why?" Clarrise response to my answer

"That's weird dryad tree don't move anywhere." I said

"You seems expert on these things huh?" Clarrise said

"Well... my mother is also a dryad which makes me expert to them." I said

"Okay I'm impress but less talking let's get going to this tree may you can help us how to stop it's rampage." Clarrise said as she immediately grabs my hand and take me to tree.

As we finally arrived I saw a very big beautiful tree and this doesn't have leaves on it but it was full of pinkish-purple flowering petals and I was as well, then we saw two campers that was wrapped on a very thick roots that has sprouted on the land then we saw lots of camper gathers around even Thalia and the hunter is here to save the two.

I then saw Chiron and says "Nymph please don't hurt them let them go they didn't do anything to harm you please let them go." Chiron said as the tree never listen

Right after the moment the tree sprouted a lots of roots on the ground attack all the campers then all of the campers unsheathe their sword and swing it, to cuts it roots some of the roots manage to capture some campers.

"Nymph please let them go they didn't do anything." Clarrise said as she prepares her spear then a root sprout and it was about to attack Clarrise, luckily I manage to create a water barrier to defend her.

Somehow it stop attacking it let go all of the campers and then one of the roots touches my face it's like it knows.

"What's going on why is that tree stop attacking and why it never attacks Nero?" One of the campers said

"Nero what did you do?" Thalia asked

"I didn't do anything it just somehow feels it knows me." I answered the root returns to the ground

Then all of a sudden  the tree glows very bright then it somehow shrink it size and it forms a body of a woman then the light stops, we saw a woman with a brown hair, grey eyes and pale skin. Her clothes is consisting a dress full of purple flower and she has also a very long white veil with black laces pattern and few purple flowers on it.

Judging on her appearance some campers are charmed on her beautiful face she then walk towards me and touches my face again, then I saw a tears falling down in her eyes

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Judging on her appearance some campers are charmed on her beautiful face she then walk towards me and touches my face again, then I saw a tears falling down in her eyes. 

"Is it true are you really his son?" The nymph asked

"You mean Percy Jackson indeed he is." I answered she then hug me tightly

"You really do have his face after all of course you are." The nymph said she then let go and gave me a smile

"Wait by any chance are you my big sister that father always talked about? Are you Viola?" I said and it made everyone surprised

"What!!!" Every campers screams

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