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"𝓘𝓷𝓯𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓪𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼 𝓫𝓮 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭."

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚎𝚗
𝙸𝚗𝚏𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚔.

Jimin layed awake on his bed. He couldn't help but think about this girl who was responsible for stealing his sleep.

Who was responsible for stealing his heart.

He thought about her face. Her big doe eyes. Her small boopable nose and her plump lips that look so kissable. All he wanted to do was to seal those lips with his.

He thought about her silky long hair. Hair he could run his fingers through, while he hummed a song for her so she could sleep in his arms.

He thought about her little fingers. The fingers he would interwine with his small fingers as they would walk side by side with each other.

He thought about her small waist. The waist he would have his arms around as he would pin her on the wall and make out with her.

He thought of her neck and her collarbone. He would give her countless hickeys over there.

He thought about her legs. Those two heavenly legs. The legs that makes him wanna do sinfull things to her.

He thought about her little mouth that would moan his name as he pleased her at nights and mornings and evenings......anytime of the day.

But then he thought about.....Taehyung.

His friend......but now his biggest enemy.

All he wanted to do was to push him away from her. She is supposed to be his.

Taehyung doesn't even love her as much as Jimin does........right?

He wants to see her......

He wanted to see his fairy's beautiful face.

Quickly opening his laptop he searched her name.

He expected her facebook and instagram account showing up.......but there were articles. Alot of articles actually.

He was shocked when he saw most of them were hate articles.

Articles about her being a slut, a whore, a gold digger.

This wasn't true. Jimin knew it. He felt bad for her for getting so much hate. But it might make it easy for him to get her.

She might get tired of the hate and leave him. Esspecially after knowing Taehyung has never taked legle action against the writers of these articles and hate comments.

He sighed putting his laptop down as he looked at the clock.

There was no point in sleeping now......the sun will probably rise in an hour or so.

He decided to get ready. He had a meeting with Taehyung's company since he wanted some of his models to appear in his idol's music videos.

Will she be there. He hopes so. He wants to see his princess. He wants to see her beautiful smile.


Jimin went to the meeting room. There everyone sat. And one of the chair was empty for him.

As always he was late. Not a big surprise though.

"Jimin my man!" He heard the voice of the man he envies so much as he looked towards him forced the fakest smile he has ever done.

"Taehyung." He said in a fake happy accent. He knew that he doesn't want Taehyung to suspect him in order for him to steal Y/N from him.

And as they sat in the meeting talking about the contract and all the paper work.

The two men who were actually supposed to make a descision were thinking about someone.

The same girl.....they were thinking about the same girl.

In their mind there was nothing but admiration for her.

But one of them was ten steps ahead from the other.

"So sir......Park what do you think." His secretary said finally cutting his thoughts.

"Huh?" He said looking around to see if Taehyung was disappointed but he seemed to be in his own world.

"Yeah I think its perfect." He said not wanting to spend one more minute with this man as he and everyone else got up.

"Jimin.....it was a pleasure doing buisness with you." Taehyung said hugging Jimin as everyone left the meeting room....leaving both of them alone.

And as Jimin was about to speak again he heard her voice......

The voice he had been dreading to listen to since the last time he saw her......he missed her though it had only been less then 24 hours since he last heard it.

He saw Taehyung going stone cold infront of him......


He thought to himself.

He looked behind to see his princess standing in the doorway with a small smile.

She was wearing a red cute blouse with a bow, a black skirt and black knee high boots. Her hair was done in a braid with a few hairs elegently falling on her angelic face. She was wearing light makeup but still looked so attractive.

"Ah.....Y/N." Taehyung said so coldly that it made Jimin shiver.

"Umm.....if you guys are busy-" Y/N started but was interupted by Jimin.

"No not at all Y/N......we would love your company......I was just about to ask Taehyung to have lunch with me......you can come as well." Jimin said as he saw Y/N smile at him.

Then he saw her eyes go towards his friend expectantly as if to ask him of she could come.

Who is Taehyung to tell her what to do.

Jimin really wants Taehyung to not come so he could spend alone time with his princess......

"Sure.....I hope Y/N you are free at the moment." Taehyung asked gathering his things to go with them as Jimin sighed.

"Yes!" She said excitedly as Jimin chukled.

She loves food I guess. Jimin thought to himself. He smiled.

Once you come to me I will give you every food you like.

As they made way to the cafe next to the building.

"So Y/N tell me about yourself." Jimin said to Y/N who was in the middle of both of them.

Taehyung seemed unbothered. So Jimin knew he didn't mind. And honestly he couldn't care less if he did.

"There is not much to know Jimin.....what about you......tell me about yourself." She said innocently to Jimin.

Jimin loved the way she said his name. He loved the way she sounded so innocent. He loved the way her body looked so small next to his.

"Well......what do you want to kn-"

Jimin was interupted by Taehyung.

"Yah! Did you forget I existed." He said playfully and Jimin tried his best not to roll his eyes.

As they entered the cafe and went to sit.

"Y/N sit over here." Both of them said at the same time.

But Taehyung let her sit with Jimin. Because he thought it would be rude if he didn't.

If only he knew that he should've held onto her tighter.....


𝕀𝔽 𝕆ℕ𝕃𝕐 ℍ𝔼 𝕂ℕ𝔼𝕎✓| 𝕂𝕋ℍ 𝔽𝔽.Where stories live. Discover now