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"𝓦𝓮 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓲𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓷 𝔀𝓮 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝔀𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮."

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡
𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚆𝚎 𝙰𝚛𝚎 𝚃𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛.

There she was standing in her yellow dress. Her hair was in a ponytail which made her angelic face more clear.

Her yellow dress reached above her knees and it had sunflowers on it. The sleeves were long.

She had the same smile on her face that Jimin saw that day and it made Jimin want to cherish her even more.

Jimin didn't even realise that he was staring at her for so long until she cleared her throat to signal at him that he was staring at her.

Jimin took of his sunglasses so that he could see his princess a bit better.

"Oh hi you must be miss.....Y/N." Jimin said and mentally scoulded himself for being so awkward.

"Yes sir....how can I help you?" She asked and Jimin's heart fluttered when she spoke so gently.

By being mine....

"Oh actually I wanted to look for a painting for my office.....my friend told me about this gallary having good paintings.....can you help me pick one up." He said and she smiled at him showing off her cute dimples which made his heart melt even more.

"Sure sir come-"
"Jimin......call me Jimin please." He said and winked at her. This made her face heat up and he saw hope that maybe this goddess can be his and not his childhood bestfriend.

As she showed him diffrent paintings he didn't look at one of them. He was to busy staring at the art who was showing her other art.

"So si- I mean Jimin.....which one do you like.....we have a discount sale right now." She asked and looked at Jimin who was already staring at her.

"I dont have taste in art......umm....can you give me one of your favourite....." Jimin said.

It was true he didn't have taste in heart. He also didn't want a painting. He just wanted to see her that is why he came here.

"Well sir I prefer this one.....I painted it myself." She said pointing at a painting.

It was a painting of a sunflower field. It was so beautiful. So lovely and so detailed.

Jimin noticed how she was admiring it.

"So you like sunflowers." He said taking her off guard as she looked at him with a shocked expression.

"How do you know." She asked her shocked expression now exchanged with her lovely smile.

"Oh I just guessed it." Jimin said pointing at the painting and her dress both having the same flower on it.

"Oh and btw I want this painting please." He said making her smile even brighter.

Just then another man came.

The man was tall and had dimples.

"Y/N let me help you." The man said to which Y/N smiled.

She showed him, her smile too.....

And here Jimin thought that he was so special for seeing such a charming smile.

"Umm....no Namjoon....please can you take the other customer?"

She asked and Jimin sighed in relief and silently thanked god for sending a customer at the perfect time.

Namjoon looked at Jimin. Then he looked at Y/N as they exchanged a few unspoken words and Namjoon left.

Namjoon huh?

Jimin wanted to crush this man. What were they talking about with their eyes....and why are both of them so close with each other.

But all these burning questions went away when he saw his princess struggling to take the painting of off the wall.

She looked so tiny. It made him wanna protect her from people who can potentially hurt her. And Kim Taehyung and Namjoon are one of the firsts on his list.

"Oh let me help you...." He said and went closer to her.

She smelled nice even though he wasn't holding her to his chest....he could still smell how pleasant she smelt and this made his heart beat even more.

He held the painting purposly brushing his hands with hers. This small contact making a cage of butteeflies go free in his stomach.

And it was then when he knew that he has helplessly fallen in love with this girl he barely even knew for a week.

As they got the painting down and carried it to the counter, Jimin kept himself from confessing. It would be really weird if he told her, his feelings. She would think of him as a stalker.

And of course he doesn't want her pretty mind to think badly of him.

Once it was time to pay he gave her more money and even though she hesitated he said that it was for her being nice to him and how cute the painting was.

Then she helped him take the painting to the car.

"Thanks Jimin for buying my painting....it means alot to me...." She said.

"Really......I mean your painting is amazing.....I am pretty sure people would love to buy it."

He said and noticed that her face went from bright to upset in just a few milliseconds.

"Hey whats wrong?" He asked gently keeping the urge of embracing her aside.

"I just.......nevermind." She said and smiled at him but he knew it was fake.

"Even if we dont know each other for long....think of me as someone who can be a shoulder when you cry." Jimin said coming closer to her.

"Umm...its nothing....no one really told me that I am a good artist." She said fiddling with her fingers which in Jimin's opinion was so adorable.

"Well maybe I am the only one who is not blind." He said and was about to hold her hand when....

"Oi Jimin...."

He heard a voice that he loved but now he envys him so much.

"Oh my god Taehyung...how are you." He said in a fake cheerful voice as he hugged him.

But when Taehyung hugged him so tightly he felt guilty for stabbing him in the back and being the most snaky friend....but he at the same time envied him so much for having everything better than him.

"Fine." He said and then eyed Y/N suspiciously who was a bit taken aback by me knowing him.

"Oh Taehyung....I was just here to buy a painting." Jimin said.

"Oh hi Y/N." Taehyung said and Jimin couldn't help but notice his voice going cold when he addressed her.

But Y/N smiled and hugged him tightly making Jimin's heart ache in jealousy.

Oh how he wished he was Taehyung right now.

As they broke the hug she looked at me.

"I didn't know you guys knew each other."

"Me and Jimin have been friends for as long as I remember."

Jimin nodded at Taehyung.

"Oh well Jimin me and Y/N are going somewhere so see you later.....how about we hang out tomorrow."

If only he knew how his own bestfriend secretly hates him....


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