Ch.11: Deku vs. AFO pt.2

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*Takes a deep breath* "It's time for round 2, AFO!!!"

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" AFO exclaimed.

"W-what happened to Izuku?" Midnight asked surprised.

"I don't know, but one thing's for sure he got a lot stronger than before maybe even more powerful than Allmight." Aizawa answered shocked himself.

AFO swiftly dashed towards Izuku with a quirk powered attack but Izuku evaded it with minimanal movement. Izuku then counter attacked by burying his palm on AFO's abdomen.

Izuku: "One for All.....Resonanse!"

Izuku's attack send series of violent vibrations to AFO's body rupturing most of his internal organs. AFO couldn't take it anymore, moved back to regain his footing.

'W-what was that?' AFO questioned in his mind.

Thanks to the villain's quirk for rapid regeneration, he gradually mended himself and his damaged organs.

"That attack of yours really did a number on me." AFO mocked Izuku.

"That was only the beginning, there's more to come. Now come at me." Izuku answered in a surprisingly calm demeanor.

AFO got enraged by Izuku's provocations causing him to make a reckless action, he let his guard down.

Izuku took this chance to run to AFO and give him a devastating blow to the face.


Izuku punched AFO so hard in the face it made a fist shaped hole in the villains face as he got pummeled to the ground. Izuku kept releasing a barrage of seemingly lethal attacks to AFO as he was pinned to the ground.
The villain could only defend for his life as Izuku didn't give him any chance to fight back. AFO's regeneration abilty also became useless as the damage Izuku dealt is too much for his regeneration to keep up to.

"Izuku can win this!" Nemuri prayed.

"I sure do hope so." Aizawa hoped.

"Midoriya sure got in a whole 'nother level." Nezu added.

Izuku kept attacking in hope to finish it as quickly as possible. Just when Izuku was about land the finishing blow, he suddenly got punched in the face sending him flying towards the building. Izuku's sides got pierced by a metal pipe upon crashing.

"Izuku!" Nemuri exclaimed.

"Don't, it's dangerous!" Nezu warned.


"Just stay calm." Aizawa said trying to calm Nemuri down.

Nemuri just took a deep breath as she composed herself.

Back to Izuku......

'Shit! My body can't hold out any longer!' Izuku screamed in his mind.

"If I didn't make that counter attack, I should be dead by now. that was your only chance." AFO said as his heavy injuries started healing itself.

"Now just stay there, I'll deal with you after I'm done with these heroes." AFO said as he started approaching the said heroes.

Aizawa and the other pro heroes took their fighting stance ready to face Allmight's sworn enemy.

'Come on my body!! Don't fail me now!!' Izuku yelled in his thoughts as he tried to get his sides out of the metal pipe.

He winced in pain as he let his body slid up from the pipe. After a few more seconds of agony Izuku finally got himself out. His body felt so heavy due to him pushing it to the limits upon releasing his quirk.

(Izuku's quirk is called 'Maximum Amplification'. It enables him to enhance almost anything from him, may it be strength, hearing, eyesight, reaction speed and it can even enhace a person's quirks to it's greatest potential. That enables Izuku to let out One for All's maximum potential. It's only downside is that it rapidly consumes his stamina.)

"I don't know if my body can last for a bit longer but fuck it, I'm going to risk it all in this one punch!" Izuku said in a heavy voice.

Izuku once again activated his 'Ashura Mode' and powered up for one final smash. After he accumulated enough strength he dashed to AFO at insane speed while clenching his bleeding fist, his muscles started tearing apart as his body's condition is already way past his limits but Izuku ignored the unexplanable pain and still goes for the attack.

"ALL FOR ONEE!!!!" Izuku shouted gaining AFO's attention.

"So you still won't give up huh?!" AFO yelled as he also goes for the attack.

Both their fists clashed making a surge of violent winds knocking everything back. Cementos however made a wall to shield the pro heroes from the attack.

Their attack was evenly matched but due to Izuku's exhausted body, AFO quickly took the lead.

"Just give up already!" AFO shouted.

"To the likes of you?! Never!!" Izuku responded as he is struggling to maintain his balance.

"Then die!!" AFO yelled as he put all of his strength to crush Izuku to the ground.

Izuku hadn't given up and still holding his ground but his back is slowly being pushed into the ground.

'Am I really going to let it end like this?!' Izuku thought as blood came out of his nose, eyes, mouth and ears.

"This is goodbye!" AFO smirked.

'Izuku.' A soothing voice called out to Izuku's mind.

'Mom? Is that you?' Izuku asked in his mind.

'You can't give up, you can do it. You're my son after all.'

Those words in Izuku's mind made his eyes light up again. Izuku gritted his teeth and yelled.


"What is this strength?! Impossible!!" AFO exclaimed as he noticed Izuku's sudden explosive strength.


"W-wait!! Me losing to a kid?" AFO yelled.


"AHHH, I won't accept thi-!!" AFO couldn't finish his statement as his whole body got blown into nothingness.

Izuku's smash caused the whole area to shakeviolently as the clouds cleared out making the sun come out and shine it's light to a battered up Izuku holding up his broken left arm to the skies.

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