Ch.15: Farewell

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In RG's private hospital.......

"Izuku are you asleep?" RG asked as she walked inside Izuku's room.

"Yes I am RG." Izuku answered while sitting in his bed.

RG: "How are you feeling right now?"

Izuku: "Well, same as ever."

"I'm sorry if I can't do anything, I even thought Eri could save but even her quirk is deemed useless." RG apologized.

"You don't have to apologize for anything, besides Eri also did her best. By the way, how is she right now? Izuku said.

"After she failed to heal you, she won't stop crying and demanded to stay with you so we had no choice but to put her to sleep." RG answered.

Izuku: "Is that so, I hope Eri won't blame herself for this though. She's already like a precious daughter to me so it pains me to see her cry."

RG: "Are you going back to school tomorrow?"

"Yes I will try. I can't possibly waste the remaining time of my life holed in this room now can I?" Izuku joked.

"You still have the energy to joke around. It seems your body can still last for about a weeks at most." RG said as she shook her head.

"It seems so, but it's just a pity that I can't accompany the girls to the amusement park at this rate." Izuku sadly smiled.

"I already made an excuse to them about setting your date earlier so maybe you can still make it." RG informed.

"Is that so, thank you RG." Izuku smiled.

"It's the least I can do." RG answered.
The next morning.......

"Good morning girls." Izuku tried to sound enthusiastic even though his body is very weak already.

"A-ah good morning to you too Izuku." the girls replied.

"What happened? why does all your eyes look bloodshot?" Izuku asked.

The girls panicked for a bit but Momo interuppted by saying that they watched a sad movie yesterday and they got hooked in.

"Is that so, is the movie really that sad to make you look like that?" Izuku snickered.

'How can you still smile to us like that Izuku, even though you're suffering.' the girls cried in their minds.

"Girls, is something the matter?" Izuku asked a bit worried.

"I-it's nothing Izuku." the girls replied.

Izuku: "If you say so."

"Izuku, about our date can we move it to next week?" Mina asked trying to hold back her tears.

'Next week? Maybe I can still make it.'

"Of course, are you that excited? Izuku smiled.

"You can say it like that." the girls replied.

The classes started as usual and in the blink of an eye, the time of their first date together has already came.

Before Izuku showed up, he asked RG for one last favor and that is to take care of his mother, secondly is to condense all his remaining vitality for this one day together with the girls to make this the happiest moment of his life. RG complied to his requests without any second thought.
At the amusement park.....

Momo, Hagakure, Mina, Tsuyu, Jiro, Setsuna, Itsuka, Yui and, Nemuri are currently gathered on one spot outside the park together with their best clothing worn.

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