Ch.13: Bitter

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Its now lunchtime and the girls are currently accompanying Izuku for lunch. A few moments later as they were eating, Itsuka, Yui and, Setsuna arrived.

"That's not nice of you to leave us out on this." Itsuka teased.

"Yeah." the other two added.

"It's not our fault you're late." Momo defended.

"Now now guys, let's just eat." Izuku interrupted.

The girls then agreed and shared one table to eat. Yui then started to talk about how Izuku is doing as he was out of school for a week. Izuku responded that he was just healing his injuries during the fight with the villains. All the students weren't informed that Izuku was the one who went toe to toe with All for One. They were given the information that Izuku only helped fight the minor villains that Allmight and the other pro heroes dealt with AFO via Izuku's request to avoid further problems.

"You look so different right now Izuku, won't you agree guys?" Mina said.

"Yeah especially with that long hair of yours." Tsuyu added.

Jiro: "Yeah, you only became more handsome with that new look."

Izuku: "T-thank you."

*clap hands* "Okay guys let's stop chattering and finish our lunches now since afternoon classes will be soon." Momo said.

After they ate, the girls went back on their respective classes. Izuku didn't go with them as he said that he still have some place to go first. Izuku walked and finally stopped at the staff's office. As usual, it was empty during this time except for one, Midnight's working station.

"Nemuri?" Izuku said trying to wake up the sleeping Midnight.

Midnight then slowly opened her eyes only to be met with Izuku's emerald pupils.

"I-Izuku?!" Midnight exclaimed as she hugged Izuku while tears flowed out of her eyes.

"Yeah, it's me." Izuku answered hugging the crying Midnight back.

They embraced each other for another thirty seconds then parted away.

"Are you okay now? Does it still hurt anywhere?" Midnight asked wiping her tears away.

"I'm fine now, you don't have to worry." Izuku said kissing her forehead.

"That's a relief." Midnight smiled.

Izuku: "I came to check out on how you're doing. You're in a much worse condition than I thought."

Midnight's eyes are now dried up due to crying multiple times and eye bags under her eyes which is visible even with her mask on.

"It's your own fault, I thought I was gonna lose you that time. I couldn't sleep properly all week thinking about how you're doing." Midnight said on the verge of tearing up again.

"Don't cry, it's not you're fault. I'm sorry for putting you in this state." Izuku embraced Nemuri again.

Midnight: "Can you promise to stay with me, with us forever?"


Midnight: "Izuku?"

"A-ahh, yes." Izuku answered as his voice cracked a bit.

"Are you okay Izuku." Midnight asked abit worried.

"I'm okay........I'm okay." Izuku answered embracing Midnight in his chest to not let her see his face right now.

Midnight: "Well, you have to get back to you're classroom, classes are about to start."

"Can we stay just like this for a little longer?" Izuku requested still hugging Midnight.

"O-okay." Midnight blushed.

As they were embracing each other, Midnight felt something warm trickled on her shoulders but just ignored it and just hugged Izuku.

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