Ch.14: Truth

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Izuku went back to his classroom after seeing Midnight. The afternoon session started. After class, the girls suggested that they should have a date together to the new opened amusement park . The girls were excited with their plan. Izuku just listened to their fun conversation with a smile on his face.

"Izuku, is something the matter?" Momo asked.

"It's nothing, just continue with your talk." Izuku replied.

"So what about it Izuku, are you excited for the date next month?" Mina asked excitedly.

"Next month?!" Izuku exclaimed.

"Yeah, don't you like it?" Hagakure asked.

Izuku: "N-no it's just that...."

Jiro: "What?"

"N-never mind, it's nothing." Izuku awkwardly laughed.

Tsuyu: "You seem to be out of it since this morning kero~."

"Yeah." Itsuka added.

"Is it because of your fight with the villains?" Yui asked.

Izuku couldn't help but clench his fist behind his back to avoid them seeing it.

"It's really nothing, just continue with your plans. I have to go first, I still have to have a check up to catch up to with RG." Izuku said while hiding his bleeding fist.

"Okay Izuku, we'll just inform you tomorrow." Momo said waving at Izuku.

Izuku: "Y-yeah."

Izuku then started walking out of the classroom leaving the girls behind.

Izuku only came back to school for a few days and was absent again today.

After class in Class 2A's classroom....

Momo: "What happened to Izuku?"

Jiro: "I don't know, he didn't even contact any of us for days."

Hagakure: "Maybe he wants to rest for a bit longer?"

Tsuyu: "But that's no reason to not infrom any of us kero~."

Mina: "Something must have happened."

Setsuna: "Don't say something like that, what if you jinx it."

"You really want to know what happened?" RG said as she walked inside the room.

"RG, what do you mean by that?" Yui asked.

"It seems Izuku didn't tell you anything form the looks of it." RG said as she swayed her head side by side.

Momo: "Do we have to know something?"

"Before I start to talk, don't you ever mention this to Midoriya and secondly bring Midnight and also Uraraka here, she needs to hear it."

Momo then created a large speaker and announced Uraraka's name to come to the classroom as the students just left a minute ago so she might still be on school grounds. Uraraka heard it and came back to know why she was called. After she went to the classroom and opened it, she saw the girls including Midnight together with RG.

RG: "It seems you are here Uraraka."

Uraraka: "Is there something you want my audience with?"

RG: "Yes, it's something about Midoriya."

"What does it have to do with me?" Uraraka asked quite pissed upon hearing Izuku's name.

"Because it does have something to do with you so could you please sit down and listen." RG replied.

Uraraka then unwillingly sat down together with the other girls.

Midnight: "So RG, what's this thing about Izu?"

"Midoriya told me to not disclose any of this matter to anyone especially to you bunch but I can't stand to not say anything anymore." RG started.

Jiro: "So Izuku really is hiding something from us."

RG: "Sadly yes, as you can already notice Izuku can not be seen anywhere for the day days because he is in my secret private hospital resting."

"Resting? I thought he was already feeing better." Midnight said quite worried.

RG: "It's the opposite actually, his condition is getting worse as time pass by."

Mina: "No! That can't possibly be true."

Momo: "Please don't lie to us RG, please."

RG: "I know it's hard to believe but it's the truth, the reason Izuku is in the hospital right now is because he can now even barely walk. During his fight with AFO, he depleted his lifespan by a whole lot."

"AFO?! I thought Allmight was the one who defeated him?!" Hagakure exclaimed.

"W-what do you mean by dpleted his lifespan?" Midnight stuttered as she is trying to hold back her tears.

RG: "Izuku was the one who confronted AFO and the price to pay for his actions is the draining of his vitality fron overusing his quirk to defeat AFO."

"No! Tell me you're just messing with us!" Momo pleaded as tears fell form her onyx eyes.

The rest of the girls couldn't help but burst in tears as they just learned of something very painful. Even Ochako felt a bit of sadness upon hearing it.

RG: "Uraraka, you must be wondering as to why it involves you, truth to be told Izuku already sacrificed his lifespan before. Remember when you are still first years? When you were attacked by a very powerful villain outside of school grounds, it was Izuku who came to your rescue. At that time Izuku sacrificed his lifespan to defeat the villain to save you. Luckily when I treated Izuku after that, I managed to restore half of his vitality saving his life. Izuku also kept it a secret from you because he doesn't want you to feel guilty of anything."

Upon hearing those words, Uraraka burst into tears as she remembered all of the painful things that she said about him. Guilt overcame her whole body as she just cried her eyes out.

RG: "When Izuku fought AFO, he already prepared to lay his life on the line to protect all of you and he did. Izuku fought until his body gave up on him and kept pushing his limits to protect everyone he cares about."

The whole classroom was filled with cries as the floor got wet from tears falling out of everyone.

"I know how painful it is to know this but I have to tell you, Midoriya may not last a whole month as to how his condition is deteriorating rapidly." RG said as she bit her lips until it bled.

"A-a month?!" Momo exclaimed.

"Can't you do soemthing about this RG?!" Midnight pleaded.

"I'm sorry but I've done the best I can already, it's even a miracle that he is still alive right now, probably because of what he promised you." RG said in an apologetic tone.

"Our date to the amusement park?" Setsuna exclaimed as she covered her mouth with her hands.

"He would even push himself so hard for that?!" Yui cried.

"It's my own fault! If only I was strong enough!" Midnight said as she blamed her own powerlessness.

"S-so that means, Izuku is gonna leave us?!" Tsuyu's voice cracked on realization.

Everyone went wide eyed as they cried their eyes out in knowing the painful truth.

"If you're still up for it, can you set your date by next weekend? It may be the last time you're going to be with him so might as well make the best of it. I can work something out for him be in great condition that day, that's the only thing I can offer you. I'm going to be leaving first, make sure not to tell Midoriya about what I told you." RG said in a sad tone as she walked out of the room.

RG left the rest of the girls in the classroom with their eyes red from crying and their look of sadness in knowing Izuku's going to leave them sooner or later.

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