Ch.3: Thank You

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~?? POV~

I'm now on my way to the cafeteria to find a certain green haired student. Upon reaching the cafeteria, I saw the class-2A eating their lunches but no sight of the freckled teen anywhere.

"Um excuse me, do you happen to see Izuku anywhere?" I asked to one of Izuku's classmate.

Iida: "Oh sensei, if I remember correctly he must still be in the classroom because he remained there when we got out to have lunch."

Tsuyu: "But why are you asking that sensei?~kero?"

"U-um nothing, just continue with your lunches I'll be going now." I replied a bit flustered.

Iida: "If you say so, see you around sensei."

"Y-yeah." I said as I started walking to Izuku's classroom.

Upon arrival, I opened the door and I saw Izuku napping on his desk while rubbing his stomach. The loud growling from his stomach made me conclude that he is terribly hungry. I then approached his desk and called out his name.

"Izuku are you awake?"

Izuku grunted and started to open his eyes and then we made eye contact. It made me blush a little to see his beautiful emerald eyes staring directly at me.

Izuku: "Midnight-sensei, w-what seems to be the problem?"

"The growling of your stomach can be heard all across the school you know." I sighed.

Izuku blushed out of embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry sensei, it's just that I'm short on money right now." Izuku replied to me while scratching his nape.

"Come with me." I said.

Izuku: "For what Midnight-sensei?"

"No more questioning, just accompany me for a bit." I insisted.

Izuku then started to follow me to the staff's room. Luckily there was no one in the room besides us two. When we arrived, I pulled out a bento in my drawer.

"Eat it first and then we'll talk."

Izuku: "B-but what about your lunch sensei?"

"Just eat it, dont worey about me I can just buy something later."

Izuku: "T-then thank you for the food."

Izuku started eating slowly. I was mesmerized just by looking at him, he looks like a little rabbit while eating the bento.

"So how does it taste?" I asked excited for his answer.

"It's very delicious." Izuku replied smiling at me.

I felt my heart about to explode from happiness hearing those words from him.

"R-right!?, I'm the one who made that you know." I said with a smug look.

Izuku: "Wow, the person who can be your husband would be a very lucky person."

"H-husband!?" I instinctively yelled while blushing madly.

Izuku: "Yes, I think you would make a great wife someday."

"If only you could be that husband Izuku." I murmured to myself.

Izuku: "Did you say something sensei?"

"N-no don't mind me and just continue eating your lunch."

Izuku continued eating his food and after a few minutes, he was finished.

Izuku: "So sensei, what is it you want to talk about me?"

"W-well, I know this topic might sound personal but I can't just watch idly by and do nothing about it!"

Izuku: "About what?"

"Yesterday I saw you walk in a love hotel with a woman and I observed you for a while. After that I got a hint of what you are doing." I said with a straight face.

Izuku gave me the wide eyed look after hearing me say those words.

"So I've been found out huh?" Izuku replied while looking down with a saddened expression.

"As your teacher, I can't let you do something like that just for money! Your parents must be irresponsible as to leave you like that."

My statement triggered something on Izuku as he stood up with a pissed expression. This surprised me to see Izuku like that.

"While I'm happy that you offered me lunch but If you badmouth my mom I will not forgive you, and also you know nothing about me!!" Izuku shouted at me with an angry look.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just very worried for you." I said trying to calm Izuku down.

Izuku then took a deep breath and sat down once again.

"I apologize I shouldn't have said that." I started.

Izuku: "I'm sorry too sensei I also shouldn't have shouted at you."

"Don't mention it, you have the right to. By the way could you explain to me what you're going through right now if its okay for you?"

Izuku nodded signaling me yes. He then started explaining to me his circumstances.

Izuku: " *breaths* When I was four,my father left me and my mom because he deemed me as as a worthless son because I was quirkless.
After he left, he never contacted us again. My mom still tried to be positive and cheer me up in whichever way she can. We lived a pretty normal life just the both of us. I experienced bullying at school everyday for years but I just kept it a secret from my mom to not let her worry and not give her any problems.
Everything was going normal until when I was still in middle school, me and my mom went to go shopping for groceries when a villain suddenly attacked. The villain spotted me and was about to hit me but my mom shielded me using her body causing her to take the hit. My mom laid on the ground bloodied and unconscious and the villain was about to attack me again but fortunately the heroes appeared and the villain was subdued. My mom was raced to the hospital immediately. I just looked at her with teary eyes not knowing what to do. When the doctor got out of the operating room he explained to me that my mother is not in danger's way anymore but in a coma and it's not certain when she'll wake up. I've done everything I can to save up money for her hospital fees since we have no other relatives. I took multiple part-time jobs to also cover for the house expenses but it's still not enough. That is when I met a certain person and introduced me to my job now. I know it's a very shameless work but I have to do it to survive and also pay for my mother. You can judge me all you want but I don't regret going to this path."

After hearing Izuku's past, I couldn't help but tear up and hugged him tightly like there's no tomorrow.

"It's okay Izuku, I'm not going to judge you. I didn't know you had such a painful past." I said sobbing while hugging him.

Izuku hugged me back and gently patted my back. It was soothing, I felt I was the one getting comforted right now. He is much more of an adult than I am.

"You don't need to do that kind of work anymore! I'm going to support you with anything I can." I said breaking the hug.

Izuku: "I appreciate your kindness but I can't make problems for you."

"No I insist, I have plenty of salary from my hero work and being a teacher here so you don't have to feel guilty." I replied.

Izuku: "But-"

"No buts! It's one of my responsibility as a hero to help anyone in need and also because it's you" I murmured the last part.

Izuku: "What what that sensei, I couldn't quite hear the last part?"

"T-that was nothing, do do you accept my help?" I replied while blushing.

Izuku: "If it isn't much of a bother, I appretiate your help sensei."

"You should get going now, afternoon classes are about to start." I said while looking at the clock.

Izuku: "Your right, I should probably get going. Thank you sensei."

"Don't mention it, see you later."

Izuku then walked out of the staff room and started heading to his classroom to attend afternoon classes.

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