Ch.5: The Search

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It was now time for the students to eat lunch. Everyone arrived at the cafeteria except a few which are Katsuki, Todoroki and, Momo. They had gone outside to look for Izuku.
The three of them split up to search everywhere Izuku might be but no luck.

They then met up after minutes of searching.

"Have you seen Deku yet?" Katsuki asked.

"No I have not." Todoroki replied.

"I looked everywhere but I failed to find him." Momo responded.

"I see, I think he needs some time alone right now." Katsuki sighed.

Momo: "You seem to be aware of Izuku's situation."

Todoroki: "Yeah, mind telling us what's really happening."

Katsuki : "I promised Izuku to never reveal this to anyone but things had escalated to this point so might as well tell you two."

Momo/Todoroki: "I'm all ears."

Katsuki then started talking about Izuku's life and how he's suffering right now. After hearing those words from Katsuki's mouth, Momo couldn't help but tear up as she never knew Izuku was suffering like that. Todoroki just hung his head in pity.

"Why didn't he tell me anything? I could have helped if I knew." Momo said still crying.

Katsuki: "That's the thing, that idiot is too kind-hearted to shamelessly involving someone on his problem. Even I offered to help but he refused me."

Todoroki: "It's true, he is indeed a kind person."

Momo: "Why didn't Ochako know any of this? Seriously she's Izuku's girlfriend!"

Katsuki: "You think that round-face would give a shit about Izuku? Have you ever seen her treat Izuku as a proper boyfriend?!"

Momo: "Now that I think about it, she does seem like she doesn't care about Izuku at all. She always hang out with the girls and only rarely be with Izuku if they go shopping or eat at a high class restaurant."

Todoroki: "I also noticed different expensive accessories on her from time to time saying those are all from Izuku.

Katsuki: "That bitch only cared about the things Izuku gave her. She doesn't care even when Izuku is starving in a corner."

Momo: "What do you mean by that?"

Katsuki: "Huh? Haven't you noticed that sometimes Izuku is not eating with us at the cafeteria?"

Todoroki: "You don't mean?"

Katsuki: "Yes, one time I caught him stuffing himself up by drinking water from the school faucet to rid him of his growling stomach."

This made Momo cry even more. She couldn't hold back her tears anymore as she just covered her mouth in shock.

Todoroki was mad at Uraraka for what she's doing to Izuku.

"Let's get back as afternoon classes are about to start. Let's continue our seach later." Katsuki said.

"You two go back first, I'm going to look for him for a little bit longer. I'll catch up to you later." Momo responded wiping her tears away.

Todoroki: "Okay, contact us if you find him."

Momo: "Will do."

Katsuki and Todoroki ran towards U.A while Momo came to look for her classmate/crush again.

It's getting cloudy as rain fell from the sky yet Momo still didn't stop. She was stopped in her tracks when she spotted a familiar black haired boy with green highlights laying on the cold, wet ground unconscious in a nearby alleyway.


Momo then hurriedly came to Izuku's location. She noticed Izuku was covered with cuts and bruise.

"Izuku what happened?!" Momo panicked as she held Izuku.


Izuku is walking in the said alleyway when thugs bumped into him. Izuku just kept walking aimlessly when suddenly.

Thug 1: "Hey kid, Stop right there."

Izuku didn't respond as he just kept walking.

The thug got furious as he grabbed Izuku's shoulder and punched him in the face making Izuku fall down.

Thug 2: "Is that how you treat your elder brat?!"

Thug 1: "You bumped into us so you should compensate for the damage."

"Hey look, does this brat even have emotions?" the thug said as he pointed at Izuku's lifeless eyes.

Thug 2: "Hey! You heard me or what?!"

Izuku still hadn't responded as he just sat there looking at the thugs with dead eyes.

"What are you looking at?!" the thug yelled as he kicked Izuku in the stomach.

Thug 2: "Might as well beat him up."

The two thugs kept punching and kicking Izuku for who know how long. Izuku didn't even bother to defend himself as he took all the hits with open arms. After they finished beating Izuku up, they stole his wallet and his phone and walked away.

~Flashback end~

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