Ch.10: The Bitter Past

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"Long time no see.......Code: ZIPPEL."

Those words let out by AFO ringed loudly on Izuku's head making him in a lot of pain.

"I can't believe you're living your life peacefully right now, that's so unlike you." AFO laughed.

"W-what are you spouting?! Why am I having this surge of memories within me?!" Izuku shouted squeezing his head.

"It seems you don't remember, well then let me help you." AFO said as he instantly telepoted infront of Izuku and placed his hand on Izuku's head.

in Izuku's mind...

~flashback~ (back when Izuku was 4)

"P-please stop, it hurts so much!" Izuku pleaded while crying as multiple tubes got imbedded in his small and malnourished body.

"Are you sure about this sir, if we continue any longer the kid might not last." a scientist informed AFO.

"Continue, his quirk is very benefical for me, do anything you can to take it." AFO said.

"What happened to the boy's mother?" the scientist asked.

"Why are you asking so much question, isn't it obvious that we got rid of her." AFO said annoyed.

"I-im sorry." the scientist apologized.

(It seems Izuku's quirk cannot be taken by AFO forcefully no matter how many times he tries so he ordered the scientists who worked under him to find a way to take it.)

The scientist just looked at the child Izuku with an apologetic face while whispering: "I'm sorry child."

After hearing those, Izuku's tears just streamed out of his eyes as he felt like the whole world has abandoned him.

Many months had passed as Izuku get experimented every single day. Everyday he would cry from pain but as time gradually passed by his face doesn't have any life in them anymore.
Izuku just looked like a puppet that is used without any feelings.

After two years of finding a way to take his quirk, the scientists still couldn't come up with a solution. AFO got frustrated but told the scientists to nurture him and make Izuku a living weapon for the LOV's use. The LOV trained Izuku's quirk and killing all his emotions in the process making Izuku the perfect embodiment of a true lethal weapon. After 4 years of hellish training, Izuku is now being given a mission to assassinate one of the government's higher up's.

Izuku just nodded in acceptance, but before Izuku left the scientist who experimented on him urged Izuku to have a smal conversation with him before he leaves. Izuku agreed to the scientists requests.

"Code:Zippel, do you want to get out of this hellhole of a place?" the scientist eagerly asked.

"Why would I want that, my whole existence is for the LOV's dispensable use." Izuku replied with expressionless face.

"Please, you have to get out of here I beg you. I can't stand to watch a child like you to suffer any longer." the scientist begged as he hugged Izuku while crying.

Izuku just stood there emotionlessly. He didn't know what to do, he had long forgotten what human feelings are so he is foreign to these things now.

Izuku: "Why are you crying?"

Scientist: "It's because I care for you."

Izuku: "Care?"

"Yes, so I want you to ge-.."

The scientist got cut off when the announcement came off.


Izuku: "I have to go now."

"Wait!" the scientist stopped Izuku.

The scientst put his palm on Izuku's chest as a strange light came out of it.

"What did you do?" Izuku asked.

"Trust me you'll see soon enough." the scientist smiled warmly.

Izuku just shrugged it of and proceeded to complete his given task. Izuku is now on his way to eliminate his target together with two LOV members when suddenly he felt a pain in his chest. Izuku got stopped on his tracks as he held his chest in pain. He collapsed on the ground while sweating profusely. The other two who are with him checked if he is okay. When they are about to touch him, Izuku quickly swung his left arm and their heads went flying as the light of the moon got mixed with the color of blood.

Izuku was yelling in constant pain as his emotions slowly returns to him.

"What's happening to me?!" Izuku screamed while struggling to stand up properly.

Then suddenly, a voice in his mind can be heard.

~By the time you hear this you must already regained back your emotions, I'm sorry for what I've done to you I hope you forgive me. I also saved your mother, she is currently in a hospital in the city, I will also rewrite some of you memories to help you forget all about this hell you've been through. I hope you live a good life this time and once again I'm sorry~

"W-wait, doctor what did you do to me?!" Izuku asked while holding his head.

He didn't get a response as he just laid unconscious in the cold ground.

~flashback end~

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